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Alpiniste Kundalini
was wonderin if anyone had any experience with this one, what its like.
it seems to be a drug thats gettin harder and harder 2 get. i havnt tried but have been lookin for some time.
just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :(
not the type of person to seek revenge, but cant help to think of paybak.
i hate dodgy cunts like that, that is what a junkie is, a person that will rip off another. and take everything they have.
strenght to you.
sidefx a dit:
was wonderin if anyone had any experience with this one, what its like.
it seems to be a drug thats gettin harder and harder 2 get. i havnt tried but have been lookin for some time.
just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :(
not the type of person to seek revenge, but cant help to think of paybak.
i hate dodgy cunts like that, that is what a junkie is, a person that will rip off another. and take everything they have.

Dirty dogs... rip off... guns... coke... junks...
Users usually turn into assholes, VERY BIG assholes. You say it: junkies.
That's why i started to hate drugs like coke and speed.
It's not the drugs, it the people. Damn that sucks, sidefx.
It used to be very easy to get but because its real BIG SHIT and makes you mental nobody buys it any more . Its one of the reasons that the police have tasers and use them . Crack is another one but PCP makes you more nuts than a raging bull on crack . It can be like the effects of crack and datura mixed together . = a psychotic zombie on crack .

Bad to hear about the money , but at least you are alive . You just paid a good price to learn something . Dont buy from strangers , dont deal with shifty people and dont cary money with you into places where you can get ripped . Allways make sure that you can control the situation and that you know where the person that you are dealing with lives . Always check him out first .
thanx for the repplys brothers, and yeah its a little bit of the bad thats abbundant in our world 2day.just have 2 take it on, learn.
there are millions out there fasing much worse, evry day.
sidefx a dit:
just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :(

Not for personal stash I guess (hope)...
You wanted to buy coke on the street for 3K? Or why do you have that crazy amount of money with you?
JustinNed a dit:
It's not the drugs, it the people. Damn that sucks, sidefx.

People make coke, people use coke and people change, because of the coke.
Diary of a Mad PCP Teen
or, how I stopped worrying and learned to love washing dishes

An Evening with Ozzie
I know you guys just love hearing my stories from the 70s. Well, my very first Black Sabbath concert, me and my cousin bought some pcp and took two each just before the concert. This was probably 1975. The drug came in yellow capsules. Back then, for some reason they sold it as "THC". Of course, it had nothing to do with THC. It was all PCP, phencyclidine, and if it came in a powder form you snorted or smoked, it was called "angel dust".

So, the night of Black Sabbath, it started out good, but got intense very quickly. I went from laughing and being woozy inside a big civic center auditorium to a descent into hell. Ozzie was singing, and I was clapping my hands, and everyone in the whole auditorium was wearing black hoods, clapping their hands automatically. That was all a hallucination, of course. It wasn't that the trip was horrible, it was that the hallucination was of me being in hell, you know, where the devil lives and all that. My hands were on auto pilot, they were clapping themselves, synchronized with all 10,000 other people's hands. We were all Ozzie's, and the Devil's slaves now. "I'm fucked, I'm in Hell." It was as if I was in the very pit of hell. My cousin said she thought she had died and gone to hell. Our trips were very much the same, as we discussed afterward.

Getting my Driver's License
I took, and passed, my driver's license test on pcp. I took one yellow capsule at about lunch time. The only problem I had was a mechanical one, where the clutch on my VW mini-bus got stuck, and I had to slam my foot down on it to free it. I think the cop who was with me was actually impressed that I handled the vehicle so well. God only knows how that could be. Guardian angel? Or a powerful will?

Friendly trip
Another time I was with a group of friends, out on a starry night, drinking and smoking at a lake. We philosophized and conjectured and dreamed late into the night. It was one of the more pleasant pcp experiences. we were snorting it (angel dust). Because we had to share it, we didn't do more than we could handle. Friends and pcp are good, if you are somewhere safe, and your friends are good people, not bad people. If you take just a little dose, and you can talk about interesting things with people, ones who aren't going to go berserk, then it can be a positive experience. Know who you trip with.

