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2012 do u believe the mayans???

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spice a dit:
a) what's this 26,000 year astrological cycle I have been hearing about ?
It's the precession of the equinoxes, or axial precession:

"Axial precession is the movement of the rotational axis of an astronomical body, whereby the axis slowly traces out a cone. In the case of the Earth, this type of precession is also known as the precession of the equinoxes or precession of the equator. The Earth goes through one such complete precessional cycle in a period of approximately 26,000 years, during which the positions of stars as measured in the equatorial coordinate system will slowly change; the change is actually due to the change of the coordinates. Over this cycle the Earth's north axial pole moves from where it is now, within 1° of Polaris, in a circle around the ecliptic pole, with an angular radius of about 23.5 degrees (or approximately 23 degrees 27 arcminutes). The shift is 1 degree in 72 years, where the angle is taken from the observer, not from the center of the circle."


In the above image the circle looks small, but when projected onto the entire cosmos, it makes an anti-clockwise motion through the different zodiac signs, completing one cycle in 26.000 years. That's why we are in the Age of Pisces, slowly moving into the Age of Aquarius. There is some debate as to when the next age starts exactly. Some believe we are already in the Age of Aquarius, but I think it will take another 300 or 400 years.

Western astrology doesn't take axial precession into account, but Vedic astrology does (in which this principle is called ayanamsa, the "drifting part").

The principle of precession is often related to gravitational pull and so on. An alternative explanation is that our Sun is actually part of a binary system, meaning that its movement through space is related to another star with which it performs an eternal dance. There are numerous binary stars in the universe. You can read more about this particular theory here: http://www.binaryresearchinstitute.org/ An overview of the issue (problems with the current theory) can be seen in this (large) image or PDF.

b) How are we even in posession of the knowledge that there is a 26,000 year cycle when we say (western civ) that civilization has only existed for 6000 years?
From the same wikipedia page: "The precession of the Earth's axis has a number of observable effects. First, the positions of the south and north celestial poles appear to move in circles against the space-fixed backdrop of stars, completing one circuit in 25,771.5 years (2000 rate). Thus, while today the star Polaris lies approximately at the north celestial pole, this will change over time, and other stars will become the "north star". As the celestial poles shift, there is a corresponding gradual shift in the apparent orientation of the whole star field, as viewed from a particular position on Earth."
2012 Event Horizon- Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David Wilcock

(part 1 of 4)
new one by Wilcock

enjoy :D
welcome to the golden age, indeed. :lol: :D 8)

in the past we looked towards god in hopes of heaven in the future, now we look towards a date in the calendar.
The world is not going to end in 2012. I think history itself proves that. The earth has withstood so much already, it would take alot to distroy it.
Life forms on earth seem to come and go although.
The end of humanity? I seriously doubt it.

Major changes?
Almost no doubt in my mind. Maybe not 2012, on the date predicted. But i sence that could be a good estimate for a start.

Much earlier in this thread, someone mentioned looking at the economy ect.
In my opinion, some great changes are coming soon. One only has to look at events on the planet as a whole, economy downfalls, wars(both political, and civil), ect.
Eventually, its going to blow up in our faces. I doubt it will literally blow up, but looking at whats going on in the big picture. Somethings bound to change.

The way of life the westurn world has created is seriously flawed.
I am one for change. Embrasing it could prove highly benifical.

Personally. I want to see a world without currency.
Far fetched? Probably.
But with the right events and motivation, i think its more than possible.
:idea: :rolleyes:
Well there are lot of misconceptions about this 2012 thing. Many says that Mayans calender restarts after 2012. It's just a period that ends in 2012. But does it indicate that it needs an earthquake or disaster? I don't think so.
i think we are not ready yet for a one world currency, because the standards are so different in so many places in many ways...
health standard, wealth standard etc etc...
and the mutual cooperation is (probably?) not yet evolved enough on a global scale...i would say, it's still too much a ego war in some sense or so...
but then again, of course, anything can happen at any time... at least potentially or so ... lol :P

Perhaps weather anomolies due to the solar maximum.

And as far as crossing the galactic center I would be leery of the Coriolis Effect..
ok too much here to read right now so i will just post my question.

mate told me and i have heard it before that the dude who interpreted the Mayan calender against the western calender forgot to take into consideration leap years and such? and apparently 60yrs wrong or something.

But how are they interpreting it any way, isn't it meant to be based around a galactical alignment?
or is that just coincidence?

Will we be aligned with the center of the milky way or not?
they cant miss that.
The two calendars coincide not collaborate.

One is based on glactic events.

The other on the 24 hour day that isn't a full 24 hours.

The date the Mayans chose is in correspondence to our current callender.
Hence the odd year and date.
the concern over the natural disasters has nothing in common with the mayans. the disaster theory is based on charted data from earths history that shows that roughly every 26000 years a large scale natural disaster has occurred. the thing about this 26000 year cycle is that we are already outside the average number of years predicted that something big would have happened. meaning any day now we could experience a massive natural disaster. that's that theory.

the talk of the "end of the mayan calendar" is also a misunderstanding. it's not the end of a calendar, rather, it is the end of a period of measure (ie: month week year, etc. ) which is so long, that the period of measure itself is considered a calendar, similar to the concept of how a year can be considered a calendar, only the mayans' was much much longer and based on more precise cycles in our solar system. these had different names to the mayans, and were different units of measure (ie:baktun katun, etc) entirely.

the babylonian or sumerian calendar is even more relevant to the 2012 date than the mayan calendar. :idea: :)
so the mayan calender was not just based on the 24 hr cycle but also the 365 day calender and then the solar cycle and pretty much every cycle the Mayans knew about?

is it like a record of how far out to space they were aware of?
their calendar was not based on a 365 day year, or years at all for that matter. it was a different unit of measure entirely since the year is not precise at all (leap year).

they were aware of events and planets in space that we are just now "discovering"...
The mayans supposedly predicted the struggles of mankind as well as the return of their 'Gods', also supposedly superior entities, aliens, if you wish to call them so.

This is also related to the return of Nibiru, Planet-X, the 12th Planet, which is currently in our solar system and is supposed to orbit near the Earth in 2012 and screw up the balance of the panet, wether its our poles and our natural magnetic field, the earth's gravity, sea levels, etc.

Such events manifesting themselves in the future would mean a lot of trouble for us, life on Earth and the planet itself!
At the end of the day, you believe what you want to. I personally believe that this threat is very real.
KingLordMaster a dit:
The mayans supposedly predicted the struggles of mankind as well as the return of their 'Gods', also supposedly superior entities, aliens, if you wish to call them so.

this is more complex than can be summed up briefly. essentially, they predicted major disturbances in a field, and this data, when overlaid on top of a timeline of history, correlates very well (near perfection) with the turbulances of mankind. it should be noted that this data can be found from many many sources, and certainly not exclusive to the mayans. for more research, one can do a search of "terence mckenna time wave zero" or "gregg braden awakening to zero point" off the top of my head.

KingLordMaster a dit:
wether its our poles and our natural magnetic field, the earth's gravity, sea levels, etc.

Such events manifesting themselves in the future would mean a lot of trouble for us

if any of these happened, they would all happen, as the effects are all interrelated. i personally do not think it poses risks to humanity, a pole shift is a perfectly natural phenomenon and has happened thousands and thousands of times in the course of the earth...
heres a clip i made plz watch like 2mins

The dreaming