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Danger of Islam!

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Forkbender a dit:
I was referring to the fact that the majority of people don't stand up and do something. They live in secret, as if they are not at peace with themselves and their peers and don't do anything about their situation.

Would you?

Representing the oh so called face that stands up for the voice of revolution, wouldn't even encourage me for a second. I personally can't even identify myself with those who tend to do. And neither with those who are merely in able to adapt in a seat of control. It are two pendants of the same heart. They're equivalent in their locomotion. What makes one good and the other one bad is the platform and motive they're operating from. As for their nature itself, both of the same value.

As you said, their situation. It's classified as drastic with your sensory perception, which is foreign to them. There's no way to tell whether their internal surface is having peace or not.

Religion is a very weak realm to connect the individual with God, from our perspective. But with far more ignorance, religion is a powerful mind elevator with an unimaginable potency to bring people into mystical states.

Oppression only exists when one comes a point where belief and magic are decreased in their potency. As long as there's sufficient belief, oppression is invisible and belief itself is freedom.
Hehe Bru... you know I don't agree about that.

I told you many times, you probably mean faith, not beleif. And if you look closely at the beginning of each of those texts, you will the the "creator" being replaced swiftly by "the lord" as if he was the same, but he's definately not refered to with the same name.

You have many religion mixed (or manipulated) to look like one.

There is nothing wrong with the religion of the one all that is god and the creator principle. It basically tells you into words that if you have faith that this matric will end, everything will be so clear that you can never be fooled because you heart will tell you what is good.

That literally means that you will never do mischief, or harm anyone even in the non-physical. It means that if you are attacked however, you will not harm yourself in doing nothing.

You have to realise not everyone is implicated... there are some natives living peacefully in the forest without having accepted any of the comforts or the "matrix" or the "couch" of modern society. These have simply no implication.

There are those families that have been farmers for centuries, they did not contribute much to the violent karma, but they only worked for their own people, so by doing nothing they owe a little effort. But this is a different effort than the family who has knowingly exploited parts of this system to live the great life, or the warrior that fought for those ideals thinking they were holy while he himself didn't even profit much from the fruits of his actions.

You cannot put them all in one bag, it's like bags in bags, books in books.

The problem with "magic" and if you connect magic with beleif you have a deadly non-physical force. The problem is that magic that has powr over other people was never intended to exist, even though the witches and whatnot tought they were using it agains the religion or the church, their power would not exist without the matrix, so they even have worse implication than many in this.

This is very sad to see so many people have felt a magic power that came magically and didn't even ask themselves where it came from ; they just answered themselves "oh it must come from nature" but had no scientific knowledge to realise nature itself had been manipulated.

This is straight from the Quran Restin ! Shocking isn't it ?

He is not mentioned as the serpant there, but there is an obvious link with the holy bible here.
so the Quaran also has Adam and Eve? Yes, indeed very similar and very interesting. Nonetheless, the change of Serpent to Satan is very crucial...
Satan and Lucifer are supposedly not the same... Lucifer is refered to as Enki in the babylonian tablets, the one who created adam by genetic manipulation.

He is the serpant that comes tell them eating the amanita will make them wise and be able to tell the difference between good and bad.

Lucifer is the brigner of light, Satan is the great deceiver. Both sons of the "creator".

Lucifer is a wigned dragon that can create his own bliss, Satan is the wingless dragon that must have his bliss by collecting it from people who "adore" him.
Ahua, ironically I wasn't refering to particulary religion, but belief to a widened field. Politics, social intercourse etc. Cleary speaking, an opinion is a belief as well.

Belief is the drawn path to live, but inherent also the start for movements in order to serve one's will or the will of the group one is representing. Attempting to bend the thoughts of opposite views that is. Therefore, will might make up and judge whether belief is used for the better or the worse.

With standing up, even if the revolution is in accordance with what almost everyone thinks, eye-witnesses are taught about how belief can be used to obtain, what the drift of the will is asking. And we know how far we humans are willing to go for our will in almost every (insignificant) event.