Another time I was driving my friends around the city in my VW bus, and they all took pcp (yellow capsules). Really, I didn't, but I told them I did, and that freaked them out. They kept saying, "Holy shit! How can you drive? How can you drive?" because they were tripping their brains out. When I got home, I took the pcp I had saved. Again, two yellow capsules. I was staring at a Punk Floyd poster from Dark Side of the Moon, it was a green poster of pyramids. Somehow, I tele-transported to a kind of city tunnel freeway road system, where I was driving a car through this freeway, through tunnels with green lights. Imagine being on a roller coaster, but you are in a car, instead, at the driver's wheel. It was as if the green poster had transformed into a green freeway, where I was driving a fast car through the city. Very Isaac Asimov, Cities of Steel! At some point I pulled back out of the vision, and I thought, "Whoa! Was I really just there?" It was very real.

Two days of tripping
Another time this kid sold me a big bag of pcp (angel dust) for $10. I said, "how much should I do?" He said, "Oh, just do all of it." That was a BIG mistake. This was powder, kind of doughy, like bread dough. I had to make little balls and snort it with a straw. I was in my brother's room, talking to his friends. My brother said, "___, you're talking like a robot! You'd better go lay down." So, I laid down in my bed.

All that night, I was astral projecting BIG TIME. First, while lying in my bed, the stars were out. That's right, I was tele-transported to the outside, where the starry heavens were overhead. Then, I was at my girlfriend's house, sitting on the sofa while her family was talking. Yet, of course, I wasn't really there. This lasted all night long, and in the morning, I was still tripping. I was scared, because I had to go to work.

Of course by morning, I must have been slightly better, not astral projecting, because I got a ride to work and was able to function. But let me tell you, I was so fucking high, I have no idea how I managed. I seriously believed I was permanently burnt out forever, so I resigned myself to the fate of being a life-long burnout. My boss actually complimented me on how hard I worked, though she asked me if something was wrong. The owner of the hotel said, "you look like you got squeezed through a keyhole."

It wasn't until the following day, two days later, that the cloud started to lift, and by afternoon I was pretty much back to normal. I was so grateful, I thanked God...the real one, not the phony one who chimes in occasionally on psychonaut.com.

In actuality, pcp was very common in the 70s, and those were only a few of the many times I took it, the most memorable occasions I can think of right off the top of my head. What it's like, when you're not out-of-body, is a kind of "plastic" world, where everything and everybody seems artificial, as if it's made out of plastic. There's also this "deep" aspect to the world, where it seems like you are at the bottom of a deep swimming pool.

At first, when it starts coming on, it really is a lot like pot. Then it's like very strong pot. Then it's like, if you can imagine what it must be like to inject a half-pound of sinsemilla into your blood. If you have ever eaten lots of hashish at one time, the effect is similar. But with pcp, you will get honest-to-god hallucinations. It is more depressing than acid. It doesn't resemble acid, it does not resemble mushrooms or mescaline. It's very "dreamy, disturbing, inner space. A comic book fantasy world come to life."

My school was all gray, and had lots of electrical gadgetry. To me it was as if I was in a space ship, like the one on Heavy Metal, the cartoon movie. I was very into science fiction at the time, and I think Art Deco spaceships and Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov influenced my trips. I would say that mostly, it was very pleasurable and positive. like being at a carnival. After the "two day trip" I never touched the stuff again. That was probably 1976 or 77.

It got a lot of negative national programming in the 70s. I think most stories were bullshit, made up for Hollywood. I never had violent thoughts, I never believed I was superhuman. The ego was very much intact, it was the rest of the world that was different :-)
An acquaintance of mine ingested it in 2003 when I wasn't even aware of the existance of dissociatives and such drugs.

He actually took this and walked on the streets, feeling a like a dominator and in able to smack everyone down if nessecary. Also had some parts which he couldn't remember at all. Motor control was totally desorientated.

He got home accompanied by another mate, and felt like he was shocking out of his body with specific movements.

