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skrudge, please post some proof of that "change in our solarsystem the earth will become unbalaced and roll a few angles to it's side". i am curious :)
I do think there is a possibillity that there's something that can change in 2012, not the end of the world bullshit but more like a change in conscious.
Maybe a direct link to the unconscios? who knows..

And also if this might happen, we must change together as a humankind.

There for Love and Light :wink:
Yes, Nibiru, Planet of the Annunaki
By 2012 they'll come back and the reptilians will walk the earth again!
Or maybe their spaceships can't land if the polar fields will shift...
And with the allignment and all.....

Anyway, we have to grow them loads of mushrooms, so we can do an "interstellar trip" :mrgreen:

Shit man, 2012 is gonna be nuts :retard:
Well, if you look at Terence's graphs, something must happen because the plot literally goes off the charts, and since he plotted novelty, we must expect that time as we know it ceases to be; now why would "time" stop? A time machine of course!

In 2012 a device that manipulates time will be created, therefore linear time will be destroyed. People from the future will come to say hi and a lot of people of then would want to check out the future :lol:
how come they can stream all episodes free?
the world is about to come to an end, and this guy is amazed: "FREE SOUTHPARK EPISODES????" 8)
This seems interesting... but there has been no link yet for sources where you people took the information! Please let us know where you took it so we can read!!!

In my opinion, 2012 will be the year when I become a super-intelligent mutant and will then understand every aspect of the human's mind and consciousness, and will teach others how to evolve like I did :D
nearly all of the sites i got info from are in dutch, so they won't help everyone out...

I will search for some good pages and post em here later.

I'll warn you, some of them are on sites which post EVERYTHING including total crap...
I agree to an extent with some of the 2012 theory, in that a major change will occur. Hopefully it will be to some degree apocalyptic; for this viral, cancerous malignancy some call a civilization is in need of a deep reckoning and reassembly, and in its currant state and the one it in which it seems to be moving, it is only going to become more ignorant, complacent and destructive.

So here is what I anticipate: prominent astrophysical interactions between the vast multiplicity of planetary bodies within our solar system; resulting in gravitational and radiational effects that may provoke a comet or other large object to strike the earth, causing widespread cataclysmal devastation. The planet will reconsolidate itself after the impact, building in mass and constituent, adapting to the violent change. If at this time of immense change, the concordant minds of our dying race unite together in a singular collective, we will live to supersede our entrapment and subjugation within a society that has no motive other than to perpetuate itself trough the monopolisation of every single attainable resource it can gain supremacy over. Like a phoenix, we will ascend from the ashes. We will rebalance the equilibrium; shed the culminated corruption, and bring back the coexistent symbiosis with the greater entity, the earth.
If such drastic change does not occur, then we are basically fucked. As perceived account of evolutionary process has shown, the cosmos will in some way rebalance the equilibrium. One way or another, things are going to change.

Time travel, is in itself impossible. Time does not truly exist; we exist in perpetual, infinite present. Neither is the possibility of moving through a finite dimensional pathway of coalesced infinite matter to a point in an apparent future or past; for this too is merely perceptual points which do not exist as an absolute construct.
So as for time travel, in a finite perceptual and dimensional perspective, it cannot be done without you being infinite yourself; which means you must be dead; composed of pure conscious experience. As for novelty; such a thing can never end because novelty is both the purpose and the embodiment of infinity. So as time wave zero shows, if anything at all, is that at some point, perceivable novelty will become insurmountable to an observer fixed within a limited dimensional existence, which is itself impossible in a forever changing cosmos. This is one of Terrence’s mistakes.
So as I hope you can see, this end point is merely the furthest distance away from your finite perception of dimensional existence that can be observed in this state. Therefore, novelty and existence will never end; only evolve. In my view, time wave zero marks the end of history, not the end of novelty or existence. And because history is both the construct of finite perception of coalesced matter and the vehicle for our plight within the fallacy of control and power, its death will mean the end of our currant system of absolutism, perceptual contraction and oppression.

Whatever happens, it will be a change. If nothing at all happens, we are condemned.
I’m not going to sit and wait for it either, I’m going to try and attempt beneficial change, facilitate the birth of a new collaborative and coexistent structure between us and the earth.

the coming of the aquarius age :lol:

yeah whatever will happen, i hope it does, even if this means death for most and for myself.
Society as it is now must come to an end. One way or another.

Another possibilty, not in regard to 2012 is that WW3 will come and i think society will be destroyed then too...
But if this involves nukes like it probably would, i think earth will be destroyed as a whole, no life possible afterwards..

I will post a few sites in an hour proabably
i feel like sharing this with you: last week at night, i was driving my car, and i stopped for a quick piss in the woods and a cigarrette. i was smoking and listening to the radio, and i saw this huge shooting star, never saw one so huge. it was perhaps half (or more) the size of full moon. in that second, i felt such a bliss, such a relief, that cannot be expressed by words. i thought "this is it, the world is ending and i get to see it in the first row!!". then the shooting star quickly faded, and i drove home, and told my wife about it. she didn't found it funny...
perhaps it will happen for real in 2012, and i will be in the same woods eating some popcorn waiting for the movie to premiere!
wow man i got a body rush (or how to call it, like when cold but in a positive way) while readin that ^^. :P.

Nice experience :)

Anyway, there is a huge comet heading our way atm, "holmes" which is already larger then jupiter atm...and its still growing larger and larger...
you can easily see it with the naked eye, i just dont know where in the sky :P
some people are predicting its niburu coming to us. :roll: :shock:

edit: Holmes: http://www.xerson.nl/content/view/441/
We will all grow wings and solve global warming because we can fly.
Psychoid a dit:
In my opinion, 2012 will be the year when I become a super-intelligent mutant and will then understand every aspect of the human's mind and consciousness, and will teach others how to evolve like I did :D

Hey did you read "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak?
She's a channeler and has wrote books about multidimensional spirit beings and a lot more all by the help of the Pleiadians.
Her books are just outta controle don't know what to believe from it, then awe..

also very 2012 stuff
my personal wish for 2012 is that al gore and michael moore would have the common sense to collectively end their lives. causing their sheep-like followers to do the same. thus ending global warming by stopping the endless flow of dribble spewing from their mouths.
also an apocalypse or 2 couldn't hurt.
the stupidity that comes with technology has done enough harm.
mayans calendar have been mathematically correct so i believe something is going to change but not the end of the world... some change on our consciousness, maybe.One weird thing is that, as 2012 approaches,telepathik experiences increases rapidly...