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Will this work to grow mushrooms?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion trick
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A friend of mine Ingo tried to slash his wrists several times and failed . After his depression was cured i told him how to do it properly . Then some "clever dick" , "know it all" "psychonaut" scum gave him LSD and when he came to the peak wanted to fuck him in the arse . Ingo freaked out and he slashed his wrists how i told him and is now dead . = There is lots of information about how to do stupid things out there , does that mean that we should be helping people to find it ?

Meduzz would you give your child your car keys , or a bottle of petrol and matches ? If they want to fuck themselves up they should do it themselves . No responsible psychonaut would help someone to harm himself with holy sacraments . Remember the saucerers aprentice ? Is society wrong or elitist because children have to go to school before they are acepted as full members ? Trick told us about his Xanx experiences and his depresion , has anyone asked themselves where he got them ? Could it be that they were prescribed to him for his obvious problems ?

"I do not believe that info bout growing drugs, making them or even selling them is illegal on web. "

Goran , knowingly giving minors advice about how to break the law is illegal everywhere as far as i know . And as i said it doesnt help to change the view of "normal" people that "drug" users are all realy "drug abusers" . It doesnt help us to legalise "drugs" or normalise the situation that we are in . We will only get aceptance if we prove that we are worthy of it .

Roeligan , there is no way to give a stupid , iresponsible kid advice about how to do anything over the internet . He has shown over and over again that he doesnt listen . If you would bother to read the advice that i have given trick in several threads you would not be making the same mistake that you have made with me over and over again , you often jump to conclusions without knowing all the information . If you took the time to read all of what i have said to Trick you would see that most of it was very patient and that it was very detailed and loving . That i spent many hours trying to explain to him before i felt i had to pin him down . You will understand what i mean when i answer you in the "What is the best candy to put LSD on? (not taste-wise)" thread very shortly ( If i were you i would go and buy yourself some asbestos underpants because its going to get very hot there ) . Giving a fool who doesnt listen what anyone says and thinks he has as much knowledge as a doctor information about how to produce or abuse "drugs" is diferent than giving him information about safe use .

I`ve havent posted much lately because i`m very depresed . My friend the psychiatrist and neurologist Dr.Günther Wriedewald has just died . God bless him . He was a very good friend , ally and advisor for me . I used to go and ask him how to come down to the pseudo intelectual and "muppet" levels of some of the people here to explain things to them and try to help them . One of the things that he used to say to me was that there is no point in trying to explain to "thikis" that they are thick because they are to thick to understand . But i still wont give up .

Trick , i`m sorry , you must feel very hurt now , but i`d rather hurt you in this way and hope and pray that it wakes you up than that you go and fuck yourself , your friends and family up .
My condoleances for your friend. I hope you will have good memories to look back to.
And looking forward to read your reply, I've got the asbest underpants on so it won't burn too bad :lol:
well gee thanks for being a dick, the fact that you took the time to put all of that shit together seems pretty weird if you ask me or am i the only one to notice that. if you want me gone i dont know what crawled up your ass and died but peace
Aaaaahhhh !!! How cute !!! The site mascotlet / mascotschen and universal responsibility expert Dr.Trick the intellectual genius gives us the privalige of his wet behind the ears wiseness , again .

"i dont know what crawled up your ass and died "

Well it wasnt the herd of elefants that walk in through your mouth every night and shit in the place that your brain was suposed to be !!!!

Well done , this post was the first you have ever made here without any spelling mistakes , but the punctuation was still crappy . Obviously something is changing in the pile of shit between your ears . I hope that means that your development from child village idiot to site mascotlet / mascotschen to maybe human being continues in a positive direction .

"if you want me gone"

No sweety i dont , i just want you to start thinking about what you are doing , to stop playing Ken and Barby "I`m a shaman" games with your swollen ego , forget about trying to impress your "friends" by giving them trips , stop risking your mom and dads house and sanity and stop doing other moronic things . I hope you stay here , stop asking stupid questions and LEARN SOMETHING before you fuck yourself up and / or poison your "friends" and / or get put in a psychiatric prison for nerve killing big mouthed big headed cheeky pain in the arse child loonys for the rest of your up till now pathetic "life" by your poor mom and dad .
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
I do not believe that info bout growing drugs, making them or even selling them is illegal on web. How can info be illegal? Maybe in Iran or Turkey,China,Hong-Kong,Thailand but in EU I believe that info is perfectly out of restrictions of laws.
Or maybe I am wrong? You can easily find Ice VIDEO info, diamorphine manufacturing, synthesis of so many drugs! Just look at Shoulgins book. Peace and Bless you GOD. P.S. Salute to your way how to produce shrooms in nature! N-TEK- NATURE TEK 8) :D :)

We could also teach children how to cook up crack from coke. It is about responsibility. When you put info on the internet, you are responsible for it. When they go look for it themselves, and find the info from sickminded people, it is not your responsibility.

