Fair enough man. Your plea disseminates the truth about opiates, we all want our peaceful rest and forget every contraction and pressure. At the end of your life, when you've seen all the wild domains of life, you want to plop down on your bed. Not even a frown, or having to move a leg subtle to find a comfortable position on the sheets for an endless sleep.
That's the relationship we humans have with opiates. We know the normal life might only offer us such a moment once if we're lucky, and we're unable to do it twice. Looking at the world, it may be even a luxury.
It is experiencing the dead wished by every human, peacefully going to sleep. With opiates, you can 'die' over and over again and enjoy being
death. It's fine that way. Having life as an empty shell.
Sensory are the electrical impulses to experience feelings. Even though my running sensory of life is very pleasant and the highest value, I'm not ignorant of the fact it's a pressing plague on the soul. Every activity, whether it is good or bad, eats from the time our souls have left.
It's a weird creativity and mind expansion, and may come across as not wanting to benefit from life for other parties. But it makes sense if you've tasted it.
An opiate like once every 2 or 3 months may enhance a sedative form of enlightment for some, it did for me. For now, I'm still young and wild. And will see it as a possible wise lesson for many decates later.