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Codeine (mhm it is written with an 'e')

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Does anyone have any exact info on tramal/tramadol?
By the way, of someone is asking how a substance works, it is futile to say "don't take it." If you had some acid in your hands and someone told you not to take it, would you? I guess not. It is better to inform the person and maybe in the end say that it is not worth it or that there are dangers involved. Imagine a person freaking out and doing something nasty because it wasn't informed that the pupils would dilate during an acid trip.

I will post my new acclaimed information about Tramadol in a few hours.
restin a dit:
Does anyone have any exact info on tramal/tramadol?
Yeah,i do.
It is widely used here,excualy,its one of the few opiates,that exist here,besides methadone.
His addictivnes,well,probably depends on your personality.
Very pleasant feeling,a person becomes talkative,feels good beneath his skin,can stay up all night without been tired.
Also,you have a big need for ciggaretes(if you`re a smoker).
Combined with marijuana,you can have veeeeery nice experience.
But,like i said,if you have addictive personality,you better not try it,because you`ll end up taking it every day.
Also,here is very cheap,20 pills(50mg),cost 1 euro:)...
The dossage for starters is 150mg,but if you take it regulary,you can get up to 500mg and not be satisfied.
All in all,from my experience,i recomend you not to take,or,if you wanna do it,try it once.
Btw,there is no after-effects like the other opiates mentioned here.
Thank you. Most of what you say is exactly what I experienced yesterday (except I wasn't talkative as I was alone hehe). I didn't combine it with marijuana but this is a good idea. I personally never felt the urge to take opiates often, I am tired afterwards and I do not want it. I will (try to) control it in future as well.

My dose yesterday was 112 mg and it was a good dose for me. I also advice (and will do) a large break between the takings.

I personally think that there are after effects; especially with going to the toilet. And you will be tired the day after. And itching hehehe.

Erowid writes that the upcoming is after 15 minutes. This may be true for some people but I only came up after 45 minutes so be careful and don't swallow again after 15 minutes. The duration is very long (longer than codeine I think), my experience was ca 7 hours permanent high.

100 mg tranal are less intense than 100 mg codeine, at least that was my feeling. I had CEVs with codeine and none with tranal. The experience was nonetheless pleasant.

And yes, if you try, be careful. You can take weed once a week or more often but do not do so with opiates or you will be a waste.
Yesterday i`ve had my first(and probably the last),codeine experience.
I mean,i dont know how someone can do that SHIT.
And yeah,shit with capital letters.
I did a CWE,to get it from some pills.
I had about 200mg of codeine.
First of all,the taste...well,i dont even wanna remeber that,it still makes my stomack sick,even 24 hours after.
But still,i was hoping that the effects will worth it.
But,no,they werent.
All i got was this weird felling around my head,which lasted for about 2 hours,and that was it.
No real opiate feeling.
And than,the whole day after,all i wanted is to puke...
Really,there was no single positive effect from this.
Fucking crap!!!
Clearly you did something wrong, likely during your cold-water extraction.

I've taken several opiates, including Dihydrocodein, Hydrodocone, Oxycodone, Morphine (both regular and extended release), Hydromorphone, and Meperidone and Codeine is by far my favorite.

Codeine is a magic molecule which provides for a beautiful exhileration upon an adequate oral dose, unlike any I've felt on the others. Granted, some rush is bound to occur with IV usage of any of the named opiates above, but I don't do needles. Never have, never will - and this is common from a codeine dabbler for the past ten years.

Codeine's sedation has an enjoyable stimulation that neither overpowers, nor conflicts with, the sedation that Codeine provides.

I find myself much more able to titrate Codeine, which I believe is related to the 2-tiered pharmacological exertion of its actions. Addictions are harder t obtain and withdrawal are quite mild as these things go.

All in all, a lovely, lovely opiate and the best in its class. My little buddy, Codeine.
I think one has to be VERY carefull with extended release medicins as one cant be sure what quantitys are released in what time and because of that it is very easy to overdose . If you take normal pills you feel when you have reached the peak and then you come down . With extended release thats not possible . When i was a junky people wouldnt buy them , they got thrown away .

The adiction to codein is one of the hardest to get rid of and one of the nastyest withdrawls of all .
The adiction to codein is one of the hardest to get rid of and one of the nastyest withdrawls of all .

Sorry, but this just isn't true, both from personal experience and from a pharmacological standpoint. Codeine is only indirectly actionable, converting to Morphine by enzymatic action. Having only a limited amount of this enzyme, there is an effective "Ceiling" to the amount of Codeine you can metabolize in any 4 or so hour period. Taking more won't do shit until your body replenishes that enzyme.

This being the case, you simply cannot get addicted to Codeine in the same way you would another opiate. There is most definitely an addiction to be had, but it is capped. And the corresponding withdrawal less of a problem because of it.
restin a dit:
Does anyone have any exact info on tramal/tramadol?

Yes, tramadol is an opioide with SNRI properties (anti-derpressant properties)... its maximum recommended dose per day is 400mg cause higher than that you risk seizures, allthough people have reported having seizures from less than that... personnally i've done up to 500mg of tramadol in one taking and got no noddy, opiate high from it, the only thing i find it good for is to keep withdrawls at bay, however some people swear by it and love it... so its subjective...
thanks for the answers. I now tried codeine, dicodeine (or how it is called) and tramadol. The funny thing is, that the first experience was always the best by a long way. The following experiences were not sooo good. Tolerance? I don't know, how much does it last?
^^its dihydrocodeine.. :wink: and tolerance all depends on how often and how much you use.. the more you use the more often, the higher your tolerance... and the less you use.. well u get it...
:lol: :lol: you're a genious...no...serious. Can you give me some precise time when the tolerance is zero again? Is a month enough?
your tolerance will probably go back to baseline before one month, because you haven' been using for a long time... but i wouldn't risk doing opiates too often, cause.. well you kknow :wink:
if you can stick to once a month thats great... but once a month often that turns in to once every two weeks, then once every weekend, then twice a week, and well you get where i'm going with this...
btw, do u get OTC codeine in switzerland?
btw, do u get OTC codeine in switzerland?
No. Dihydrocodeine (hehe) anti-coughing-medicaments are not difficult to get by the doctor while tramadol is really hard to get unfortunately. What about France?
over here we get otc codeine (2.28Euros for 300mg) as well as ethylmorphine (very similar to codeine, a bit itchier) :twisted: at those prices its hard not to get addicted...
wooooot. I'll come over, baby.... hehe
EDITED. Oooops.
Haven't bothered with codeine for a while now, just last week I did a fair amount of hydromorphone and holy shit, I was drooling with joy. :)
Probably gonna make myself a good time with tramadol tonight.