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some problems of grow and grow box

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion 88rocco
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mrvn a dit:
But I would not remove the spawn out of the box, just leave it in there and use the filterbag. It works perfectly. You already have the right mix of perlite, spawn and vermiculite in the box so why remove it.

I didn't say you should take it out, I just said open it, and put it in a bucket (or terrarium, aquarium) I think this is easier than with the filter bag because you don't want the wet filter bag touch the shrooms and so on.

You can however also remove the cake from the myceliumbox - it is then easier for shrooms to grow on the sides. They will also grow there when inside the box, but they mostly abort, and it's hard to get them out.
Interesting... I will remember next time i buy a growbox :)

thanx tryptonaut!
88rocco a dit:
Hello, I am new to site and glad to be apart of it. Thanks for having me.

But I was curious to know if anyone has ever dealt with the mygtech cultivation kit? I recently have invested in one and its a little unclear on when and where you are suppose to insert the spores? yes i am new to this soo i would like to get the info i need to do it as well as i can and produce a nice crop.
The site of purchase is mygtech.com if you would like to see for yourself.
and here is also the online instruction on how to use the kit http://mygtech.com/Online-instruction-book.html

Thank you for your time and advice.

Hey Rocco,

I have tried the MYG Kit from www.mygtech.com and I didn't find the instructions confusing at all. First you have to inoculate the grain jar with your spores and follow the inoculation instructions to let the spawn run through the jar. Once your spawn has run through then follow the rest of the instructions. Pasteurization means you just need to boil ( no need for a pressure cooker - a large stock pot will do ) the straw to sterilize it. Then let it cool and add in the spawn to that.

Anyway, it seems to be outlined pretty clearly in the instructions.
I have ordered a Mushbag (rye grain) and innoculated it 2 weeks ago.
I used Equadorian spores i had ordered with the bag.
Two weeks have passed since i innoculated the bag, under very hygenic circumstances, and only a bit has turned white.
The bag is at my friends house in a shoebox, yet the temperature is not ideal i suppose since it only is room temperature.
Im afraid that the mycelium might not grow anymore.
I have put the box somewhere warmer today, [color:#D4C7C7]yet i want to know if the slow growth might have to do with the temperature.
Also i want to add that i havent opend the bag and only shaken it a few times to spread the mycelium. There seems to be no contamination and the bag is still sealed.
Hoping for your help :)

Greetings SAM
My mycelium always grew a lot slower than what the guides said. Last time I made cakes according to PF-Tek, the tek said it should become white in 3-5 days and after 7 days or so, you can fruit it.
The temp in my closet wasn't 27°C but it was between 20°C and 25°C at all times, and it took two weeks until the first jar showed mycelium, then it took like another two weeks until all jars were ready for fruiting.

I think you don't have to worry, obviously lower temperatures can make things really slow...

btw. I bought a small 10W heating mat to speed things up. It's made for heating a terrarium and it wasn't expensive. I put it in the closet and put two old heat sinks on it (the type you use on cpu's) so now I have a small electric heating in there. It only draws 10W, but it makes the temp go up by 5°C in the closet, so now I can keep it at 25°C-27°C at all times.
Found some mushrooms think they might be gymnopilus sp. I want to know how long does it take for the stems to turn blue, and what other tips you might give for identification purposes. Also whats the percentages of them being poisonous rather than psilocybin.
You write like a teenager. Please use proper grammar and punctuation, so we can imagine you're an adult and feel more enthusiastic about answering your questions.
chiefdanny420 a dit:
Also whats the percentages of them being poisonous rather than psilocybin.

I don't know but russian roulette is 1/6
Don't eat mushrooms unless you are sure about the species. Maybe you can post a photo of them here, so we can have a look. If there is psilocybin in the mushrooms, blueing happens within a few minutes usually.
They don't always turn blue. I've had semilanceata's that didn't turn blue but were fairly potent. It's a species thing.
Hey Rocco,

I have actually tried the Mushroom Kit from you speak of.

