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No i dont have the bycycle formula link unfortunately , if anyone has it or finds it i`d be interested . I like the ladys bike bit , it seems to me to be a good point , i`m sure that any good mathematician could jugle with numbers and " prove " virtualy anything .

" I rather prefer to be more optimistic "

I would also prefer to be optimistic but being realistic i dont think that we have that choice . We must do somthing substancial NOW to make any real change . BUT that would mean that politicians would have to give up power and allow the peoples of the world to act as one group . We`ve had world hunger for ???? and everyone knows how easy it would be to solve the problem , and lots of other problems....... but nothing happens.........exept that the rich get richer and we get more and more of our rights taken off us .

" that 2012 will be a big stock market crash "

We`ve got that now but they are calling it a "sub prime development " = resession , so that no one notices !!!!!!

Just lately i`ve been listening to tapes and watching films by uncle Terence and his friends when i noticed that they used to talk about their predictions for the milenium = the year 2,000 , when i realised you could just cut the word milenium out and replace it with 2012 and there would be no difference to what zthey have püredicted for the year 2012 . It was exactly the same old crap about a new level of consciousness and human evolution and blah , blah , blah.......
If 2012 has no significance in reality, at least we can use it as some kind of hallmark in order to facilitate much needed change; for nothing will happen unless we make it so.

Its just another choice between fear and love.

I can not come up with clear arguments or facts to prove what I believe in. But I deffinetely can tell you that this same old crap of evolution and new levels of consiousness isn't crap at all because I expierence it. Consiousness is a big landscape you can travel, and once you do, your look on everything will be altered for ever. Just like when you travel the world.
Or as McKenna puts it: God is a continent in the brain that can be discovered. (or something similar).

The the people in power are loosing their grip (and they know it), which is why they come up with even more rules and try to ban everything that is liberating (mushrooms and weed, for example).
Power comes from energy. Everything in the world is about energy. Energy means also money, yes. But inside of ourselves is an unlimited resource of energy (which is indeed God). When you acces it, you will be in control. No need for the elite to keep you "safe and fed". And that is what is going on now.

Done preaching. Just search for yourself. If you wanna call yourself a pshyconaut, start traveling!
since the 9th century there are written reports that the world is about to end. the years 1000, 1666 and 2000 were thought to be the end of humanity. i guess this kind of hopes will never end!
lookd into this heaps, and found page if i rember it i'll post it.
But some astronomer was fascinated by this and after years of research found that it is a date in which somthing will happen.
He is not sure if Mayans meant this but they were a very strong star watching people-even the callendar was based on the stars.
SO evry about 7 years the Sun and Jupiter are alligned on same side of our planet this is when greatest gravity pull occurs earthquakes volcanoes floods etc.
But on 21/12/2012 for first time ever our solar system will be near the bottom of the milky way galaxy- Think of milkyway galaxy as a plate we have always been on top of this plate but have slowly been moving down under it.
So 21/12/2012 is a date when the sun and jupiter allign, and we will be in a postion in our galaxy which will also increase the gravitational pull something that has never happened before. dont know what will happen.mayb nothing.
2012 is going to be such a busy year with all the shit going on :P

Sidefx: Cool! I didn't know the Earth was moving down the galaxy plate, a new one to put into the list of 2012 notes :mrgreen:
Is it moving toward the bottom or the top of the Milky Way?
lol, there’s no orientation, so it doesn’t really matter.
manuscript said toward the bottom

1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2= 11
OMG!!! the number of DOOM!!!

or 2012
23 oh my goodness


jesus! i thought we were so much superior to jehova whitnesses :lol:
we are actually talking about a bogus change year in 2012!!!!
GUYS! c'mon!!! why does it have to be 2012??? what if we missed out? maybe it was 2000 after all... or 2001 or it's 2011 (when i'm done with my bachelor btw) :shock:
thinking about 2012 it's an excuse to do nothing about the shit state we're on...

So if you whan't something to happen on 2012, get your lazy ass up, and start doing something toward lifes Healing!

What is 2012 by the way? It's 2012 years (time, witch I think is the deepest mistake of mankind. Witch only represents, for each being, the chronometer to the end of their existance( witch has no logic at all, because we are One with everything, so We are always "alive". We are Ethernal) after that beared, probably a kind of shaman, existed.

