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i answered to u telepathikly.. lol
its just random reports that have increased majorly.personally, year by year i feel more telepathik.
i was searching the source and the article i readed about it, but couldnt find it to support what i said.
Appaerentely the planet Nibiru will cross earth and destroy 2/3 off worldpopulation by disturbing energy or summin.
Search Youtube: Nibiru
I really really like the time machine idea. I want to write a book now, lol.

Anyway, I think the best thing to do would trip balls: if the world ends, then you had a good, last trip; if the world doesn't end, you still had a good time instead of sitting around, anticipating some big thing to happen and then nothing and then a big disappointment (but I guess it'd soon turn to relief, since the world didn't end :lol:)
When you throw a rock up in the air it will go up to a certain point, and then fall down again. At the point where the stone turns around nothing "happens". No explosion or anything, and yet it is an important turning point. This is what I think December 2012 will be: some kind of turning point, not necessarily noticeable in any obvious way, but from a cosmic and spiritual point of view highly significant. I'm not going to store food or move to another continent. I may be doing a little more drugs, but that's about it. :wink:
I don’t know what to believe? If there is going to be a change in 2012, I hope it will be positive. I have a fantasy of a world ruled by the beat of the shamanic drum.
Sometimes I have the feeling we are not going to make it. At times likes this it feels like the forces of darkness are going to overwhelm us. Anyway I hope there will be more freedom in the future.
I find it interesting that it is said there could happen something, because i heard that the magnetic field of the earth attemtps a shift in it's magnetic poles every once in a while. That means + goes - and the other way round and once in a while means like every 40000 years.
I believe the last shift was supposed to be like some decades of thousands of years ago. They are supposed to happen a bit irregularly too, so....
stay tuned ;)

But anyway it is quite easy to say that a significant change will most probably happen, keeping in mind that they happen quite often and in times of changes even more.
On my first major shroom trip the world (and with it time) actually stopped existing. I was floating alone in a dark universe by myself - forever!
Man you can't believe how happy I was when I came back and the world still existed and time was still moving. It was the happiest moment of my life. Now I know I really love life and time (although both can be pretty hard on you sometimes...)

Although I really hope something's going to change in this world, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't. However I do believe in lucky changes - so far a lot of things in my life just went lucky without me having to work for it at all. That's why I'm often very relaxed, just waiting for another lucky change instead of working my ass off for it. I'm often called lazy or careless because of that attitude. How funny would it be if in 2012 something changed in the consciousness of humanity, and suddenly we, the experienced psychonauts suddenly were the role models for a new society. Just thinking about it saves the day for me ;)
maybe in the year 2012 I'll finally become the master of every mind :D
the end of religions would be fun too

anyway it's gonna be a great year for our french friends ^^
"Fin du mandat de Président de la République française de Nicolas Sarkozy"
ALF from Melmac , Mork from Ork , Superman from krypton and Spock from Vulcan are going to have 4 way French , Greek and English sex on the planet Nibiru and have such an intergalactic orgasm that the earths magnetic field will reverse and become negative and everything will be shot into space in a sort of planetary ejaculation and all the planets in the solar system will be thrown out of orbit and cause a total cosmic inter-planetary pocket billiards disaster and on the last day Mary Poppins will marry Winnie-the-Pooh and give birth to the antichrist and he will fart releasing "the gray goo" and Elvis will come out of hiding from behind a pile of hamburgers full of pills and save the universe..........

This undenyable proof was shown to me by the ghost of Terence Mckenna at a sort of Eleusian mystery cult ceremony in the toilets of a camping site at Delphi and was also confirmed by Madam Zelda the gypsy tea leaf reader so it MUST be true.......

If you want a good laugh read:-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_%28 ... _planet%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timewave_zero Especialy the critisisms .

If you want to read about when the planets in the solar system come into one line read:-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjunctio ... trology%29

If that wasnt enough read proof:-


"Did you notice? In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012. NASA scientists who monitor the Sun say that our star's awesome magnetic field flipped 22 months ago, signaling the arrival of a solar maximum. But it wasn't so obvious to the average human." Taken from;- http://www.gvnr.com/74/3.htm

funny stuff god XD lol
for all of you out there stacking stuff for 2012 read THIS.