Also, changing one's will through proposing plural ways to think and sense might eliminate freedom which one is experiencing untill then within his or her inner self. Doubt and fear occur and it's known not be a challenge for everyone to re-obtain freedom again through a more complicated construct.

It won't do any harm to be merely aware of this concept.

I'm not naive and will not spread these thoughts on a larger scale and in no way I want it to be a rule, but my impression was that this thread needed this addition of awareness anyway.

Faith to me, is something much more than being into a conviction. It actually is something to me which makes the holder of it very accessible for the acceptance of non-autonomous insights.
On the contrary, faith is the autonomous power, it's just used by religion as a justification for improbable jurisdictions.

The life of Yogi Neelkanth from india demonstrates exactly that ; he left his house at age 11 with not any concepts in his mind, free from all dogma, and became a saint with resolve powerful enough to unite people of all colors and religions.

http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/feat ... india.html

Faith can be equalled with self similarity ; the ability to steer one's wormhole of energy or chi and be recursive while holding no secrets.

It's not mysticism as the movie seems to underline, it can be explained physically and thats what most of the physics of Dan Winter speaks about ; no wonder the merovingian societies want him in prison for not keeping the mystical secrets, well, secret.
Endless binding of the 6 protons and 6 neutrons.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
To add upon that... do you see how the books you critique so much UNITE the people of all major monotheistic religions.

It's like an open book for all of humanity.

No I do not see that at all. It doesn't unite people. All the terrible wars, and troubles of our world for centuries are ample evidence that these books do not unite people. And for those they supposedly 'unite', taking Islam, for example, we see this 'unite' is enforced through an extremely inhuman shariah law

[quote:3dusb5up]Simply it says :

Here are very special people with great potential, but their unity was not in all planes of reality, and god sees this, that they do good things in their life but never learned spiritual exploration like the indians which allows for a peaceful lucid dreaming life.

Haven't a clue what you are meaning here. It all sounds idealistic and unfounded. What do you mean Indians lead a 'peaceful lucid dreaming life'...? For which Indians? There is awful poverty in India and the caste system.

So god gave them a creator, a book and he exposed it all to the natives of the world, saying basically :

So 'god' gave them a 'creator'?? What 'god'. The whole point is that it is male elites who have written these books to manipulate people, and protect a status quo

Here, they cannot say I have not warned them in the beginning of the book, even if my creator's sons try to personify me, they should be able to tell the difference because there is a warning in the beginning of every holy scripture.

Hole-Y it's full of pitfalls and traps. It's written.

Your premise being it IS a 'god' saying this. When it isn't. It is a male elite. it doesn't matter whether it is 'revealed' or not. Just because a person 'channels' so-called 'holy info' because they, and their followers say it is dont make it holy

And he said to the native people, you cannot say we have not warned you against them, you should not imitate them but accept them until all becomes one.

We are all ONE in this mess, like it or not. We're all mixed now :)

well you kind of got that right--ish. In that we are all in a mess. Yes because of these beliefs that people have accepted in a gullible literalist way.
Brugmansia a dit:

Probably not...

& exactly the type of response I wanted to provoke. :wink:
The problem with "magic" and if you connect magic with beleif you have a deadly non-physical force. The problem is that magic that has powr over other people was never intended to exist, even though the witches and whatnot tought they were using it agains the religion or the church, their power would not exist without the matrix, so they even have worse implication than many in this.

This is even bigger bullshit than the BIM BAM FUCKING BOM from the church bells this morning that woke me up. Have you ever considered doing stand up?
Satan and Lucifer are supposedly not the same... Lucifer is refered to as Enki in the babylonian tablets, the one who created adam by genetic manipulation.

He is the serpant that comes tell them eating the amanita will make them wise and be able to tell the difference between good and bad.

Lucifer is the brigner of light, Satan is the great deceiver. Both sons of the "creator".

