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2012 do u believe the mayans???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mindsiyk
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hmmm.. i just thought that how the mayan calender looks like reminded me of the concept or form that mandalas also have.
maybe the interpretation of apocalypse or so or the indication of the ending of the calender on a supposed certain date
simply means how limited our understanding of time in the "modern world" would have become and how civilisations would
create their own dooms like that or hmm generally what consequences do you think limited conceptions of time can have??
well hmm i heard in a spiritual hip hop song that the real 2012 was a few years ago, because the calendar was based on a wrong bible or so... i would say it could be a possibility.. the truth can often be more obscure than it may seem.
maybe like someone mentioned in another thread most human beings are simply too stuck in a matrix-like way in the perception of time and reality, in the sense that it's for example all only about calendar dates...
however i think in essence time is a great mystery, although i must admit i also sometimes feel stuck in the limited time perception like for example the concept of linearity... it's probably one aspect of it but not much more than that and certainly not the complete perspective of time... hmm sometimes the idea of time reminds me of the idee of eyes lol...

hmm check out this psychedelic music video!! tzolkin-state of mind - YouTube

DaZeD a dit:
Lol! :P

No, i don't believe in such prophecy, i dunno what it actually stands for, maybe it's just the dawn of a new era, but when you look at the other things the Maya's believed in, i see no reason to take them serious (on this) what so ever, they sacrificed man, woman and childs, pierced their dicks with stings, wore human skin jackets, cut out hearts, dug out deep huge tunnels for ritual sacrifices, etc etc etc, all to "please" their self invented Gods, why on earth do people take this so serious, i guess people just WANT to believe in doom senarios so desperatly they believe about anything.

The end of the world is predicted so many times before you know, there are so many prophecies already that one of them must at least be right, keep guessing, one day you'l hit the nail, i'm not paying any attention to it though.


The primitive should not be taken too seriously in such matters. Its like taking an opinion from the neanderthal man to repair a modern computer. Man has never been as evolved as he is right now - mentally, spiritually, scientifically, technologically. Definitely modern lifestyle/man has new problems but overall it is way better and full of information than primitive life. Most of us no longer have to worry about basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, water on a day to day basis, nor do we have to worry about surviving from wild animals.

So basically it is pretty naive to get worried about 2012 just cause the Mayan's who sacrificed their women and children for 'sky gods' and wore human skin jackets said so.
pretty sure the mayan gods were mostly from underground?

Im with you though, except maybe not on the spirituality aspect, i think humans have been far more spiritual in the past than now

Also maybe if we did do those things like go and hunt and gather, create our own tools etc. we would be more fulfilled at a basic level?
like how poor people who work hard are usually found to be brighter happier more content people than the fat bank manager who hardly even lifts his pen and yet has so much more physical things and opportunities
Not sure if it is reality or fiction but one thing is for sure... you cannot discount the fact that humanity is heading for a crash! We need someone to hit the reset button and soon. Will it be this December? Not sure but I would not be surprised, could it be 100 years from now, maybe.
toogoodforyou a dit:
The primitive should not be taken too seriously in such matters. Its like taking an opinion from the neanderthal man

those "primitive" mayans TO THIS DATE still know more about astronomy than we do... their calendars NOW are only about 30 second behind the actual event. we have nothing to compare.
2012 has been quite crazy for me so far. 1st of january was a pivotal moment in my life. there were other important moments with greater alignment than others, and funnily they all seemed to happen around first quarter moon. I looked up what moon there is on 21st of december, and it did or did not surprise me that there is first quarter moon on the 20th.
I remain agnostic on the matter of 2012, but I do hope that something will happen, I can't rule it out (and wouldn't want to).
It is hard to look at the world and think "Hey I think that everything is going great, it will be like this forever!" I am not sure if it is the way news is delivered and the 24 hour news cycle or if there have been more natural disasters in the last 5 years. I think there is a lot more hate in the world these days, and I do not see how the world can continue with all of the greed here! I cant see the world continuing like this for much longer. I also don't want my child to suffer, so I hope that if the reset button is hit it comes quick with no suffering!
What about leap years's? The mayan calendar would of had its doomed day a few years back right?
I did some googleing. I'm seeing the maya made a accurate calendar that is spot on with our time but not needing leaps years.

I still don't fully understand. I'm thinking leap years after this long would add up anuf to make a difference.
like i mentioned before, they didnt count years. they counted longer cycles that were much more accurate. specifics that i know beyond that are hazy. it's been a while since i put down the book on this kind of stuff...
I am sure that its the beginning of the end but I believe it wouldn't happen in just one day it would take several months or years..Earth is getting old I agree so someday world will come to end..But there is no point believing all the predictions.. they can be wrong or they can be inaccurate till an extent..
sunshroom a dit:
That surely haven't happened before. :roll:

I have even seen theories that all the planets in solar system will align. Check out this site if you want to know where certain planet is in certain time. 23. April 2002 were rather nice. 2002 Planetary Alignment

That website is really interesting actually. As to the Mayans questions no, i dont believe the world is going to end anytime soon. I think it is getting worse but not to the point where it's going to end in a couple of days...
Crimzen a dit:
Im with you though, except maybe not on the spirituality aspect, i think humans have been far more spiritual in the past than now

Don't you think more and more people are 'waking up' now than ever before? Working conditions and general lifestyle has become better/is becoming better for most of humanity than earlier. We no longer have ridiculous concepts like slavery or untouchability which were present in earlier times in certain countries. Racism is still there, but its not as blatant and in your face as before, people are more open minded. All these changes reflects the change in the 'spiritual' mindset of the people.

