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Codeine (mhm it is written with an 'e')

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 978
Hello everybody,

does anybody have any information about codein, meaning duration, long-term effects, dose etc?

greets, restin
Weak opiate, your body has to confert it to morphine and some people even can't. Almost no analgesic effects and no euphoria but it gives a lot of obstipation. Maximum effect after 1-2 h and duration of 3-4 h. You should take between 100 and 200 mg to have some effects.

Personally I think it is shit and not even worth trying.
ok thanks. I tried it out the day before yesterday and I felt quite euphoriac and I had mild caleidoscopical CEVs.
I confirm for obstipation. You can only to go to the toilet after 36hrs you've taken some codein.
When I take some codein I feel light-headed, sleepy, really fine.
But be careful, codein's really addictive.
Get high with codein must be really exceptional.
you should try some cwe with nurofen plus otc tablets. works wonders.
Progger a dit:
you should try some cwe with nurofen plus otc tablets. works wonders.
What is CWE and OCT?

Appart from that, be careful codeine, i was addicted to opiates for a very long time so i know what im talking about, codeine is not worth it: for some people, it's even harder to stop than heroin.

If you want to experiment with opiates, be patient and look for shandoo or opium.
What's shandoo?
Meduzz' Question ^+1

I couldn't find Opium here. It is really impossible to get.

And why do you say it is not worth it? I think the experience is quite pleasurable.
Meduzz a dit:
What's shandoo?
Shandoo is a tea (or decoction) made with poppy heads boiled in water.
It tastes awful but has a very powerful and long lasting effect.
Always saw it referred to simply as "poppy tea". Anyway, some lemon juice and honey improve the taste considerably. Very simple brew, easy to make, and fairly pleasant, once the taste has been masked. As with any opiate, overuse can of course lead to withdrawal symptoms, if one runs out and must stop cold turkey.
JimmyJohn a dit:
What is CWE and OCT?
CWE "Cold Water Extraction " its a relatively simple method to seperate paracetamol from codeine in codeine/apap pills thus ending up with only codeine. People do this because taking too much apap is really bad for your liver.

OTC is reffering to "Over The Counter", meds you can get without a prescription
JimmyJohn a dit:
Appart from that, be careful codeine, i was addicted to opiates for a very long time so i know what im talking about, codeine is not worth it: for some people, it's even harder to stop than heroin.
No its not mate... from personnel experience I can tell you that codeine withdrawl (psychological and physical) is a walk in the park next to heroin addiction, and that goes for everyone....

The real dangers of codeine is its availability (as an OTC med in many countries) as well as its cheap price.... over here 300mg box of codeine is 2Euros38..... which makes it especially desireble to young people....
phatass a dit:
... from personnel experience I can tell you that codeine withdrawl (psychological and physical) is a walk in the park next to heroin addiction, and that goes for everyone....
Each one of us has is own experience and i think there is no point arguing about that.
2 things i'd like to point out:
- Street Heroin withdrawal symptoms can be amplified by all the crap it's cut with (ie strychnine or mort au rat) f.....g dealers
- I found stopping opium and poppy tea much harder than getting rid of
my heroin addiction. The physical symptoms were horrendous.
According to doctors, this is because of the variety of alkaloids (including codein) present in opium.
i tried codeine for the first time recently as well and had similar effects to restin.. mild euphoria and some weird cevs and a dreamlike state. can't say i had any constipation that lots of fibre and my morning coffee didn't fix

but i have very little experience with opiates overall, hence no tolerance.. perhaps my first experiences with codeine hit me harder than it would those who are experienced. i certainly have no point of reference to compare it to..my only prior opiate experience was making poppy seed tea once, which definitely worked, albeit mild.

i might try a cwe sometime, it sounds super easy.. but what i got has so little paracetamol in it that i don't think i'll have to. i can tell right away that i like opiates too much so i'm reluctant to push this too far.. :P
im taking codein today because ive slipped a disc in my back. no pleasant effects to speak of but little pain.its good for that

shandoo i call "itchy tea" because thats its main effect. it contains all the shit of the poppy and little goodness. i cant see the point myself
Dont take Codeine please! dont Dont

in Israel codeine is to easy to get so it kinda of ruined my life dont ever think it a low level opiate or any shit like that it got me fast enough to fentanyl

i took codeine every day for 3 years

everywhere from 200 mg a day to 3000 mg a day

stay the fuck away from this drug it will destroy your life and any erge you have to take it comes from the very depth of anything considured self destructive

100 mg can make you feel nice on an empty stomach

170 mg is a good dose

it works for about 4 - 5 hours but it has a very long after effect period unlike other opiates you stay dopey for like 24 - 36 hours

it has a good high not as clean as morphine or oxicodone

but it has the best long term effect again

when i was addicted to make this clear a good dose of morphine would last me a good 20 hours a good dose of oxi would last 10 - 16 hours

but codeine could last up to 36

and fentanyl or heroin last 4 - 8 hours

all in all i promise you that even trying these drugs is not worth it
Its not a drug for recreational use . It doesnt do anything pleasurable .
so i take it its basically just the morphine that is the "pleasurable" opiate.. since many synthetic opiates metabolize as morphine (to a certain percentage)?

tried codeine again yesterday, the effects were nothing at all like the first time. (not illegally obtained either, ii was given a prescription a while ago, basically 120mg per day, i never went that far when i didnt need it.)

oh, and welcome back GOD!