Lucifer is a wigned dragon that can create his own bliss, Satan is the wingless dragon that must have his bliss by collecting it from people who "adore" him.
I can't tell ya about the genes and amanita but yes, Lucifer and Satan aren't the same at all. Lucifer is the fallen angel, once the favourite of God who then became too greedy of power and fell. Satan does not occur in the Bible but, as I remember, is a myth of the medieval.
I found this http://www.answering-christianity.com/satan.htm

"No he is not. The Satan of Islam was a "Jinn", created from fire as all Jinns were and still are. Angels were and still are created from light. While Angels and Jinns are considered "Angels" in Islam, because they were created from the same material (fire is light, and light is fire), but Jinns are lower than the Angels, because Jinns are like humans; they do sin, while the Angels are perfect and Sinless. The similarity between Angels and Jinns is like the similarity between humans and animals. Created from almost the same material, but two different WORLDS. We also have "human-angels" V.S. evil and bad ones."

Satan is known in Islamic mythology as Iblis

This is interesting, when you go to this link which I wanted to view we find it is censored! For more details, please visit: The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

I wanted to see it, because after reading John Allegro's book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, he offers THE most sensible explanation of what 'fallen angels' really means, and that is the psychedelic shrooms. 'Angelos' is actually Greek for 'divine messenger', and as us psychonauts must be aware, it is taking the psychedelics that can create contacts with 'divine beings' etc. This is not to say that this cannot happen any other way, but that the possibilty doing so with entheogenic vegetation is far more common for many people who take them, than for rare experiences some people may have. Plus the 'fallen' metphor of shrooms that appear. Allegro says it was believes that rainstorms and thunder brought them--ie., 'fallen'

So what about this Satan and Lucifer? I think really they are to be seen to be the same or similar archetype. Ie., the rebellious spirit who defies 'God', in whatever way. Ie., people who would take mushrooms for inspiration and/or without following established theocracy. Thus they 'follow/become'Satan/Lucifer': "Iblis was a Jinn who was raised and lived with the Angels. He is a powerful Jinn, and Allah Almighty loved him so much that He treated him like an Angel, until Iblis broke Allah Almighty's Commands and turned into Satan and was expelled with disgrace from the Group of the Angels and from Paradise."

THEN ANY enemy of the group and their 'God' and/or prophet becomes 'Satan'

And same for the Jews as said in their Bible: "Let us look at the first occurrence of Satan in the Bible:

"Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. So David said to Joab and the commanders of the troops, 'Go and count the Israelites from Beersheba to Dan. Then report back to me so that I may know how many there are.' (From the NIV Bible, 1 Chronicles 21:1-2)"
LOL, from the same website, other page:

Q1: Why do some Muslims call Americans and Westerners "Great Satan"?

A1: Without being inappropriate to Americans and Westerners but most of them lack morals and do all kinds of sexual sinnings such as sex without marriage and sodomy which are reasons that GOD Almighty had drowned the people of Lot and Noah in the past for. Nude beaches, bikinis (exposing 99% of the woman's body), living together without marriage (boyfriend and girlfriend), porn business, oral sex, mixing genders in grade and high schools to promote sexuality among teenage kids are all indications of a satanic and sexually open society.
Oral sex satanic? :?

In Jerry Springer Show here in the US (one of the most popular shows that discuss social issues in the country), on Monday 6/11/2001, the show's title for that day was "I am sleeping with my son". From among the people that were brought on for that day, some sons and their mothers are even planning on having babies! The fathers were in great shock.
The Jerry Springer show representing Christianity and the West?!

If it's ok in Christianity to have sex before marriage, ok to live with someone without marriage (like boyfriend or girlfriend), ok to have anal sex with the same gender (see www.godlovesfags.com and see the thousands of Christians who support them through their guest book) or the other gender, ok for the brother to sleep with his sister, ok for people to expose most of their bodies (by wearing bikinis for instance), ok to spread wickedness among society, then:


What else beside "Satanic Societies", or "Great Satan" would you call the West?

Anyway, the Bible does condone pornography. Please visit: X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

Also, please visit: America, the West, and their Pornographic and Capitalist Kingdom in the book of Daniel.