Think above that! Above yourself and your expectations!
Maybe we can make something happen in 2012?
If something would happen, it wouldn't come out of nowhere...
exactly, we have to make it happen.
then let's post something constructive

i opt for spreading huge like HUUUUGE!!! amounts of LSD together with MDMA in the air so people have to breathe it in and are going to experience an orgasmic ego death.

ok nvm it sounds terroristic

ok let's make it with choccolate :mrgreen: free choccolate makes everybody happy^^
Dantediv86 a dit:
ok let's make it with choccolate :mrgreen: free choccolate makes everybody happy^^

except the slaves who make it. :D
random, you are right about the time, but your explanation felt a little short for me. time is the biggest mistake, not because it is the chronometer for the end of our existance, but because of the future. time makes us to be always on the hurry, always making plans to future events. being so, we live in the future instead of the present, right ? and we can never enjoy the present, because we live constantly on the future. and, as paradoxal as it may seem, a person that lives on the future has absolutely no use for plans, because when they end a plan, they step immediatly for the next one, never enjoying what they acheived. it happens with fathers and sons...they work hard and hard to have money for their kids. and what does their kids do when they grow up ? they have to work even harder, to support their family, and his kids when grow up have to work even harder...you get the point. they never relax and enjoy what their ancestors lived for. there's no point in doing nothing this way, because you never will enjoy nothing. people are slaves of time, they do as time tells them to do. "i have to wake up", "i have to work", "Great!!! i can have 10m off". it is mental suicide. never living on the present, always making plans for the future and never reaching out. time is a hallucination, as alan watts said. we live on the eternal now and today is all there is, tomorrow will never come. today is the yesterday of tomorrow and that's all there it is to it.
true true...how can we make it ethically right? :?
sure you have a point but forgot to post the constructive option

coffee? no
cocaine? no
opium? no
synthetics? poor chemists what did they do?
DMT? goodness no!
shrooms?........maybe but it sure would take time

lol i already see that: charging a plane with liquid shroom extract...
customs: where are you taking all that stuff?
me: huh? what ? where ? when?
c: don't be a thick head i was referring to that tank full of brown liquid...what is it?
m: er....nuthin' nuthin' just tea
c: really? and what is it for?
m: .......personal consumption....
How about love? Just spread love. (It's free anyway!)

Smile to everybody you see and they will feel happy about themselves maybe just for the moment in which they were going to decide to eat another doughnut.
daytripper, I agree with the illusion of time and I think "living in the future" it's a waste, one has to live in today, which ultimately it's all there is :)

The trick is to enjoy the present but one has to have at least some form of plan for guaranteed subsistence, in my case this is a bit bothersome but it's good too, having goals and thinks to look up to keeps me in shape and happy, I wouldn't want it any other way. I do neglect almost completely the past, well, I try to and I'm not entirely successful; I think that if having the mind constantly in the future keeps one from enjoying the now, having the mind in the past, dwelling with your choices and regrets and so on, makes one ill and sad.

I just keep hanging on in quiet desperation :)
time makes us to be always on the hurry, always making plans to future events. being so, we live in the future instead of the present, right ?

Well, I was analyzing time as dates/numbers (years, months, days, hour, minutes... ). This counting, I believe, exists just so we can make record of beggining's and endings of... whatever-you-think-of.
But yes, the notion of Past/Present/Future is waaay too wrong. And that kind of thinking and rush toward... well I don't know what they are trying to reach but maybe "personal" expectations. But the feeling I have is that people take their their jobs, cars, houses, etc... like they are the most important things in whole life! And then...again... they forget that they Are.

People need to make goals in life. Objectives. Feed their egos. That's the capitalist headline! The machine Never Stops Whatever it Costs... until we start doing something to change that, Ofcourse!
So that hurryness that people constantly have in their minds, it's a reflection of the enviornment they live in.

as alan watts said. we live on the eternal now

So true... and everything else that we imagine that exists, are either Abstractions or Expectations. (( just had a, smooth, deja vu :p ))

Like the little birds in pala always sing.. "Attention!" "Attention!"

How about love? Just spread love. (It's free anyway!)

And We need a LOT of it! But... people need to start thinking what Love really means.. It's a miss-concept.. Hum... Maybe we should create a new word, since love is hard to get into peoples mind. Because most people sees love=passion. And that's what we don't want them to think. "Passion".. just the word itself seems like already has an end. And Love is to be Ethernal and unconditional.
Here and now, boys, here and now.


I don't think most people see love as passion. I'm pretty sure all my friends think that it's something else. The real hard part isn't naming this thing, but actually acting it out. Renaming is postponing again.