I rather prefer to be more optimistic...
If we keep the mentality we had till now... well.. maybe it's not the end of the world... but we will be deeper, in the hole that we dig, than ever (just like now). If we, instead of thinking of things that could happen, get into action helping the world to be more habitable. Not only for you NOW, but for your beloved ones. And ofcourse, for all animals and life on earth, that have the same right as we to be here.
I think I just don't have the guts to make a child that I know that will born and live in this environment.
As I said above, I rather be the most optimist
I wish that someway, don't know how or when, we(human race) finally start to realise our true place on earth, what we represent and what can we achieve, witch I think it is much much more than this stupidity and selfish way of living, that people don't even stop a little, on their"so busy lifes", to ask them selfs what the hell is happening here.
I mean, how can these people live their lifes so happy without questioning anything, at all.. and yet they know (I GUESS), that the majority of the human kind are dying (of starving, diseases, wars, slavery, among many other conditions that we don't even dream about) and live with conditions that we can't even imagine living on...
Well, the speech is almost endless...
So, for 2012 and further... We will reach light! Probably billions of people will dye because of weather speedily changes, cyclones, volcanic activity, earthquakes, deseases, and the III World War.
After all this activity on earth, the greenhouse effect will start to reverse because, since there is all this "khaos", everybody took the golden chance to start planting seeds everywhere to save the world from ending.
Further on, there will be no policys whatsoever, (you can call it anarchy, I rather call it freedom. So, as McKenna said, only the wise can survive on an enviornment like this) this means you are on your own for your decisions. We will have the knowledge, the inteligence, the pot, the reciprocity with each other, the Love with every single thing, and the conditions on earth to start a New and Sane Life!