I agree to an extent with some of the 2012 theory, in that a major change will occur. Hopefully it will be to some degree apocalyptic; for this viral, cancerous malignancy some call a civilization is in need of a deep reckoning and reassembly, and in its currant state and the one it in which it seems to be moving, it is only going to become more ignorant, complacent and destructive.
So here is what I anticipate: prominent astrophysical interactions between the vast multiplicity of planetary bodies within our solar system; resulting in gravitational and radiational effects that may provoke a comet or other large object to strike the earth, causing widespread cataclysmal devastation. The planet will reconsolidate itself after the impact, building in mass and constituent, adapting to the violent change. If at this time of immense change, the concordant minds of our dying race unite together in a singular collective, we will live to supersede our entrapment and subjugation within a society that has no motive other than to perpetuate itself trough the monopolisation of every single attainable resource it can gain supremacy over. Like a phoenix, we will ascend from the ashes. We will rebalance the equilibrium; shed the culminated corruption, and bring back the coexistent symbiosis with the greater entity, the earth.
If such drastic change does not occur, then we are basically fucked. As perceived account of evolutionary process has shown, the cosmos will in some way rebalance the equilibrium. One way or another, things are going to change.
Time travel, is in itself impossible. Time does not truly exist; we exist in perpetual, infinite present. Neither is the possibility of moving through a finite dimensional pathway of coalesced infinite matter to a point in an apparent future or past; for this too is merely perceptual points which do not exist as an absolute construct.
So as for time travel, in a finite perceptual and dimensional perspective, it cannot be done without you being infinite yourself; which means you must be dead; composed of pure conscious experience. As for novelty; such a thing can never end because novelty is both the purpose and the embodiment of infinity. So as time wave zero shows, if anything at all, is that at some point, perceivable novelty will become insurmountable to an observer fixed within a limited dimensional existence, which is itself impossible in a forever changing cosmos. This is one of Terrence’s mistakes.
So as I hope you can see, this end point is merely the furthest distance away from your finite perception of dimensional existence that can be observed in this state. Therefore, novelty and existence will never end; only evolve. In my view, time wave zero marks the end of history, not the end of novelty or existence. And because history is both the construct of finite perception of coalesced matter and the vehicle for our plight within the fallacy of control and power, its death will mean the end of our currant system of absolutism, perceptual contraction and oppression.
Whatever happens, it will be a change. If nothing at all happens, we are condemned.
I’m not going to sit and wait for it either, I’m going to try and attempt beneficial change, facilitate the birth of a new collaborative and coexistent structure between us and the earth.