@ http://www.mygtech.com/Mushroom-Kits.html

Funny you should mention it. About six month's ago I did one up. As I remember you do have to sterilize the straw in a big pot for like an hour. Also it did involve injecting spores into a grain jar and waiting for it to grow through with mycelium. All went well with my grow. In fact it was actually the best kit I have tried yet. I have tried quite a few including gathering various stuff up for a DIY grow, tub grows, and cakes. This was by far the easiest and most rewarding. You do have to follow the instructions closely to make sure you are doing everything correctly though.
samcox a dit:
I have ordered a Mushbag (rye grain) and innoculated it 2 weeks ago.
I used Equadorian spores i had ordered with the bag.
Two weeks have passed since i innoculated the bag, under very hygenic circumstances, and only a bit has turned white.
The bag is at my friends house in a shoebox, yet the temperature is not ideal i suppose since it only is room temperature.
Im afraid that the mycelium might not grow anymore.
I have put the box somewhere warmer today, [color:#D4C7C7]yet i want to know if the slow growth might have to do with the temperature.
Also i want to add that i havent opend the bag and only shaken it a few times to spread the mycelium. There seems to be no contamination and the bag is still sealed.
Hoping for your help :)

Greetings SAM

No need to shake a few times that is just disturbing not helping. Shake ONCE and once only. Every time you shake the bag the mycelium needs 2 days or so to recover, in nature mycelium spreads just fine into glorious networks without anybody shaking things up. You are using spores not a live culture so it will take longer and 2 weeks is not a long time when using spores. Next time, I recommend making a liquid culture with some honey or malt and injecting that into the grain bag. That will be quick depending on temperature. Keep the bag in a dark place and for goodness sakes do not disturb it.

Is there any water accumulation at the bottom of the bag or or is the grain looking mushy?
I've been looking into growing everyones favorite fungi, and any helpful advice on a beginner setup. Most probable mushroom will be Cubensis; also any info on best growth medium would be terriffic.
What do you already know? Which books or websites did you consult so far?

Here's a website with some basic information: http://mushplanet.nl/
first peace, love, and LSD to all mi hippie bros n sistas out there.
i need help or opinions.

ive been taking mushrooms and stuff since maybe to young but for unspoken reasons had to stop all those activities, so for about 2 years i touched nearly no-thing, thinkin i had done an excellent job staying clean i thought i deserved a treat- when my mate said he had a new batch of "Super shroomies" home grown indoor. and everyone else did say they were really good so.
only ever eaten fresh shrooms before the 5 grams of dried only looked like 2-3 grams of weed so stupidly i didnt eat all day, got night ready chewed mushrooms for about 10 minutes and sucked them.
a hour later i could tell something was wrong i wasnt tripping at all yet just felt like i was poisoned i guess. soon i was panicking which couldntve helped tried spewing a shower was about 2 go 4 a run, wen i got mi old lady to take me to hospital. maybe lol. atleast have a chuckle bout it now.

but on way there i was almost blacking out crazy and had this pins and needles all up mi arms in mi fingers soo strong intense mi arms went numb.
got there so this is about 2 hours after ingestion?
they wouldnt see me till i got real seriouse. NOTE: i was 22 at time first tried mushies at 15 had many trips this wasnt just a bad trip No.
after about three hours everything went away and i was just tripping balls could focus mi eyes even wen trying. Ballz.
So Doc said that kind of pins and needles was mi nervouse system being attacked 'shutting down' and body was slipping into Shock.
MI PROBLEM: evrytime i try to eat them now like i have 2 small shrooms and i get panicky cant control it. pins n needles alittle. ive only tried them bout 3 times since havnt tripd of them since. Ilove shrooms tho what should i do stay away? try to get mi body to realise they arnt that bad by eating a few evry now n then.

i think i might have a little nerve damage from this incident how can i try n fix that? i get tingly fingers sumtimz. maybe mi body is just sensitive now on alert.
thanx for reading mi story Really look forward to responses.
I think you just freaked out because you weren't prepared for the uncomfortable coming up.

Don't worry about nerve damage, mushrooms don't do that.

Most people, including me, have a hard time when coming up on shrooms. It's part of the experience.
It may sound absurd, but, as one former forum member here pointed out, at the high-end dosages [5g+] those uncomfortable side-effects become negligible. And it was so in my case, too. Not advising you to up the dosage though, just something to consider...