I just don't know, I can't lay my fingers on PCP and imagine what it's like. But all my collected info, tells me that this is hardly comparable with Ketamine...
i dont know bout pcp...yet
but ketamine is well i like it much so, its a fun drug when u've learnt her tricks. she can take you to other worlds help u travel to dimensions in ur own imagination, if u dont fight her and travel down the rabbit hole with her.
i have a mate good mate who sells me viles of hospital human grade ketamine and i crystalise that, and rave on it. at psy-parties its great
sidefx a dit:
just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :(
don't take this as a flame, cause it isn't. But, rippoffs, guns and coke seem to share a similar universe. There's an old saying, "marijuana deals by a handshake, coke deals by the point of a gun." Coke has a lot of bad karma attached to it.

Where does coke come from? South American cocaine cartels. How do those cocaine cartels bring coke into your country? Through blood. You can grow your own weed, or you can buy your ayahuasca by "Free Trade". Cocaine, unlike all the rest, except for maybe opium, is deeply tied to violence.
DeepTurtle a dit:
sidefx a dit:
just other week had some dirty dogs rip me at gun point on our way to get me some coKe, took $3000. :(
don't take this as a flame, cause it isn't. But, rippoffs, guns and coke seem to share a similar universe. There's an old saying, "marijuana deals by a handshake, coke deals by the point of a gun." Coke has a lot of bad karma attached to it.

Where does coke come from? South American cocaine cartels. How do those cocaine cartels bring coke into your country? Through blood. You can grow your own weed, or you can buy your ayahuasca by "Free Trade". Cocaine, unlike all the rest, except for maybe opium, is deeply tied to violence.

I think it really is a shame how the holy coca plant is abused.
Chewing coca leaves is really nice, but then there had to be this German doctor who extracted the hydrochloride and from there on it all went down...
DeepTurtle a dit:
sidefx a dit:
Where does coke come from? South American cocaine cartels. How do those cocaine cartels bring coke into your country? Through blood. You can grow your own weed, or you can buy your ayahuasca by "Free Trade". Cocaine, unlike all the rest, except for maybe opium, is deeply tied to violence.

Extracting the cocaine alkaloids from erythroxylum coca is exactly the same as extracting N,N-DMT from ayahuasca plants. You can't blame the founded enrichment process of just the few procents cocaine that's in the leaf.

Cocaine has many great functions, it can save people from a heart attack in the case of a low heart impuls by rising the signals in the central nervous system. Atropine extraction from the belladona or datura is very effective too.

The whole problem is that cocaine has the ability to produce intense euphoria about your own inner self with an expanded ego. This leads by some to the need to dominate in EVERY way.

It boosts every satisfaction action taken in life. Having success while high on coke is just... immense. It feels like you're actually more present in your environment. Orgasming is KABOOM!! Everything you're doing is shifted to a faster gear.

Getting confidence for what cocaine is famous for and often reported as the main effect is just not an accurate description for the majority of the users.

I do believe myself that limited cocaine use incidentally only has pleasant contributions. With incidentally, I meant like twice a year or something.

If it was legalized, the extracted cocaine could be dissoluted in wine just as Vin De Mariana from Paris used to do in the end of the 18's. During that period, cocaine made hardly to no victims. The drink has never caused blood.

Going on this way with the banned status rips whole communities to death in SA. The substance cocaine is cheap, but the prizes are excessive to give it an 'elite' sticker. Due to the cheap production and excessive selling prizes, criminals are willing to go as far as walking over blood to get cocaine and keep it illegal. Otherwise there's no business.
The problems in Colombia started when right wing land owners bought themselves private armys , trained by mosad , and tried to make slaves of the population . America backed them with money , gave them guns and suported a series of pupet governments . Which is exactly what they did all over south America over the last 50 years , destabalise and overthrow democraticaly elected governments and arm and pay ultra right wing death squads to keep the people down . The freedom fighters sell cocaine to the CIA and others and buy weapons to end the opression . It is a well known fact that the CIA controls most of the world wide cocain trade . If you read the works of Alfred W. McCoy , an international known and acepted American university Profesor , you will find out the facts . His books are based on proof , not on lies , ultra right wing fox news propoganda , old wives tales and fishermans yarns . They are all very well documented with oficial , publicaly available , American government documents .

