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Of course you got to make sure you have clean needles, more or less clean ketamine at the right dose and someone who can give you an injection if you can't do it yourself, but besides this, IM/IV is pretty safe. And the trip is more psychedelic. I've heard this drug-guru talk about it: he said that Ketamine-IV changed his life, while snorted Ketamine is garbage and doesn't teach you anything. This guy has tried every drug out there and written a book (in Dutch, 'uit je bol') about it, so I believe his experience more so than some prejudice about needles being bad. You shouldn't "experiment" with Ketamine IM/IV, you should prepare for it and have a sitter.
One of the amazing effects of Ket is the journey to the K-hole with shocking movements, the faster that happens, the more stunning and deeper the experience is. Getting launched to a place ... with eternal space.

Injecting it directly into the muscle and bloodvessels is a matter of minutes before you're about to fall in the K-hole. Liquid keta in ampuls is known as Ketanest or Ketelar. Never produced by illegal labs, but stolen from the farmacy.

Even shooting Ket can be excessively 'addictive', the 'love-sick' feeling afterwards brings your mind in a state which is always daydreaming about the next episode where you can hug Ket. It's nothing like craving, but more like missing a beloved one.
how much k is needed for a medium hit if im going to inject it?
First, don't shoot powdered ketamine if you're not 100% sure that it's pure. I'm not sure either way or a solution of pure powdered ketamine IM is safe. So don't take me as a source about the powder form IM.

I'm only sure about the safety of pharmaceutical vials with liquid know as Ketelar or Ketanest (Pharm: Pfizer)


I.M. Ketamine Dosages (by body weight approx total)
Threshold .1 mg / lb 10 - 15 mg
Light .15 mg / lb 15 - 30 mg
Common .2 mg / lb 25 - 50 mg
Strong .5 mg / lb 40 - 100 mg
The K Hole .75 mg / lb 60 - 125 mg
Anaesthetic 1 mg / lb 100 - 200 mg

http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ketamin ... dose.shtml

Seriously, if you're about to shoot I'd go for the K-hole. If you inject the appropriate dose (usually somewhere around 120 mg IM) you'll have an experience and connection with life which may ease your thoughts about death or the transfer to it.

There's no chance that you'll overdose if the method of shooting is done with common sense and the right material/dose. The experience starts which a serious fear to slip away for evermore, you literally tell yourself 'this is the end', from there on... O_O you're making a protected and peaceful universal journey in a high-tech shuttle. There's no control in a Ket experience but the psychedelic part it's just a matter of fully giving yourself over. Ket treats you warm and kind.

As for the topic-question, I'm gonna try to base Ket this friday, so I'll let you know.
butane a dit:
If you've got something safe to inject that the freebase will dissolve in, it's OK. However, more likely, you'd want to get the hydrochloride salt and dissolve it in water.

it can't be very hard to make the hydrochloride salt from the freebase and HCl.
what if you just dissolve those 2 in destilled H2O and let the water evaporate?

edit: don't let the water evaporate, as you will dissolve it again.
I used to inject alot of speed for a number of years and was always told it was the safest way because you are taking out most of the impurities in the cooking up and pulling the liquid up into the syringe through a filter. Im stll alive even after a good few years on h after the base, injecting in some crazy places. Im over that now and just want to get back into space travel, im justhavin a hard time findind any decent acid.
butane wrote:
If you've got something safe to inject that the freebase will dissolve in, it's OK. However, more likely, you'd want to get the hydrochloride salt and dissolve it in water.

it can't be very hard to make the hydrochloride salt from the freebase and HCl.
what if you just dissolve those 2 in destilled H2O and let the water evaporate?

edit: don't let the water evaporate, as you will dissolve it again.


Use only pharmacutical or food grade muratic acid (HCl). Do not use the muratic acid found at hardware stores for injecting purposes.

Better yet, make the citrate out of it my using food grade citric acid crystals dissolved in distilled water.

As for the topic-question, I'm gonna try to base Ket this friday, so I'll let you know.

I'm interesested to know how it went. I hope you have a good experience tonight.
Damn, I chased the dragon and it was just a matter of seconds before the powder fully melted to smoke. :D

Feeling the dizzyness instantly. :o
Brugs, whatup man. You are a smart guy. I like your posts.

I was wondering, could you explain with the most detail possible, as much detail as you have time for, the effects of the k-hole experienced through IM or IV?

Have you tried each stereoisomer seperately by any chance? If so, what were your personally opinions towards the different effects of each?

I read your trip report about visiting the people and having to leave them as the external environment was slowly received into your perception as the ket faded, and it was very well written. Can you take that even farther? It was quite deep, but I'm quite intrigued, especially as ket seems to offer such potential in depression.

Thanks bro, in this universe we are but one perceived as different entities, each with their own contributions to the whole :)
I never shooted. I've always snorted and drinked it or either a combination of those two. I don't dare to shoot powder since I'm not sure about the pureness which I have never brought to a testing point/lab.

I can't tell you the difference between shooting and other methods from my own experience, but since I read that some erowiders judge other methods as a waste, I'm seriously excited to do this route once. I yet felt the impulses of a snort drink experience which are often reported in shoot experrience as well.

As Forkbender said, the psychedelic effect of Ket is more powerful when injected, and with IM it takes about 30 seconds before you loose consciousness. Which is the fear to die packed in just 30 seconds, while with snorting it takes about 10/15 minutes. I imagine if that the speed of the journey to the K-hole and the path goes faster, the experience is with no doubt much more spectaculair and intense.