And what about a 15-year old using Xanax to overcome some mental disturbance, in stead of solving it drug-free at an age in which you should learn those things? If you don't learn to solve mental issues the right way, how will you, as an "adult-psychonaut", overthink the lessons you learned in a full-blown psychedelic experience?

And GOD: I love your posts! Keep it up this way.
Thanatos a dit:
And what about a 15-year old using Xanax to overcome some mental disturbance, in stead of solving it drug-free at an age in which you should learn those things? If you don't learn to solve mental issues the right way, how will you, as an "adult-psychonaut", overthink the lessons you learned in a full-blown psychedelic experience?

If 15year old have got xanax from doc, that is OK. Doc will think 5 times before prescribing it to 15year old one. And with good reason! And yes it is sad that you can find very easy procedure how to cook lots of drugs(hard and death giving ones) but only little number of people who want to cook drugs after reading even easier procs. stay off it. They will maybe buy drugs before someone who hasn't read procedure. Cause proc. also give description of effects and possible consumer will faster decide to take it. And than maybe cook it. Shit, I could write and write, but you can see the picture that I am start to paint.
I see what you are saying. And I agree info should be available, you can even prevent harm by having the right info from the beginning in stead of inventing it out by trial and error. But you should not give that info to children, but give them good advice.

I don't agree about the Xanax: first, if you read his posts about it, it doesn't look he got it prescribed by a doctor. He even says he uses it recreationally...
Secondly, prescribing Xanax to a 15-year old... come on! He must have had a really disturbing life for having such an anxiety/depression at that age that it can not be overcome by therapy. By the way, Xanax is not the first choice of these medicins.
Even if he got it prescribed: I know that many doctors prescribe certain medicins out of habit or easiness, or even for the benefits of pharmaceutical companies. Not because there is no other solution for the patient.
Thanatos a dit:
But you should not give that info to children, but give them good advice.

to bad we're on the everyone-internet
telling a minor that he must not do drugs is a main reason why minors start drugs

"de verboden appel smaakt het best" "the forbidden apple tastes best"
Meduzz a dit:
telling a minor that he must not do drugs is a main reason why minors start drugs

"de verboden appel smaakt het best" "the forbidden apple tastes best"

I know. But how would you react if your <16 year old son comes to you, and says he is interested in smoking pot. Do you teach him how to fix a joint, or give him good advice?

When I was 15 years of age, nobody could tell me not to use cannabis. Two years later nobody could tell me not to do all the other drugs (what do they know about it??). But it would have been better. That's why I said earlier I wish I could go back in time now, and kick my own ass, because I would only listen to myself because you can be sure he knows what he is talking about.
Thanatos a dit:
When I was 15 years of age, nobody could tell me not to use cannabis. Two years later nobody could tell me not to do all the other drugs (what do they know about it??). But it would have been better. That's why I said earlier I wish I could go back in time now, and kick my own ass, because I would only listen to myself because you can be sure he knows what he is talking about.

Like this?:D
on subject.

The pots i inocculated with Golden Teacher spores had some nice white spots after 1 week. The PF-tek and azariuskit spores still didnt started to grow the mycelium yet after 1 week.

Can someone tell me if ill just have to wait or search for a hotter place, cause theyre in a plzce wich is about 22 C atm...

Im thinking of buying an electric blanket and put the boxes on it, does anyone one if thatll work?

Or do i just need to wait patiently till they all grow white?

Or do they perhaps need more air? I have the stuff in jars with tape over the little holes which i used to inocculate, put that in a carton box and put 2 trashbags (?) around the carton boxes to assure total darkness...should i remove (1 of) them?

thnx :)
thadivine. Take the tape of the holes and get the temp up to 26-28c this will speed things up allot.
Thanatos a dit:
When I was 15 years of age, nobody could tell me not to use cannabis. Two years later nobody could tell me not to do all the other drugs (what do they know about it??). But it would have been better. That's why I said earlier I wish I could go back in time now, and kick my own ass, because I would only listen to myself because you can be sure he knows what he is talking about.

Why look at the negative aspects?
Look at the things you've learned from those experiences ;)

@Skrudge: LOL! That Southpark episode is so funny! :mrgreen:
^One cannot live in the moment if one doesn't embrace one's own past.
Exactly, it's not about postitive or negative, it's about exceptance and letting go or giving it a place or integration. :D

It can be a long and rocky road though...

And to quote Chris Martin (Coldplay) Nooooooobody saaaaiiiid it was eeeeeasaaaayyyyyyyy
I wish I could go back in time now, and kick my own ass, because I would only listen to myself

I don't think I would have listened to myself when I was teenager. ;)