If cocain were "legal" it would not cost as much , would not be sold by criminals and would not be asociated with so many negative things . The problems in America are the problems in America , racism , opresion and right wing politics . Thats why Europe has very small problems with cocain in comparison to America allthough there is just as much cocain on the market here .

Cocain is harmless , it never hurt anyone . People with problems who want to hurt themselves hurt themselves , some use cocain and others use other things .
Brugmansia a dit:
Cocaine has many great functions, it can save people from a heart attack in the case of a low heart impuls by rising the signals in the central nervous system. Atropine extraction from the belladona or datura is very effective too.

I do believe myself that limited cocaine use incidentally only has pleasant contributions. With incidentally, I meant like twice a year or something.
I totally agree with you Brugmansia, in fact, I love the feeling of cocaine myself. I have done it quite a bit in my life, though I stopped some time ago.

My criticism isn't actually with the drug itself, but its marketing route. I wished to God (the real one, not the phony online one) that it was legal to grow erythoxylin coca bushes. The coca leaf is no less sacred than any other herb. Yet, there is a big problem with cocaine cartels, and their oppression and violence and Big Money in South America and the U.S. You don't have that same violence with coffee, cocoa, or tobacco. Not often with marijuana. But cocaine and crack are problems because of the big money involved.

the unholy one a dit:
The freedom fighters sell cocaine to the CIA and others and buy weapons to end the opression
Well, I don't know about the Mosad part, but Iran-Contra Gate, all that is true, but still incidental and secondary. Those things happened well into the lucrative history of the illicit cocaine trade. I agree the CIA turned a blind-eye when the Medellin Cartel traded cocaine for guns, and imported cocaine into U.S. cities, Miami, New York and Los Angeles, to be specific, which ironically gave Ronald Reagan extra political power by saying "drugs in our cities," which he indirectly helped bring into the cities to begin with. He even got one of his own agents murdered by an Escobar hitman (COCAINE!) when he showed a secret picture of a cocaine airlift at a State of the Union speech. Escobar looked at the picture, and immediately knew who the agent was that took it, then had him killed by driving a nail through his head (COCAINE!).

But, with or without CIA involvement, it doesn't matter, because the cocaine cartels are huge, enormous, lots of money, and they will bring cocaine with or without U.S. Government cooperation! Also, those right-wing land owners you are talking about were there since the days of the Spaniard and Portuguese conquests of South America. Cocaine really became popular in the 70s, and supply and demand made the cartels, like Pablo Escobar rich. Then came crack cocaine, which was indirectly tied to the American involvement with the so-called "Freedom Fighters" or Contra of Nicaragua.

Yeah, all that blood so you can have a little nose candy, now aren't you proud? I mean, at least pot smokers talk about saving the planet, being vegans, stopping the fur trade, saving tress. There's really no such thing as ethical cocaine. Like I said, it's kind of hypocritical because I've done it. Yet, not any more, and I do believe it is a noble thing to Just Say No to cocaine.

Maybe we should grow our own coca bushes? That would be cool. Cops don't really know what they look like.
Well snoty ,

Your mid-life crisis is becoming very , very amusing .

"You don't have that same violence with coffee, cocoa, or tobacco"

Because they are "legal" .

"But cocaine and crack are problems because of the big money involved. "

Yes , in America , because its "illegal"" , and because of people there believing the hollywood master race macho cult crap , and because there are to many loonys with guns there . As i said in Europe theres virtualy no crack problem or cocain/crack gun/violence problems . Cocain is not to blame its more the mentality of the American people involved .

If you read what you said , and can understand it , you will see that you are agreeing with me on every point . As i said the price is made by its "illegality" and the neo nazis "war on drugs" . The cartels didnt decide the price that is paid in America they formed because of the price that greedy people with to much money pay for it . The demand and the willingness to pay idiotic prices was there before the suply .