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  1. S

    stained glass portraying ambrosia

    thats the exact one bro too much thats tops, goes to show u can only ask. :D
  2. S

    big footprints

    do we have to leave such a big footprint. just finished reading virtual mode by piers anthony and wanted to leave u with this part. if i might. Maresy and another mare were grazing in this pasture.it was the only pasture they had, and there was no other source of food.just the grass. a tough...
  3. S

    Ketamine Purity and availability

    lucky me couldnt get it for ever now get in liquid vials and leave it on a plate to form 50 bux for 2ml tho.? enuf for me after a long night of acid and no sleep for as long as needed then sniff sniff down that rabbit hole. notice the crystal however chaotic they form it seems uniform the...
  4. S


    is it legal to purchase ketamine from a pharmacy in mexico? over counter
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    lmao. 25
  6. S


    im gonna spread my fav old mushies .WERAROA. johnny mushroom spore.ahaha first gotta get some. heaps of people wanna see em. Is there any mushroom spore that is seriously hard to grow out of the wild?
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    finally had it done, found my self in a trance like state where i just sort of fazed out. she put the needles in my arms and i sort of have this thing with the creases on my body like a compulsive thing, causes me to get anxious. Anyway she puts final needles dead center of my wrists leaves...
  8. S


    awesome book but did anyone elses just Fall Apart? the pages just undid? a bit sad
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    Favorite Mushrooms

    roww far i used to go crazy on shrooms when i lived in new zealand grew up there had a mean patch at a crematorium me and a mate used to partake from. my all time fav was blue meanies cant get them over here in australia they called WERAROA im planning a trip back and im gonna bring some spore...
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    The Kaos effect

    :is a matter of circumstance, Perfectly set, Destined to break as its tangled webs loop connecting time and space holding in currents till its ends touches and reality stretches past conscious being thru forces to an imagination, Another Dimension. radagowwwww
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    stained glass portraying ambrosia

    i had a picture from internet of a stained glass window in a very early Spanish church which pictured a saint maybe Jesus with arms spread open and under him was about five plants and a green vine running along the bottom, my computer crashed and i lost this picture i have looked and looked for...
  12. S

    How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

    was wondering if this extraction would work with p.viridis leaves
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    check out this dudes mental art works of masterpiece at www.stephentroyallen.com.au. he uses a pen to untangle his subconcious mind in fractals melting onto paper check these hand drawn fractals, psy art out Amazing stuff he once drew for like 16 more hours. he loves his work. and brings it to...
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    Mystery powder

    try it on a pill tester could elliminate somethings
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    pure mescaline

    what does pure mescaline smell like.? or near pure anyway, what does it smell like. gonna buy some, dont want shit what color to. spose i could tell if it was sumthing mainstream trynna pass off as mesacline? thanks
  16. S

    spirit molecule

    experience removed and in experiences forum now re-written. under Topic_Crystal DMT 1st time
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    DMT - Smoking/Inhaling - Tips-Advice ...need a lil' help...

    use a bong. maybe rip a or two tobacco bongs first taler made. i know these things are disgusting but. they are much harsher than the mix cone snow capped with dmt so will condition ready for the easy next step. trust finely very finely chop alittle baky with ya weed just enough for a small...
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    DMT - Smoking/Inhaling - Tips-Advice ...need a lil' help...

    i use a bong with a mix of weed and tiny bit of tobacco. i dont smoke cigis but this helps put ya lung hairs to sleep making it easier then pack a medium small cone snow toped with half a point of DMT crystal 50mg. smoke very slow rip and hold for as long as can. body only can absorb dmt for 10...
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    mates sista just got back from europe sumewher? an has 100 dragonfly tabs not lsd but apparently LSD with a few different atoms thrown into the mollecule? whatever anyone tried, im gonna try it bro said is crazy shit lasts for ever trippin balls. way stronger than lsd. any one no what it...
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    some problems of grow and grow box

    first peace, love, and LSD to all mi hippie bros n sistas out there. i need help or opinions. ive been taking mushrooms and stuff since maybe to young but for unspoken reasons had to stop all those activities, so for about 2 years i touched nearly no-thing, thinkin i had done an excellent job...
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    weed and Hny bees

    hey any one that can help was wondering could honey bees possibly make honey from a cannabis plant? always wanted to have a hive in a massive silo farm shed and make them feed off of marijuana 8) ???
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    Crystal DMT experience

    ive tried a few forms of dmt. a herbal smoke (dreamtime) like changa and tried times 4 ive tried dmt goo. (these r just parts i remember i will try to put into words as much as words can describe this awakening a holly sacrement) Note: none of this ever hurt, would not recommend full dose to...
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    What are your top 5 favourite drugs???

    1.Lsd has 2 b good LSD- 1&2 make 23 rooow 2.ketamine- luky i can get this alot wen rich in viles liquid. ;) 3.trees,Mary jane,green cannabis sativa- always been there 4 me in her many forms starting to get n2 cookies now 4.coke- every blue moon luv it 5. Akahol
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    pee and peyote

    any one heard of drinkin yur piss after a trip on mescaline? 2 ttrip again harder
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    Psychonautica #28 OUT NOW

    psychonautica? were can i read or how can i get this psyconautica #28 or any ?
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    I need some experienced psychonauts to comment on this mix

    sounds like your not quite sure which to mix i get liquid ktamine and theres not really a better mix to send u to the stars than a good dose of acid and a good helping of K, i'm experienced and this usually always gets me into a Looop. i love k and i love lsd, i wanna try crystal lsd
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    20gr. of mimosa-a ticket to hell

    afer have u ever brewed rue seeds? or do u say doing them in caps is just as good? me and some mates are gonna try the brew soon and just been ever reading up on preperation and evrything. i got told 3 grams of rue is small dose for first tima how many gams of dried rue would u recommend. we...
  28. S


    i dont know bout pcp...yet but ketamine is well i like it much so, its a fun drug when u've learnt her tricks. she can take you to other worlds help u travel to dimensions in ur own imagination, if u dont fight her and travel down the rabbit hole with her. i have a mate good mate who sells me...
  29. S


    i really recommend taking a iron supplement tablet 1/2 to 1hr B4 taking Lsd, tried it once and do it most of time now.it works especially if u took acid day b4 dont have to take twice as much 2 trip
  30. S

    what about those mush

    i am not really sure. but if u got the spores from a trusted source they should be alrite. if u dont know best advice with shrooms is not to eat them, although we've all eaten shrooms we wernt to sure of.but it is a very dangerous game to play. ;)
  31. S


    thanx for the repplys brothers, and yeah its a little bit of the bad thats abbundant in our world 2day.just have 2 take it on, learn. there are millions out there fasing much worse, evry day.
  32. S

    RainBow seRpent

    rainbow serpent festival just finished for this year. :( and already i have started gathering 2gether mi drug collection 4 next year.lol.it has to be better than this year. this year i had 8grams of pure crystal K, which i crystal from liquid Miself,cactus,MD,extc,shrooms,whole sheets of acid...
  33. S


    was wonderin if anyone had any experience with this one, what its like. it seems to be a drug thats gettin harder and harder 2 get. i havnt tried but have been lookin for some time. just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :( not the...
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    terence Mckenna

    has anyone herd of dr jon-hpx project of terence Mckenna or no a web site were i can get the dvd.
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    ENDGAME- Alex Jones- Blueprint for Global Enslavement

    what is this about bro? have these theories got factual background? or is this all made up? this is 4real aye? the middle east wars and shit
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    lucid dreaming.

    i find that i have best dreams during the weeks after going on a huge bender, but mostly tend to have dreams that almost terrify me to the point of turning on the tv just so im nit in complete darkness. its amazing how your mind can make things so real. they say that when we see our brain is in...
  37. S

    Reliving a past life or visiting myself in another demension

    "i meant on salvia, i read like a bajillion salvia reports. Also the fact that the second time i went to the exact same place with the exact same people. What do you think it means?" i think it means salvia really works for u buds, and probly triggers somthing in ur brain although i am a...
  38. S

    finding mrs salvia

    i live in australia, moved here from New Zealand 3 yrs ago. and apparently its wrong to possess her in oz, is any 1 here in aus and can help me out with seeds plants ?anything. im in melbourne?
  39. S

    Deja Vu Dreams and Tripping

    "energys outside of time" soundz like astro traveling? which along with evrything else has once or twice been reported officialy and is very widely accepted especially in oriental and foreign countries. and i do think thats a good theory of how you would fell like uv been somewhere be4
  40. S


    yes. brugmansia, your words are insight this sounds like mi friend KAt to a T. its like she seperates you from evry part that is reality, and mutes that sometimes awfull subconciuss "But Ket never presents the end, always wrapes you out with an open end. And you can develop a sort of...
  41. S

    Can't get high anymore!?

    hey buds, um have you tried bud spots- two blazing glowing hot butter knives u dab one knife on a small pea size rounded bud and then squash 2gether with ova knife and inhale in tokes threw a rolled up hooter or get a mate too use knives while u suck thru a half coke bottle. trie that bro it...
  42. S


    i have a peyote monstrose and i know its not a nice thing to do to such a preciouse cactus but i was thinkin of eatin her, how big does a peyote normally have to be for 1 person?
  43. S

    lsd in your eye?

    ive always wondered and herd about this ive once tried putting a half blotter paper tab under mi eyelid and herd about putting microdots under eyelids has any1 ever put a liquid lsd drop on ther eye like clear eyes? howdit go
  44. S


    about delusions on k well i just got bak from rainbow serpent a 4 day psy festival with everything psychadelic u could think of its just a brilliant festival, the biggest of its kind in southern hemisphere. look up rainbowserpent.net anyway i crystalised 26 viles of liquid human ketamine into...
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    manuscript said toward the bottom
  46. S


    does any1 know in symbols what the date 21/12/2012 looks like on the mayan callendar? does any1 have a picture or a web page?
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    Deja Vu Dreams and Tripping

    we all have theories on dejavu. so i'll give u mine. einstine said, if universe began with a big bang some time it has to hit a wall or end, that it cannot just keep ever expanding.... stay with me... and that when it hit this boundary it would collapse on itslef but when this happend time space...
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    lookd into this heaps, and found page if i rember it i'll post it. But some astronomer was fascinated by this and after years of research found that it is a date in which somthing will happen. He is not sure if Mayans meant this but they were a very strong star watching people-even the callendar...
  49. S


    i get 2ml viles of hospital grade human K, and crystalise it. i usually have a line and straight away smoke a bit this gets u smashd fast and once in ur blood evry top up gets u even further from reality. pure crystal smokes a bit black after a while but not 2 bad. i guess u could free base it...
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    peruvian monstrose

    seen a cactus in local plant shop called peruvian monstrose dont know much about it does anyone know if it has mescaline content, if so how much would som1 need to eat for 1st time on mescaline bout a foot? thanx
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    LOPHOPHORA caespitosa

    i have seen this cactus in my local garden shop its in a locked cage and that is the only name they have for it LOPHOPHORA caespitosa is this closely related to lophophora williamsii does anyone know of its mescaline content?
  52. S

    Cultivating the Pedro

    i have a couple of p.torches and one of them is starting to turn from green to barky at the base upwards, they have been in direct sunlight sorry,huh would this be my problem? i will make a glad wrap green house around them asap. and with the plaster board pot mix lol. would you recommend this...
  53. S

    Phalaris grass and cats

    dont know 4 sure buds but i been growing it for miself and notice dog chews on this grass out of all the grass around the house, i wonder because they dont process things like us humans does he trip off the dmt.?
  54. S

    making hashish oil

    my aunties and grandad made this for generations and is excellant method. family recipee. may take few goes to perfect. you need a empty rinsed good fizzy bottle.coke or sprite. mixture of leaf and bud. bout half a litre atleast of Isopropyl alcohol. some handytowels.papertowels. and a coil...
  55. S

    best way to consume cactus

    i have some dried out cactus and was wondering if brewing it gives a better trip than just eating the powder. i know its vile and disgusting to drink but is it better once brewed. if so what is the best brewing times ive heard everything from 1hour upto 8 hours. someone said the longer u brew it...
  56. S

    first time using fly agaric help please

    so you sure 28 grames for trip ballz material, just that 1 ounce is alot a shrooms? home grown blue meanies tkae only 5 sometimes 3 gms. i know they not even related. 28 grames yeah :?:
  57. S

    dose and strength of T. bridgesii

    ive heard that T. bridgesii is considered nearly or as good as peruvian torch? dont know thats why i am asking. what would be a average dose recomend? could i mix it with dry peruvian skin? thanx
  58. S

    first time using fly agaric help please

    i have been using blue meanies, gold tops, golden teachers all containing psilycobin type alcaloids. even ate this huge slimmy grey N white mushroom size of a eggplant me and cousin found under ground once when could find nothing else and tripped BALLZ. but neva tried fly agaric (musscimol?)...
  59. S

    dried cacti

    i just recieved 100gm of dried t.peruvian skin in the mail from entheogarden.com and was wondering how much i should stomache. i have only tried eating cati twice b4 but think it was wrong one nothing happened. i am an experienced astro traveller and have been doing mushrooms in newzealand...
  60. S

    which music did you trip with ?

    mostly psy-trance mostly. Bonky, scatter brains, infected mushroom, space tribe, fairy tales, spoonbill, hallucinogen. anything to help the hallucinations or just what im in the mood for.
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    ayahuasca help

    i have been planning to try ayahuasca for some time now bout a year. and ive been growing p.viridis but it died and is slowly growing back, but i also have some reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea which is over growing everywhere i am really getting unpatiant and want to try it.but have...
  62. S

    peyote seeds

    i got hold of heaps of peyote seeds and wondering b4 i try and grow them for 5 years, can i eat some to hallucinate do they contain mescaline anyone?
  63. S

    ayahuasca please help

    i am planning to chew bout 3 grams o syrian rue seeds.thats the MAOI. But cannot B botherred chasing up a dmt source. I need help i am thinking of buying some pure extracted dmt crystals to mix with seeds, how much do u recommend for medium dose. is this dmt dangerouse? wiill the chemicals used...