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2012 do u believe the mayans???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mindsiyk
  • Date de début Date de début
space didn't say that the mayans in the past haven't been sacrificers. and how could he know that for sure anyway?

i think too that the few mayans that live today probably are not human sacrificers.

but well in one video it said they were timetravellers, so that would approve that they probably weren't so primitive and maybe their traditions did indeed serve some purpose. for us as 21st century people their traditions like sacrificing people cutting their heart out while they still breathe just seem so sick and far out, but well who are we to judge their traditions and their culture anyways?? we might need to get familiar with the idea that we "civilised" people might not understand every culture and every tradition from so called "primitives".

that said maybe you should start becoming paranoid now... there could always come a fucked up maya-timetraveller-sacrificer out of nothing with the only interest of ripping your heart out just to sacrifice it to his self-invented god. :twisted: :finga: :D

lol... just jokin!!

peace out :weedman:
Ok ok, enough with the Mayans already! I don't know, nobody knows, fine.
I could go into my personal beliefs and stuffz regarding the subject, but it would not add anything to the topic.
The whole Mayan debate is taking away the focus on what "the 2012 thing" is really about
(speaking in general, not only the forum)

I may be very passionate about the Mayans (and other ancient civilisations), but it really is not about the Mayans.

I'd recommend everybody who has a genuine heartfelt interest in what 2012 really holds to watch this video series.
It shows and tells, with very interesting (and sometimes largely ignored) scientific studies,
all the things happening in the cosmos at the moment and what has been happening for millions of years.
How life works it's magic in creating lifeforms, how the human experience and the earth in all it's glory and biological diversity is hugely influenced by cosmic forces, what cropcircles show us through "basic" imagery and more.
The only thing constant in life is change and apparently, we're in for some huge change.
Enjoy! (just click the vid to see the rest, every upfollowing video is in the video reaction section)

so is it more about the i-can-flip-my-fkn-ship-in-the-fkn-12th-dimension-and-jump-to-every-point-in-the-universe-dudes??
mindsiyk a dit:
from my personal experience.. i have watched the world ever since i was born. and every year, everything gets worse in worse in some way.

... that has been the opinion of people since the dawn of time. The past has always been better than what is now.
It is because the human brain always makes you remember things better than they actually were. That is why your grandpa tells you that when he was a kid, there was still morality, and people believed in stuff...
why should the wobble in the earth casued by some sort of galactical alignment kill us anyway?? will it rip us apart like a shockwave?? and why should there be a wobble in the first place?? if it's some sort of galactic alignment maybe it has to do a bit with the earth declination too which is the reason for why we have seasons like we have on earth. so depending on how fast such an alignment would happen the earth would try to adjust to the alignment changes and we'd have to adjust too, but i wonder on what sort of evidence the apocalyptic messages rely. is it making panic before hand just in case, because of not knowing enough or is there real facts that show that?? i don't know i will research a bit maybe i will find out... i mean why should such an alignment happen??? and what would be aligned in what lines???
To be perfectly honest, here's my two cents:

If someone is going to write calendars for the future, they will eventually grow tired. I think whoever wrote that thing just got tired of it, and figured someone else would pick it back up if absolutely necessary.
what you mean?? think the future gets tired? LOL
No, I mean the poor sod who was stuck writing the calendar. :rolleyes:
i see and what you mean by that? :D
I mean...writer's cramp. Bad writer's cramp. How would you like to handwrite calendars for every year several thousand years into the future? You'd get pretty sore.

Another theory: The calendar stopped being written when someone said "Hey hombre, come out of there and listen to what I have to tell you about Catholicism, or I'll chop off your cabasa and let it watch me fuck your wife, comprende?"
yes, comprendo!!!! however i imagine the motivation for writing the calendar was strong, as these people seemed to have a deep spiritual or sorts of connection to their gods and whatnot so who am i to judge over what their gods gave to them in terms of information. i don't even know the information or exactly what kind of information it is.