95% of Americans had premarital sex according to a new study!
That would have been 100% if they had not banned LSD!!
zezt a dit:
This is interesting, when you go to this link which I wanted to view we find it is censored! For more details, please visit: The Bible's "Fallen Angels" are the Noble Quran's "Jinns". Jinns are Angels in the Noble Quran.

I wanted to see it,
I thought you meant the url was dead or something, but indeed the article has been censored!
This article had been replaced with brother Abdullah Kareem's rebuttal at:

Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun on the world of Jinns.
Try reading it...
Oh man I even deserved a freaking "womanish" comment by you good brother Heartcore ? :P

Let me put the emphasis again that theres the gang that takes it uniliterally from satan or iblis, but theres also the group that follows lucifer but that do not understand that his is only observational advice, because only the hairy dragon of your soul should be at the head making chief decisions for your ascension out of the matrix.

Thats is written clear and bold in a kind of very peculiar way in the start of each holy book... as in not directly it's just said in that kind of way : Hey you should know, you really should know because in your, theres sometthing that tell you, so you should know, theres no way you do not know, you know : you know !


And the ultimate confusion comes from all that pull this knowledge into a kind of religion or dogma, be it any kind of "isms" or wicca or kabbala.

Because the guidance to steer your wormhole cannot come from an external source. Thats the lesson we learned, and most are still learning.

Cause you see... if we go back again tot he babylonian tablets... yes Lucifer is the favorite son of the "creator" but... about god, noone has any freakin idea who he likes or whatnot, it's just to immense for us to figure anything. I mean it , anything !

But the tablets say that Lucifer has not been cast down or whatever, yes the symbolism is used by monks in a metaphoric way to explain many of the plants they used to produce visions ; but thats Satan telling us that Lucifer has been cast down, and he takes the place of god and tells us he knows.

But you look at the tablets and you see that it's because Satan has reveived jurisdiction over earth becasue of his political lobbying of the "galactic counsil" ok I transpose some words there for clariti's sake.

Lucifer got banned from the place because the Anu family as a whole needed gold to sustain their "immortality" but thats just a smokescreen in a way for the real deal. We are much more powerful than them, our genetic is a unique mix of the gorilla and the wigned self-blissed serpant.

Now mind you, most people who seen these texts think it happened in the physical.

No no no... we would have SOME evidence of this... we dreamed about it, but so many people dreamt about it that it started to manifest, and giving satan much and much more jurisdiction through fear and powerful imagery.

That is the truth, we are the only living humanoids in the third dimention, it is us who "fell" below the ground, and that is also very hard to explain.

yes Satan occurs in the bible, I verified, but it's called in very similar places than lucifer, you have to know to make the difference... yet for the most part he is called the LORD. Some other places some prophets do not know better and call god the lord... so it's kinda confusing, but not if you have eyes to see.

Yup yup thats why I say the Quran seems purer than the bible, has more details...

Lucifer is considered a bird tribe "serpant", thus angel. While Satan or Marduk is considered wingless, thus Djinn.

We are all human down here, there is no such thing as human-angels... only humans who have replaced their soul dragon at the head of their ascension with an angel soul.

I also think there are a few other humanoid species that grew on this planet that live in the caves and other places, but they're much less spread out, it's doubtful they will come out as they do not have the same nature as we do, they've got much more fear about all this than us. The elves and whatnot also live in the upper dimentions in the inner earth.

Thats not whats important here however to define whats fantasy and what is the 5th dimention existance.

It's a deep misinterpretation to think that Satan and Lucifer have any relation with god, more than us. It is even downright insane.

Anal sex is against a law of nature and it is not to harm. Not everything that feels good is harmless, we all know. There is thousands of very small nerves in the butt, they have a part in creating the "chi" of the body by keeping the area sensitive for controlling it.

Sadly those nerves aren't structured in the same way as the other nerves, they are very very tiny and cannot expand thus as much. They will fracture and scar into bigger nerves if there is strong stimulation there. Thats is a sad truth because I know so many people do it, but a scientific fact. It can heal tho, takes quite a while tho, and special light massage.