IVing should be done by someone else, and has a risk because before the vial is empty, one is practically already in the K-hole. And there's a chance of getting an anaesthic experience and in that case most users report nothing to remember after the Ket has wored off. (It was used on battlefields too, to decrease unbearable pain)

I just discovered that basing/chasing the dragon it possible, and basing/chasing brings the whole substance even faster in the blood than shooting IM. So I'm do careful attempts to find an appropriate dose, starting really low and build up.

The only source I can find about smoking is a Dutch site with a simple mention about it, but on Erowid it strangly isn't showed up in the dose/method of use vault.
i get 2ml viles of hospital grade human K, and crystalise it.
i usually have a line and straight away smoke a bit this gets u smashd fast and once in ur blood evry top up gets u even further from reality.
pure crystal smokes a bit black after a while but not 2 bad.
i guess u could free base it to get totally pure K.
I'm a frequent user of Ketamine hcl base. I usually get 50mg/ml and give my self I.V. Injections. It's not true that you wont have time to place your syringe on a table or to remove your tie. The K hole doesn't come on for a good 45 seconds if you push the plunger down quickly. I've recently switched over to I.M. Injection because I've realized the nature of I.V. Ketamine experiences seem to be more " ego-centric " and " grandiose " than I.M. administration. I guess this has to do with the speed the drug is administered.

I have to watch my self with high doses of any psychedelic nowadays. After years of using copious amounts of my two favorite psychedelics Ketamine and DMT. I've become somewhat delusional and it has created a " recurring" or more like a trip that I continue from where i left off last time. The topic of the hallucinations are extremely ego-centric and can make me question the nature of this reality for months at a time. The second " continuation " of this hallucinatory experience required me to be admitted to the local hospitals followed by a short stay at the mental institution.

Please be careful with this drug. It is definitely the most interesting of all the psychedelics in my opinion. But if you have any sort of mental/schizophrenic tendencies or even just a very wild imagination like I do. BE WARE OF KETAMINE it WILL CHANGE YOUR "LIFE"... Whatever "Life" is anymore, I do not know. I'm completely baffled by the things I have experienced on high doses of those two psychedelics.
what do you mean by becoming delusional? could you please elaborate a bit... ?

I can't tell with certainty if this "recurring trip" you experience in your life is something you find interesting or if you consider it a mistake that you now have to live with and... maybe you regret?

I've found that through experimenting with psychedelics my life has indeed changed, but for the better, I wouldn't want to undo my toying with the mystical psychedelic experience... Indeed one has to have a very stable mind to partake in this kind of things though, I believe the mind itself can be reinforced by it all.
about delusions on k well i just got bak from rainbow serpent a 4 day psy festival with everything psychadelic u could think of its just a brilliant festival, the biggest of its kind in southern hemisphere. look up rainbowserpent.net
anyway i crystalised 26 viles of liquid human ketamine into bout 7.5 grames of crystal and with 3 close mates toped it off, and i tell u i remember about 5 times being somewhere else, and coming too with mi mates tryin to get mi attention and many more times i cannot rember but they say i was gone.
rainbow is the best festival i been to and iv been to earthcores and castle raves i would even have to put infected mushroom 2nd to it even though i would never take bak watching them live twas crazy. hippies come from all over the world for rainbow holland, japan,canada,sweden and heaps of isralies with there crazy arsed Acid.
we all have re-lapses evry now and then.dont we?
wow now I want to go there :)
JustinNed a dit:
I do agree about not injecting it. That's just straight junkie style if you ask me, I've never done K but I don't suggest putting anything directly in to your bloodstream.

ketamine is injected IM not IV
Injecting base Ketamine intra-venously ??? Could you please explain how you based it ??? And then how you got it to disolve in water ???

" it has created a " recurring" or more like a trip that I continue from where i left off last time."

This sounds like you have reached a place where the drugs are telling you that they are not there to be continualy used untill it becomes abuse , that they are there to learn from . Perhaps you should think about the recuring theme and what your subconscious is trying to tell / show you . I have had times where the drugs i took seemed to tell me that it was time to stop and think about it . To learn the lessons they were showing me and then come back later for new lessons .

Injecting it can be done IV or IM .
He says he shoots himself with 50 mg IV. 50 mg of ketamine however, is quite a low dose. But the absolute acute delivery in the vein and blood might make it sufficient. 120 mg goes for IM.

For sure it's possible if someone else gives the injection, doing it on your own is quite unlikely, but he's got the experience. ;)

Iving is just an instant collapse and KABOOM too overintense if you ask me. But the experience may be a supreme blast

There's still some tepiness on here about Ketamine, but this glorious entheogen has infinite universes. Which is the whole chance of developing mental addiction as well.

After shrooms, LSD, DMT, Mescaline, Salvia, MDMA one remains with enlightment in a sober state for quite some time.

But Ket never presents the end, always wrapes you out with an open end. And you can develop a sort of 'love-sick' desire to accept the next invitation for the next episode, with every time the assumption of being close to a hand in hand end out.

But this universe expands for evermore.
yes. brugmansia, your words are insight this sounds like mi friend KAt to a T.
its like she seperates you from evry part that is reality, and mutes that sometimes awfull subconciuss

"But Ket never presents the end, always wrapes you out with an open end. And you can develop a sort of 'love-sick' desire to accept the next invitation for the next episode, with every time the assumption of being close to a hand in hand end out.

But this universe expands for evermore."