Some people have the same idea as I do :mrgreen:

Tiax a dit:
Have you already tried to engrave a calendar into stone? Can't blame the mayans for stopping in 2012 because their hands were way too sore.

the same idea defined by different brains...


2012 = god will be using celestial components to compute its operations???
BrainEater a dit:
2012 = god will be using celestial components to compute its operations???
Although the Sun is a more or less autonomous object, being the heart of our solar system, it does get influenced by its environment. Our own heart is autonomous, but will be influenced by the nutrients and drugs that we ingest, or the people we're around (for example: a pretty girl, or a murderer).

Our Sun and its planets are spiralling through space, ever encountering new environments. In each of these environments there are different types and levels of radiation, dust etc. These elements will influence the dynamics of the Sun, even if in a very subtle way, and this in turn will have an effect on the Earth's magnetic field, which will in turn influence the Earth's stratosphere and crust, and according to some even our auras, chakras or whatever it may be. If all this is true, we might indeed expect certain changes in the Sun and thus events on Earth when our solar system flies through a significant area of the universe, or makes a particular angle towards other stars or the galactic center. From this perspective 2012 might be significant. We may wonder how the Mayans could have figured out these cosmic dynamics, but then there are lots of things about ancient man we moderns cannot comprehend.

Whatever it may be, I think it's naive to think of our Earth as an object isolated from the Sun, or to think of our solar system as isolated from its environment (including distant stars, pulsars, magnatars and so on).
"We may wonder how the Mayans could have figured out these cosmic dynamics, but then there are lots of things about ancient man we moderns cannot comprehend."

what I have began wondering about is-

a) what's this 26,000 year astrological cycle I have been hearing about ? I'm not talking about pop astrology either, but the ancient variant, that body of information which was, in actuality, closer to astronomy than anything else....it was utilized by the Egyptian culture as well as the Mayans.

b) How are we even in posession of the knowledge that there is a 26,000 year cycle when we say (western civ) that civilization has only existed for 6000 years?

c) what's the deal with the Emerald tablets of Thoth ?
geo-/-magnetical poleshift of the earth = quite long cycle in human terms

altho there are probably many other cycles, that are similarly longlasting i suppose...

thoth the atlantian is supposed to be a ascended master, having mastered death, etc.

my explanation to how they could have figured it out, is that they lived closer with nature, than we do.

actually a more kind of "holistic" interpretation is what can make the big change you don't see yet....

peace :weedman:
mindsiyk a dit:
So i have asked many people their opinions about the whole 2012 end of the world thing, and so far they have been to ignorant to even consider what the MAYANS, NOSTRADAMUS, and CHUCK MISLER have predicted/said.
not sure if many people know much about it it, but supossably the earth, moon, and sun are supposed to align and cause a wobble in the earth that will consequently 'to put it nicely' destroy us all lol.

from my personal experience.. i have watched the world ever since i was born. and every year, everything gets worse in worse in some way. and i just cant rub off the fact that the MAYAN'S and NOSTRADAMUS previous predictions have been quite accurate. what makes this one any different?

so my opinion? i think the world will end. maybe not on that day, but it will be the beginning of the end.
failing that.. the world will encounter some serious problems!

whats your take on this?

their are some videos below if u are interested..
they go into a deeppppppeeerrr depth of what i said.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCk4VMTG ... re=related

i didn't have time to read all of this. the fact of the matter HAS to be that we will never know exactly what the hell mayans were writing about, because they never "wrote" anything.

they communicated with pictures, and the patterns within those pictures. so any translation is merely an interpretation. of a picture. a fucking picture. of a language we have nothing in common with and really know very little about. if you think the world is ending in 2012, (hopefully not) then i would advise that you study into metaphors, and also look at some translations, and how translating anything into another language is merely a horrible approximation, a butchered placeholder, that is, until you learn the language. then it becomes clearer.
"the kingdom of god comes not in a way foreseen by man" -unknown