I don't see anything wrong with oral sex however... Well unless it's forced it can create problems too. We're not that "solid" if we look at it honestly, physically we're fragile.
I have been meaning to mention this terrible news report for quite a few days now. Especially to this thread, as it really is relevant for what i, and mainly CM, are saying--pointing out.

Also just before I link it, in a few posts back I showed a link about reaction to terrorist beheading videos from the Muslim communities worldwide, which was really not much.

Now, about 3 weeks ago, I saw two beheading videos for the first time in my life. Ie., I have never ever experienced watching a video like this. I was reluctant, but i just did. The first one was about neo nazis in Russia and they behead a young male who they had captured and bound and gagged with tape.

The second one is from 2004, and is Eugene (have forgot his last name for the moment) who is beheaded by Islamic terrorist.

This was horror. Total horror which trauamatized me deeply. I kept getting flashbacks and waves of nausea for days and days after

Anyway, this is link about a muslim male who beheads his wife for serving him divorce papers. The complete irony being that he promoted the idea of Islam being a peaceful religion!

Also, the media was very slow to respond which reflects what we are saying about the denial and fear to condemn Islam and its shariah law!

http://www.care2.com/causes/womens-righ ... -beheaded/

"In the well-off quiet Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park, NY a woman was brutally decapitated at the young age of 37.

Her crime? Serving her abusive husband with divorce papers.

Justice? For this wife and mother of two – not likely.

Aasiya Hassan, the Muslim woman in question, was no stranger to her husband's violent streaks. After multiple episodes of domestic violence, she filed for divorce in early February to escape her husband, Muzzammil Hassan's, heavy hand. She also obtained an order of protection that barred him from their home, but still she was not safe.

On February 12, 2009, Hassan, 44, brutally beheaded his wife and then went to the Orchard Park Police station to report her death. Police found her at lying in the hallway of the offices of his TV studio – her head near the rest of her body.

Hassan now sits in jail facing second-degree murder charges. If convicted he faces up to life in prison – but he gets to keep his head.

Although vicious and unjust, reporting of this crime has been slow and lax by the media. It wasn't until five days after the incident that the Associated Press or CNN released any stories of this should-of-been news breaking crime.

Their coverage, however, is disappointing and down right infuriating. The AP story, for example, opens with the irony of the crime – the fact that the man who beheaded his wife is also the founder of Bridges TV, the TV station he created to challenge and counter Muslim stereotypes. Fox News also reported on the crime, eventually, but focused on whether Aasiya's death was considered an honor killing or not.

What about outrage at the beheading of an innocent woman (or anyone for that matter) in this day and age? How about a little bit of anger at the repeated abuse of this innocent woman and the police's inability to protect her time and time again? Honor killing or domestic violence and all irony aside it all boils down to one thing – murder.

If I hadn’t stopped by one of my favorite blogs, I might have missed the news altogether myself. Luckily, the blogosphere exploded with the news and outrage at the story and lack of coverage.

NOW also released a statement on the crime, calling the media out for its silence and expressing outrage for Aasiya’s untimely and horrific death.

"NOW New York State is horrified that Erie County DA, Frank A. SeditaII, has referred to this ghastly crime as 'the worst form of domestic violence possible.' The ridiculous juxtaposition of ‘domestic’ and ‘beheading’ in the same journalistic breath points up the inherent weakness of the whole ‘domestic violence’ lexicon.

What is 'domestic' about this violence? NOW NYS President Marcia Pappas says ‘it is high time we stop regarding assaults and murders as a lover's quarrels gone bad. We further demand of lawmakers that punishments fit crimes. We of NOW decry the selective enforcement of assault laws and call for judicial enforcement of our mandatory arrest policy, even when the axe-wielder is known by his victim.
No comments... all this discussion obviously for nothing.

You start again, I did my part, I'm not following in the wake of your fantasms.

Namase !
zest , did you have a wank when you watched those films and when you posted your posts ?
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