It's an analysis of the timewave zero weird thingy of McKenna by a math guy who is a PhD on hyperspatial embeddings of differential manifolds. I don't know what the hell that means but the guy seems to know how to analyze that thing, he shows that the theory is mathematically flawed. Soooo don't build those bunkers yet!
GOD, do you have a link to the bicycle formula? I can't find anything, but I read about it a few years ago. A mathematician made fools of all the numerologists by explaining the world with the measurements of a lady's bicycle. By doing so he proved that he could "explain the world" with any set of given numbers because he was able to find the right formula so that in the end he would get pi, 2012 and whatever "mythological" numbers you like.
Mmm... Federal Reserve breaks?

Haha, no, I don't really believe it. I hope that something changes for the better. Preferably a wider spread enlightenment amongst the leading class. But then, it'd be better if that happened now and not later. In any case, I'll probably be tripping ayahuasca, mostly because I feel like it on that day.
I rather prefer to be more optimistic...

If we keep the mentality we had till now... well.. maybe it's not the end of the world... but we will be deeper, in the hole that we dig, than ever (just like now). If we, instead of thinking of things that could happen, get into action helping the world to be more habitable. Not only for you NOW, but for your beloved ones. And ofcourse, for all animals and life on earth, that have the same right as we to be here.

I think I just don't have the guts to make a child that I know that will born and live in this environment.

As I said above, I rather be the most optimist
I wish that someway, don't know how or when, we(human race) finally start to realise our true place on earth, what we represent and what can we achieve, witch I think it is much much more than this stupidity and selfish way of living, that people don't even stop a little, on their"so busy lifes", to ask them selfs what the hell is happening here.

I mean, how can these people live their lifes so happy without questioning anything, at all.. and yet they know (I GUESS), that the majority of the human kind are dying (of starving, diseases, wars, slavery, among many other conditions that we don't even dream about) and live with conditions that we can't even imagine living on...
Well, the speech is almost endless...

So, for 2012 and further... We will reach light! Probably billions of people will dye because of weather speedily changes, cyclones, volcanic activity, earthquakes, deseases, and the III World War.
After all this activity on earth, the greenhouse effect will start to reverse because, since there is all this "khaos", everybody took the golden chance to start planting seeds everywhere to save the world from ending.

Further on, there will be no policys whatsoever, (you can call it anarchy, I rather call it freedom. So, as McKenna said, only the wise can survive on an enviornment like this) this means you are on your own for your decisions. We will have the knowledge, the inteligence, the pot, the reciprocity with each other, the Love with every single thing, and the conditions on earth to start a New and Sane Life! :P
somebody who is very into the financial market and so on once told me that they calculated that 2012 will be a big stock market crash.. bigger than the one in 1929.
doesn't sound too unlikely to me, though I don't find anything about that one using google ;)

I don't know. there is so much stuff pointing towards 2012. will be a strange year, that's for sure :lol:
ok, there is defenitely going to be change, meaning evolution (perhaps you noticed this word a lot while reading mckenna or leary or whoever).

I don't know about you guys, but i know for a fact that consiousness is changing. More and more people awake spiritually and begin to understand why were are here, what it is we are doing.

So what is 2012?? We are preparing for an ascension to higher dimensions. Right now were are stuck in the 3rd, meaning we have to deal with time, space and we are cut of from the source. Now we are growing to become an infine soul. 2012 will be an apocolyse for some, returning home for others.

I know it sounds a bit strange to say at least, but think about it: isn't it what all religions (and i mean the startings of it) have been talking about (ending reincarnation, creating heaven on earth), isn't it why we are controlled by fascist elite, isn't it what the hippies were singing about, isn't it what bill hicks was talking about.

We are stardus, we are golden
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden..joni mitchell.
I love Joni Mitchell for writing that song, but I might love Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young even more for their version of it :P
do you know the version of Matthew's southern comfort? That's a great one as well.
CSNY made the best one if you ask me, though.