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I don't know but , watch this:

I'm not saying he is a guru or something like that. But, well watch it and make your own interpertation. (and see the other videos at youtube of him).

I actually can't see lie in "his eyes" (or way of talking). Actually, I only see truth, Love, and much Life in him.

Perhaps because his eyes are concealed with sunglasses?:P anyway this video started off a bit to melodramatic if you ask me. The guy with the beard, posted earlier, he made an honest ans wise impression on me. And his little talk had quite an impact on me, even now i'm still thinking it through.
It's the same person. In the video I posted, he just didnt had bear and long hair yet.
Well i thought that it was nice but a bit flat ( = full of platitudes ) untill i heard the one guy say "well actualy i`m a reincarnation of Louis the 9th" . Then i turned it off . Isnt it strange that all the loonys that say they are the reincarnation of someone cant prove it , have no real knowledge of the lives or personalitys of the people they claim that they were and its always napoleon , louis the 9th , joan of ark , ceaser . a red indian or some other fantasy figure . I think it must be a realy nice game to dress up like a holy man and pretend to be wise by repeatedly chanting the same old pseudo spiritual clap trap . For me a holy person is it , he doesnt tell other people that he is it , he just does it and people see it . Hes a person that lives life . Those peoiple must have loads of money to be able to live the life that they do . I`d like to see how they would get on if they were poor and had to live the life of a kid living on a rubish dump in Rio or Africa . I dont mean to be cynical but they remind me of "the" pope , the alibi lama and other blind people playing ego games .
Well, I must confess that that part also kind of made me "distrust" a little bit on the following words. But I didn't give too much importance on it and kept listening.

After all we are what we believe to Be. (I mean, on the spiritual world)

I have a friend that claims to be a very old soul , probably a kind of angel or something like that ( cant recall that ). The truth is, the energy I feel when I'm with her is very very big. And she's completely authentic. Can't recall anything but truth, love and compassion from of her.

I believe in his beliefs. And I respect his beliefs.

Anyway, that video is kind of old. And to make a comparison here. McKenna on his earlier days on psychedelics (particulary Mushrooms) he talked about mushrooms being messages from aliens and from space/out-of-earth. But as years had passed, he was confronted, on one of his meetings, with a person questionning what happened to his theory about the "Alien-Mushroom". And he confessed that at the time he thought to believe that. And really delivered himself to that theory and Loved it. But couldn't take him very far (maybe because of hardness to believe it, not from people on psychedelics, but people out of it).
My point is: you can't say the mushroom isn't a message from aliens or whatever you may think of. Just like you can't say that Louix (ironicaly his name is similar to his reicarnation) isn't the reicarnation of Louis the 9th. Either he can't prove saying it is (or mckenna saying the mushroom is a "gift" from outside the earth), like you can't prove saying that he isn't (or that mckenna was wrong).

Yes, there are somethings hard to believe. But I think we Are what we Believe we Are. And I respect that.

His words are very wise, healing and Full of Love. And has fork said: "This guy voices my view exactly"

If we have to believe that each one of us are reicarnations of angels and healing souls so Love, once and for all, manifests it self on his magnificence and authenticity, so shall it be :yawinkle:
I had the same thing. In the later videos he never talks about any supernatural experience (except perhaps a mystical experience of union and oneness), and that sounded very honest to me. In the earlier video he does talk a lot about those things, which for some people is good to listen to, but will chase others away. The impression I get of these videos is that in the earlier video he was still pretty much overwhelmed by whatever experience (be it real or imagined) he had, while in the later videos he's more pure.
GOD a dit:
Well i thought that it was nice but a bit flat ( = full of platitudes ) untill i heard the one guy say "well actualy i`m a reincarnation of Louis the 9th" . Then i turned it off . Isnt it strange that all the loonys that say they are the reincarnation of someone cant prove it , have no real knowledge of the lives or personalitys of the people they claim that they were and its always napoleon , louis the 9th , joan of ark , ceaser . a red indian or some other fantasy figure . I think it must be a realy nice game to dress up like a holy man and pretend to be wise by repeatedly chanting the same old pseudo spiritual clap trap . For me a holy person is it , he doesnt tell other people that he is it , he just does it and people see it . Hes a person that lives life . Those peoiple must have loads of money to be able to live the life that they do . I`d like to see how they would get on if they were poor and had to live the life of a kid living on a rubish dump in Rio or Africa . I dont mean to be cynical but they remind me of "the" pope , the alibi lama and other blind people playing ego games .
:prayer: i am with you a 100% on that
you said it before i did
in our psychonauting, what have we discovered about reincarnation ?
tell me, because i don't know.
that's why i am asking.
after experiencing complete ego death, how can one belive in reincarnation ? from what i have understood (from what the aliens told me, according to mckenna) is that "this" is just once, and once you are dead, you experience the same ego death you do while in "heroic" dosages. that's about it, psychedelics show you the complete history, but just a chapter a time. many times i asked to see the end of the history, and several times i asked to see the beggining, and i got the same answer. but i don't say it is so, that's why i asked to see if you guys had the same answers.
i might agree with you if you say that "reincarnation" is our molecules being part of another beings, like trees, birds, humans, chairs and tables, speaking metaphorically.
daytripper a dit:
"reincarnation" is our molecules being part of another beings, like trees, birds, humans, chairs and tables, speaking metaphorically.
i think i posted something like this once or twice. yes this is my view of reincarnation i find it hard to believe that the "sould" reincarnates, as in your dying moments you lose your identity and memories to leave them to the "higher" being/s and therefore you become new energy under chemical form and are therefore dispersed in the universe and you are merged with it again. it is therefore impossible to reincarnate in another being and say "hello! it's me remember?" if that happens is just a product of your mins and is caused by a hyperappreciation of that character you believe is reincarnated in you. but hey! as long as you don't bother me (directly or indirectly) you are free to believe what you want! you could even be friggen Cleopatra if you wish, whatever floats your boat and makes you feel happy.

