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2012 do u believe the mayans???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mindsiyk
  • Date de début Date de début
OK Hark, so what you are saying is that we are going to descend into total anarchy... But what would cause total anarchy? There has to be some catalyst that would degenerate our current systems in place.

For example: A Carrington Event that would knock out all the power grids... Or a mega Tsunami.... Or... Yellowstone blowing it's top.... Something like that...

And I definitely agree, if for some reason our power grids and communication grids were all to be knocked out, no internet, no TV, no cell phones, no regular phones... The world would deteriorate pretty quickly... It would be back to the laws of the wild west, and in a lot of ways it would be like a reset...

So, if the world as we knew it would come to an end, would it really be such a bad thing? Sure, we would lose to all the creature comforts of right now, but I think in the long run it would probably be best for humanity... Of course... How long would it take the world to recover from something of that magnitude... Years, Decades, a century maybe? To get the infrastructure to back to where it was before whatever happens happened?

Now, I am not saying that this is going to happen, but it is one of those "What if" scenarios...

Also, how the hell did the Mayans know there was a black hole in the center of the galaxy????? That was just trippy....
i think you are right the situation of destruction will start from today the world will not end in a minute completely but will get destroyed step by step
Every thing has a in hole and an out hole or one for both
Well, I guess we are stuck in the middle hole still?

2012 seemed to be a big bust, and there wasn't really any anarchy, and wasn't any enlightenment... I guess on to the next major shift time...

Why is we as human beings are so fascinated with our own destruction? Why must there be an end time that is in the foreseeable future? Why must the world end before it is meant to in a big ball of flame when it is engulfed by the sun? Shouldn't we be more focused on taking care of the planet we have, keeping relationships strong, finding peace, and then somehow getting off this rock so our species does survive?
Awww man... Here I was hoping the Mayans learned about things from aliens.

How did the mayans know about black holes anyway? And there's still those weird artifacts they have found in the area that would have been incredibly difficult to make with the tools they had at hand at the time. Not that it couldn't be done, but the general idea is that maybe there was some sort of intervention from an outside source that gave them an edge...

Anyone else have a similar theory?
so....everyone still here?
middle america is still intact, too, although there were apocalyptic rainfalls at the rainbow gathering in palenque, very timely for the 21st of december. I think that the collective expectation can have an effect on the weather patterns, and since the camp was full with people who at least had a little expectation (to a lot of expectations) for the date I think it was no coincidence.

but yes, I was surprised to hear that so many people had beliefs incorporating aliens and ufos with this whole thing. one of my favourite stories was that they asked the red queen (an american woman who fully got into the maya beliefs and is accepted and respected by all the mayan elders) to come to the rainbow gathering, but she didn't want to. then, one night 4 UFOs came to her and told her that she should come, and so she did.
the other favourite story was that Obama is actually an alien, and that on the 21st he would come with his UFOs and take a few chosen ones with him to his planet. that story is so absurd that I doubt anyone actually believes that, it's amusing though :D

what was also funny to note was that many mayans almost just didn't care about it. I asked one guy and he said it's gonna be a day just like any other day as well, just that there will be a party and some ceremonies. the whole thing seems to be way more popular with all the new age hippies. but then again, many mayans here seem to be rather dissociated from their original, animistic-seeming world-view. blame the catholics.
Awww man.... I was really hoping for the aliens.... :(

At least give us "project BlueBeam" so we have something interesting to talk about! :p
maybe it is a hint that the mayan people were evil, because they sacrificed people and the great christians killed them all. hmmm..:roll:

and now also a great question for everyone: is blue blood (always?) better than red blood?? :Oo:
and then also is it coincidence that the spirit of illusion or so is called "maya" in buddhism? maybe yes and no, because does everyone need to have the same concept/idea of coincidence or illusion?? i guess certainly not.. :Oo:

i would say i think it's maybe the always actual problem of how we treat ourselves in comparison/contrast to how we treat others or so... :roll:
interesting that water is sometimes considered to be blue but is actually more transparent.. only when it's deep it's blue...
and well interestingly enough the sky has layers of blue also.... i think it's amazing!!! :roll: :Oo: :)

maybe the deal with the mayans is the nature inside in contrast to the nature outside, metaphorically speaking.
moreover if you ask me, one goal of buddhism could be to balance the inner and the outer world.
maybe there will be a time or there was a time when everybody could project blue beams lol... i think blue is cool color lol... :) :D

edit: btw i also had the feeling that obama is or can be a demonic person... don't like him very much... seems like there was a need for some robot standard convention or so ... lol
to me it would make sense that demonic people would also come about in politics, because
politics is also about representation and making things happen... i had moments when i saw him in TV, where i was simply disgusted... i tell you such people can be obsessive with identifying themselves through their thoughts and having shit, like energy vampires...be very careful and learn to listen and understand your own (!!!) feelings!!! i would say he is also a part of the people program that can't accept it sometimes when others think differently. and well what you can do is when they try to come along with their thought tunnel and override you... simply belittle them and allow your attention to remain focussed on yourself. conclusion: obama is just a damn puppet.
simply, don't be afraid!! if you can stay focussed, demons can't do anything.. it's a lot like hypnosis or so... the thing is we don't have to share each others definitions of being awake. just be yourself and try to always be ready to say "until here and no further."

the controversy or so here is probably something like: what and why is alien to you? like how your individual perspective makes a difference on the subject itself. the quantum observer effect: you change something by observing it. perspectives have got to do something with observation.
shit... i hope it doesn't sound too complicated.
emotional power is missunderstood a lot. i guess this can mean man things.. to me it means many people don't know who they are. maybe in some sense it's simply like many sheepherds that need shepherds... the sheep system lol... :lol: :lol:
