Holofractale de l'hypervérité
- Inscrit
- 20/11/04
- Messages
- 3 440
mrvn a dit:But I would not remove the spawn out of the box, just leave it in there and use the filterbag. It works perfectly. You already have the right mix of perlite, spawn and vermiculite in the box so why remove it.
I didn't say you should take it out, I just said open it, and put it in a bucket (or terrarium, aquarium) I think this is easier than with the filter bag because you don't want the wet filter bag touch the shrooms and so on.
You can however also remove the cake from the myceliumbox - it is then easier for shrooms to grow on the sides. They will also grow there when inside the box, but they mostly abort, and it's hard to get them out.