PS by "you" i mean a generalized person not "YOU" personally or anyone on this forum.
Theres a thing that normal people called reality , its rational , its proveable and it fits . Then there is superstition for ignorant , blind , unintelligent and imature people . There have been lots of tests done with loonys , cowards that are afraid to die , who believe in reincarnation and claim to have lived before . They were asked simple questions about the lives of the people that they claimed to have been and every single time they couldnt answer the questions . They had no real knowledge about the lives of the people that they claimed to have been . Its the same childish brain dead mumbo jumbo as people who believe in Batman and robin , vampires , superman from krypton , wiches , mork from ork , astrology , predator , the machine elves , chakras , werwolves , frankenstein , mickey mouse , reincarnation , fairys at the bottom of the garden , ghosts , spider man , angels , the silver surfer , magic , donald duck , time wank zero , ken and barby , reading tea leaves..........
Hey man don't touch Mork, ok? I'm a Christian and i don't like what you say!! i could kill you for that!! :lol:
Christian? HAHAHAH
i kill myself sometimes..
nanu-nanu, GOD.
oh, mork is very real. and so is robin.
and i belive more in the words of donald duck than in any politician.
so, 2012 will be like today or 1289, only the date will be different ? that's pretty lame, dudes! you guys have no imagination. 2012 will start with big explosions, and continue with the abolition of work and diseases. everyone will have a mercedes and a BMW for free, with 50 whores at your disposal. then, you would have 5 faucets in your kitchen, one for water, one for beer, one for acid, one for tomato sauce and one for fun. cars will have 3 wheels and doors will start to be opened from the top. tv will start to teach something and porn sites are completely interactive! 2012 will end with amazing fireworks, and there will be such enourmous explosions that all the books will be confused and all the words will be spelled backwards. we will all die from laughter and sneezing at 31st december, and many of us will drown in all the gifts they were given all their lifes, because they couldn't throw anything away, so the person that gave him something can see their presents in strategic places in our houses and do not lose their valuable friendship.
daytripper a dit:
in our psychonauting, what have we discovered about reincarnation ?

It depends on your believes and the influence of science.

Ego deaths require the most important instrument we have, our consciousness; probably stored in our hypofyse. Which consists of moleculs produced and collected by the same ultra universal energy that creates galaxies and supernova's.

Once your consciousness is shut down(in real), every molecule you consist of is devided and dissoluted in the environment. Just as before you were born.

Theoretically, your devided moleculs, could attach yet again and form another being. I believe that the collected moleculs forms the jacket where the consciousness, which I believe is data, is put into. But do not have an idea where this data comes from. It's just... there. It's energy.

At the absolute peak of Salvia. I have felt and seen every molecule, protons and the notrons, every building construction transparant. My pshysique and everything from outer there. I have felt the entire universal matery divided from the start, but also the solid end that's made out of the liquid (loose matery) it once was.

With this back in mind, the transcendal experience has truly resemblanced with the science.

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." -- Albert Einstein

"The highest destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule." - Albert Einstein

This is the best I have ever seen by a Human.

So yes, I won't call reincarnation impossible myself. Although if it's true, I also believe that one doesn't know it's not his first time.
Live on the Now. Love the Now. Because it IS Everything we have. Other than that is just abstractions and expectations. Future don't matters that much, because it didn't happen yet.. and stop thinking about the past, its Gone. Be Here.

"We barely remember, who or what came before this precious moment.
We are choosing to be here, right now. Hold on, stay inside...
This holy reality, this holy experience. Choosing to be here in...

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.

Alive, I

In this holy reality, in this holy experience. Choosing to be here in...

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.

Twirling 'round with this familiar parabol.
Spinning, weaving 'round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this
chance to be alive and breathing,
a chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember; we are eternal,
all this pain is an illusion."
That’s all existence is. The infinite reincarnation of the one entity into countless forms, from which it can understand who it is. The ego is the shell for these incarnations, and is the means by which each consecutive experience is coloured.
I agree with the idea we are bits of cosmos that could be part of a exploding star a while ago but the idea of people transcending death and then somehow be another person in the future is tricky. I mean, if our primordial energy-consciousness stuff that allows us to be aware of ourselves is reused, recycled, well, it seems logical, why not... but I'm skeptic if someone says to me they are Columbus.

I remember that when I was very little I thought about what happened when one died. I wasn't religious (never been) so instead of heavens or afterlife I thought that, well, I simply died and stopped being "Felipe" but that I would get to "see", in a way, "what happens" because I would kind of continue seeing the world but from other person(s) perspective(s). Kinda like the fact that individuals die but the species survives, the collective unconscious goes on :) And that was very wise now that I think about it! :D :o
Although if it's true, I also believe that one doesn't know it's not his first time.

i totally agree.
i guess there's still lots of people out there failing to recognize that life is a cycle.
???????? a dit:
And that was very wise now that I think about it! :D :o
yes it was, feels good when you realize that. happens to me a lot too :P