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20gr. of mimosa-a ticket to hell

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion afer
  • Date de début Date de début
Interesting trip report afer. Thanks for sharing. The second part sounds really serious. Interesting that you girlfriend said nothing seemed to be wrong. I've had a shroomtrip a while ago that was partly very hard on my body, but I still wonder if it really was that hard physically, or if that was only how I experienced things... I did not have a sitter.

As for the amount of shrooms where things start to get interesting, I also think that varies per person, plus setting and preparation.

@ Psychoid: ‘hyperspace’... well, you can read trip reports to get an impression, but to understand what it's like, you'd really have to experience it! Try upping the dose next time (if you feel comfortable doing so) and/or start your trip with more spiritual intentions, if you haven't done so in the past.
Well, as I had mentioned, she also had such uncomfortable sensations as extreme yawning, drowsiness, and tiredness, but these hadn't been as strong as in mine case, presumably due to the lower dose. I doubt it's psychological
lol*fan a dit:
@ Psychoid: ‘hyperspace’... well, you can read trip reports to get an impression, but to understand what it's like, you'd really have to experience it! Try upping the dose next time (if you feel comfortable doing so) and/or start your trip with more spiritual intentions, if you haven't done so in the past.

Yeah and I can't wait to experience it!! I'm gonna buy a relatively big amount of LSD (which I have never taken yet) soon in blotter form, I'm looking forward to try them!!!

I'm still very new in the psychedelic universe, and I'm careful so I'm slowly upping the dose each time I feel I'm ready. I feel ready for a bigger dose of shrooms, like 5g dried, but I have been unlucky and haven't found any for at least 3 months of research. But as I said I think I finally found a source of LSD after over 2 years of searching (and what is funny is that it came to me while I was really not looking for it), so it's not a problem anymore, I could even have some shrooms in a week or two if I wanted to :P

But when you're in "hyperspace", are you still conscious of the real world? Are you still able to interact with it? It it likely that you feel confortable only when lying down in your bed?

EDIT:::::::: \| :::::::: |/ ::::: \| ::::::: |/ :::::::::

@Afer : I had extreme yawnings a few times I took shrooms, especially on my first time. For me the tiredness is a part of the shrooms effect, but once, on my biggest shroom trip, it got really bad, all I wanted to do was to sleep, but of course I couldn't. I was with some friends and became extremely confused so I decided to go lie down in the back of my car. After 2 hours of hell there, I wanted to piss, so I drove to a nearby park (yeah, that was stupid, even tho it was 100 meters away) to piss (don't know why but at this moment in my head that park was the only suitable place for pissing). After this I felt less tired, so I decided to try walking around with some music. The music changed everything. I suddenly felt extremely good. The music brought me the most insanely crazy happiness you can imagine, I couldn't remove that huge smile from my face, tears of joy were constantly flowing from my eyes, and I was dancing in the streets. I had never felt so good before, not even with ecstasy. I visited hell and heaven in the same night.

P.S.: The song "Are you ready?" by Pakito REALLY made me insane. I think everyone should try listening to this song at least once while tripping, it's really special.
"Each person's inner chemistry s different."

Yes , but not that much diferent .

"I feel somehow lucky as I don't have to eat tons of not-very-cheap mushrooms to get myself into the hyperspace."

Psilcybe Cyanescens and P.Semilanceata mushrooms are free . Pardon me please , but if you havent eaten enough how do you know if you have been to what you call "hyperspace" ??? Please try eating 5 grams dry after an at least 1 month drug fast and you will definately know what mushrooms can do . ( that doesnt mean stoping smoking canabis )

I used to have a period of yawning and tiredness every time i used Psilocybin mushrooms wich was only realy boring if i hadnt taken enough .

What about trying it and seeing if it makes a diference to you ?

Love GOD
I happen to think that 6 grams are pretty enough 4 me. :) But hell yes, GOD, you're absolutely right about the dosage- when I took six grams I did not yawn or felt tired.Thanks for pointing this out, I somehow didn't pay attention to it..
P. cyanescens don't grow here in Latvia but there are lots of semilanceata growing in the woods. Will hunt for them next autumn :)
But again, more on the subject- what you guys think about the side affects I had on mimosa? It's not rue, I'm sure.Can DMT cause such unpleasantntess?
It wasnt the P.Harmala . From my experience i can say that Ayahuasca sometimes did REALY strange thinmgs to me , things like you describe . Sometimes a total emptyness , a sort of ultra distance where i saw absolutly no reason to live or to die , everything was just there and was pointless .and unnecesery . Without realy being depressive or feeling bad about it . I just thought i am me and i am the observer , dont take it seriously , just observe , whats it matter to me if the film is shit ? Does a light bulb enjoy it when it gets turned on ?

I`m sure that P.Cy do grow somewhere near you . If P.Semilanceata grow there so do they . It`s just a pain trying to find them untill you have sussed out exactly where and when they grow . Then you find them all over the place .
@ Psychoid:
But when you're in "hyperspace", are you still conscious of the real world? Are you still able to interact with it? It it likely that you feel confortable only when lying down in your bed?

The following answers are based on my own experience and on trip reports I've read. Both deal with the tripper lying down with eyes closed during the trip.

- Conscious of the real world?

No, or might be. During my most heavy trip till now, I felt like this whole world, this whole universe of ours had just collapsed and was nothing but something I had created and lived in until that trip. I was just energy amidst energy, and in the end became all the energy, everything there ever was and will be, I became the source of everything, outside me there was nothing else. I was god.

After that I decided to recreate this universe and live in it again :)

In another trip I felt like I was 'out there', in space or however you want to call it, communicating with a guiding spirit that showed me all kinds of things, and I had sort of transcended my ego. Still, at the same time, I sometimes perceived sounds from outside my house; I had a neighbour who was gardening and constantly whistling tunes, and I would think: O man, would you please stop that?!

Conclusion: make sure there's no need to interact with this world when you plan to take a trip into hyperspace or whatever you'd like to call it.

As for your last question: comfortably lying down is very comfortable when mind travelling :) At least for me it is.

Daytripper: sorry for sort of hijacking your thread... hope you don't mind 8)
afer have u ever brewed rue seeds?
or do u say doing them in caps is just as good?
me and some mates are gonna try the brew soon and just been ever reading up on preperation and evrything. i got told 3 grams of rue is small dose for first tima how many gams of dried rue would u recommend.
we are experienced in pretty much evry other drug and have smoked dmt many times but realise smoking it and drinking it are totaly different.