Maybe in the past few people were 'spiritual' and meditative, which is why they stood out more and made it appear as if mindfulness was more prominent in the past. In this information age where meditation, psychedelics, yoga and knowledge on your inner self is easily available makes it far more convenient to have a more evolved mindset due to which there are MORE 'spiritual' minded people now. I'm sure some of them might be having a 'spiritual ego', but still more and more people are waking up or trying to 'wake up' now than the past.
When the world will end it will end, again i stick to my view that the Mayans could not have predicted it. Till it ends we might make it a beautiful heaven worth living in for everybody and the future generations to come. Also, you never know if modern technology could eliminate the problem of the earth ending or at least bringing a solution to it as we have in case of loads of other problems.
i think in the times of communication technologies etc etc the language barrier is becoming a more relevant concept, because it can make people understand each other better, but also the opposite. and yeah maybe if enough people invest enough energy in the "ideal, safe and sound" world or so for the lack of a better description then everything will be good lol... :Oo: :retard: well... but seriously, if it's real love and comes from the heart then everything can be done and changed... :heart:

well and regarding the end of the world idea... consider this: what if everyone has their own perspectives on the world and the ending of the world could also be seen as many subjective events plus of course collective experiences etc etc....
and surely ends can maybe always be new beginnings!!
and what if the mayans actually had a better and/or more natural understanding for nature and time than we have nowadays... because they were more in tune and connected to the natural spirit of all things. i think time is a bit like karma or thought. in the sense that if you think something it will have a result. the thing is just that we can't always see the direct or indirect results of our thoughts, because we are too dumb and blind.
for example the idea that time is not linear but cyclic... or rather: from a certain perspective it's linear, but from another perspective it could be cyclic or like spirals etc etc.... just think about how much the perspectives we have can change the world and how great the difference can be.... seriously people...
open your eyes and free your minds!!! :idea::!:;)

ophiuchus a dit:
those "primitive" mayans TO THIS DATE still know more about astronomy than we do... their calendars NOW are only about 30 second behind the actual event. we have nothing to compare.

That is the scariest part of the whole thing... I mean... HOW did they know so much... And WHAT exactly is going to happen... It's the end of the era, and beginning of a new one... But WHAT is supposed to be happening anyway...??

They aren't really specific... You think they could be a tad more helpful if they wanted to warn mankind about something...

I don't know, I just know that we sure do live in some interesting times... Especially since the "Day After Video" was already released by NASA... Gotta love the opening line "If you are watching this, it means the world did not end yesterday" LOL and the date on it is december 22nd :D

They sure are sure of themselves aren't they LOL...

Well, one thing for sure, if SOMETHING does happen, this will be the end for NASA LOL
they are plenty specific about it, however, it is "written" in a language that is not a written language, it's a pictorial language. so it is extremely hard to translate, and even what we know now about their language is still very shakey...
i think it's about imagination.. for example... ideas like society, structure and nature related to time and how extremely psychological time can be and how people can become like animals. and also how much the perspective or angle of perspective or so can make all the difference.

or lol just think of the weather, climate and even all nature as a person or at least a living being that is bigger or so (like a dreamer or so, but mind you it's a whole other theory or something and maybe it's a bit like if things are too complicated or so it can make it more simple or the other way round, but yeah only speculation right there) in some sense that is feeling it all and acting or reacting accordingly. i just think we don't really understand nature really well and have lost the connection, because a lot of people in some sense don't even perceive it as alive. or yeah maybe of course concepts of everything and nothing etc etc... just think how what for one maybe is everything or nothing for the other may be totally different??

if you ask me, the mayans were pretty wise in their knowledge of nature and i think a good hint would be the celestial nature of nature so to say. because nowadays most people don't seem to perceive nature as divine, but simply as something normal or maybe trivial, because they have lost their naturality and focus only on artificialness which has become "normal". it's the collective sickness of normality and the insanity of that. just use your damn brains... man...

another thing i want to say is that i guess a lot of humans still do human sacrifices today, but it's not made that obvious... so please just use your own brains and don't subscribe to the in my opinion disgusting retardism religions and retarded paradigms. for example the evil TV world and although i would say that even if it's retarded it's still real.
for exampel try to see more with the feeling instead of only with the "calculation" and rational intelligence, because but not only because of that, concepts of rationality, intelligence and calculation are not always the most healthy and/or evolved.
just saying... alright..!? :Oo: :retard:

I still say the Mayans were way further ahead in terms of their knowledge of the stars than we are... How is it they knew that the milway galaxy was a spiral? How did they know about the different planets in the solar system? They didn't have telescopes... And how did they manage to create something so darned accurate based on stars with nothing more than the naked eye and rocks??????

That is the big question...
Soon our strings will be cut and known thoughts of faith will be lifted. Only chaos will be. We was the puppet of our own makebelife. But now we will control the future strings. :ninja::toimonster::pidu::paranoid::anal::oops::axe: