Its time this kid got banned . He is an iresponsible polytoxic fool and a lyer . This forum is open to be seen by anyone simply by using google . Things like this are some of the reasons that we "drug" users and the "drugs" we use have such a bad name and are illegal . Its allso some of the reasons why mushrooms are being banned in Holland - Because of iresponsible idiots abusing drugs and because of other iresponsible idiots advising minors how to abuse drugs . Giving advice to minors on how to abuse drugs is illegal in most if not all countrys in the world . This dumb , iresponsible kid was 13 when he started abusing cannabis and by the time he was 15 he had a big problem with it . Read this and then think about what he said earlyer in this thread about why he was in rehab:-
trick PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:58 Post subject: Addict or psychonaut...
Ok i have a horrible situation and am not sure what to do. As of right now im 15 but 2 years ago i started smoking marijuana and i eventualy started smokeing every day. Needless to say 2 years of heavy marijuana use kinda 'fried' my brain a bit, if not then im just slow . So heres my situation. My mom is completly against drugs and breaking the law ect. So after i got caught a few times i eventually got put in rehab and started going to narcotics anonymus. So i got clean for a summer and then i found psycedelics... i fell in love, the way i look at things now is just so much more positive. I also adopted shaminism as my religion, but my mom is a hardcore christian.
He obviously didnt learn anything in rehab , read the next 8 posts he made on the same day:-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:04 Post subject: looking for an experienced dmt tutor
as the title says im looking for a tutor. i have $40 to $50 max to spend on whatever i need from where ever i need it from to make dmt. So would anyone be kind enough as to hook me up with some links on where to buy my stuff and the best extraction methods [that you have acctually used]. I experienced the wounders of DMT with a friend who got it from a friend but i want to experence it by myself in the best possible setting ect... so yeah. links to suplyers , links on extraction methods and what to do after ive got it.
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:53
first i was on the fourm then i was looking online to buy a phychoactive frog and i was reading all of this frog owner manules and stuff. im going to get one and use it for dmt. my mom cant say my pet is illegal like lsd or somtghing
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:19
oh, im looking for a cool pet anyways and that could just be an addition to it i guess. i was looking at this to get my dmt what do you think i should get there because im completly new to dmt...
Then he starts to ask about abusing mushrooms :-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:25
oh gee should i get lots of dmt or lots of mushrooms???? im leaning towards dmt but i dont know... help anyone??
Then he introduces another new polytoxic dimension about a posssible cannabis psychosis , LSD flashbacks and abusing DXM :-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:46
im soo high right now. you have no idea its like almost to a psycedelic extent im seeing patturns and colors right now all from weed. [could be an lsd flashback? or its from that time i did dxm for a month straigh every day. that was crazy the adventures i went on were insaine
Then back to mushrooms and DMT:-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 22:36
right now im debating wether to grow mushrooms or make dmt.the mushrooms would be cheaper [ive got everything but spores] but the dmt would be more rewording in my oppionion.
Then he says exactly the opposit of what he has been telling us in this thread about only wanting to grow mushrooms one time:-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 23:49
well thats what i was leaning towards because for like $30 i could get alot more mushies then DMT and the mushrooms will give me 2 to 3 yeilds for sure and i might make spore samples so i can constantly be growing t?hem and buy then i can get DMT and free mushrooms. jeez im rambiling arent i
Then he goes back to his health problems:-
trick PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 0:35
Is it just me or do you guys get headaches when comming down from being high
Then on to another drug:-
trick PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 22:28
Dose any one here know some good reasons i could use to convince my mom to let me try ayahyuasca[not sure how to spell is]. I want to spen a night out in the woods with it but im not even going to mention it to her untill im prepared for a full assult of facts.
Then he introduces 2 new drugs experiences . Who smokes DMT alone in the woods ? , and who can get their hands on Mescalin ? :-
trick PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:59
Ive smoked DMT in the woods by myself and it went fine.. ive only had one bad trip in my life and it was on masculine [not sure how to spell that].
Then back to abusing cannabis:-
trick PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 21:02
ZOF wrote: Also, you said you smoked pot every day, why was it? Can you tell me that?
I dont know, i think that i eventually just got into the habbit of it [my friend grew a nice amount and we just were always smoking it] but now i smoke on average 3 times a week sometimes less sometimes more
Then back to Ayahuasca:-
trick PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 22:44 Post subject: Reasons to drink Ayahuasca?
Ok so if youve talked to me you probly know that my mom was completly against drugs and anything that has to do with them. well ive sat down and had a 4 hour talk with her and she now has a change of heart about the whole topic. Ide go into further detale but i have to go to school in a little bit.So what im looking for are the benifits of this brew. I want to spend a weekend in the woods while drinking it, but if i want to convince my mom to let me i need to explane to her what i would get out of it.
Then on to yet another drug , he posts his "experiences" with Salvia Divinorum:-
trick PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 21:41 Post subject: First salvia trip + report.
Ok so the other day I got a friend of myne to go into a smoke shop and buy some 5x [wanted to firmilerize myself with the feeling before going to 10x or 20x] . So i was sitting in my backyard and i lit up. At first nothing but then towards the end of me holding my breath i started to feel the marijuana high that i know so verry well. But then after i let it out it got umm 'weird' as i would describe it but im sure you know the feeling that im talking about. Then i felt as if i was falling, like i was jummping out of a plane or something and it felt so real. but when i looked down [i was sitting in a chair] to see how high off the ground i was the feeling ceased. Then i stood up and started to walk around my table a few times laughing and saying over and over "dude this is sooo weird" to my friend. Then i decided to go "exploring" in my back yard, wich is the smallest back yard you have ever seen lol. But when i came up to a large palm tree i got this weird feeling tha it was living, i mean ive always known that plants were living things but i got the impression that it was just like a person, and i touched the leaves and i could almost feel the life flowing through it. Up untill this next pert it was all awsome... but then i looked up at my fence and i saw one of those faces that you hang up on trees that i forgot my mom put up [now that i think about it, i wounder if the inventor of it ever tried salvia...] and i just got such an evil/bad vibe from it mixed with being startled because i wasnt expecting it, i screamed and ran across my yard and jummped over the chair and layed on the ground then proceeded to crack up realizing what happend. After that i just felt slightly 'high'. So apart from the face part i loved it.but that session was just to firmilize myself with the plant, the next time was on more of a meditative note.I was listing to some sphongle [any fans out there?] i decided to finish up my salvia, so after i took an extremely massive hit from a bong i layed down holding it in for what seemed like 2 mins. After i let it out the 'weird' feeling that i now realize is the salvia high exploded. i kept my eyes closed for a while watching a bunch of curvey lights move around then i opend my eyes and i guess stood up to walk around my room [dont really rember that well]. Oh and the setting right now was about 12:00pm and listing to "In the hands of the shaman" with no lights on but a candle on my table with some incents right above it so that the heat from the flame made the smoke swirl. Whilst walking around my room the floor started to tilt up and eventually it was up to about a 45 degree angle and so i sat down to get a grip of reality and started staring at the flame and smoke and they bothed seemed to move to the beat of the music. Then i decided to lay down on my floor and close my eyes. The curvey lights wernt there but there were visuals [cant rember them though], then i started to 'feel' the music, just like some times you can 'see' music on LSD. The feeling was pure pleasure and eventually i lost all perception of reality and was just swept out of my body [i had a breif OBE] but then i got that uh 6th sence so to say of the tree living, only this time i felt another preasence in my room and i 'felt' it telling me that i wasnt ready to go to the place that my OBE was taking me. So i opend my eyes content with what experenced and just stared at the flame and smoke that was moving to the music untill i completly wore off. Then i went to bed and had some sweet dreams[cant seem to rember now but i know that they were full of good feelings].So my conclusion is that im going to wait untill i am ready to go to that place and when i am, im going to buy some 20x. If this is to drastic of a jump please say so, because im looking for the best possible experence and rember ive only done it 2 times with 5x. Oh i havent read any salvia trip reports so is what i experenced common? or was the second one enhanced by meditation before hand? Oh and this is my first trip report so feedback is greatly appreciated [lol unless its about my spelling]. 1 out of 10?
Then back to mushrooms and exactly the oposit of what he told us earlyer in this thread about only wanting to grow mushrooms one time . Plus asking us how to do a credit card fraud . Probably meaning he was going to steal his mom or dads credit card and use that:-
trick PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:39 Post subject: Sites the sell spores?
Ya so im going to start a little mushie farm and i was just woundering if anyone here knows of some sites that have good prices/selection, oh and i quick kinda off topic question. Im ordering a syringe with my friends credit-card but he is super perinoid about the FBI watching your purchases and everything so i was woundering if i buy the spores on his card and tell him im buying somehting else would he be able to see what it was that i ordered on his bill? if so then ill just send a money-order.
Then back to his drug problems . Who has to have their piss tested and why ????
trick PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 22:06
kindof off the topic of quitting but since im being tested and cant smoke i keep on having lucid dreams and i must say that that alone is enough incentive for me to stop.
Then he goes over to abusing alcohol and cannabis.....wich he is going to eat allthough he has just said that he is being tested for it:-
trick PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 21:49 Post subject: Drinking while eating browinies?
Ok so im going to be partying in about 3 weeks and i was woundering... since my friend [who im partying ats house] cant have anyone smoke there but we WILL be drinking, would it be anything like smoking and drinking? Or should the people that eat them not drink and vise versa?
trick PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 23:54
ya weve decided that the people who dont want to eat brownies just will drink and vise versa, [some of them dont do any drugs so] but ill just eat brownies because i would choose marry jane over beer anyday.
Then he goes on to Morning Glory seeds:-
trick PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:22 Post subject:Harvesting Morning Glory
ya man 500 would be a nice trip. do you know what your setting is going to be? i took 350 and deffinatly had a pleasent experience, but i got that feeling that i diddnt take enough, 500 is about what i was going to try next.
Then on to Nutmeg:-
trick PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:00 Post subject:Nutmeg
i think that only a few people can have good effects on nutmeg, i have had many great times but friends who did it with me diddnt. but ide say try it once but dont take a stupid amount and die.
And then on to Xanax , a prescription medicin:-
trick PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:04 am
wow has anyone ever tried xanax? whew, talk about winding down... i love it
So in the space of 1 month he has told us about :-
His social and medical problems with drugs .
About having had depression .
About abusing cannabis since he was 13 .
About his friend growing drugs .
About being stupid enough to be caught with drugs several times .
About getting sent to rehab for 30 days for drugs and going to narcotics anonymous . And then lying again in this thread "dude my story for going to rehab is deffinatly not because i was a junkie,"
About getting clean for a sommer .
About smoking cannabis 3 times a week and 3 weeks later saying he is having to give urine for drug tests .
Four days later about him going to eat cannabis brownies at a party with friends .
About wanting to set up a mushroom farm and constantly be growing them . Then lying in this thread "I never said i was going to actually do it. this is all for educational purposases only."
About planning to steal someones credit card to buy spores .
About planning to extract DMT .
About planning to make DMT .
About being completely new to DMT and 24 days later saying he has smoked DMT in the woods on his own .
About planning to buy a psychoactive frog to have a suply of DMT and decieve his family .
About planning to use Ayahuasca for a night in the woods .
About getting someone to buy drugs (Salvia) and suply him with drugs (Salvia) .
About planning to have a party and give his friends mushrooms . And risk his mom and dad loosing their house .
About taking Psilocybin mushrooms , LSD , DMT , DXM every day for a month , Mescalin , Alcohol , Morning Glory seeds , Salvia Divinorum twice , Nutmeg many times and Xanax recreationaly . All in less than 1 year since he has been 15 .
And then in this thread he says:-
" you still shouldent discriminate age, i use everything responsibly and not nearly as much as you people make it seem, i know what im doing, i practice modern shaminism so i might as well be a fricking doctor in this."
"Do you know what my IQ is? 123. Whats yours? Less then 7% of the population can say that.[just for a little insight as to what kind of person i actually am]. When people at school try to classify me as a 'stoner' [wich automaticly makes me a fuck up] they realize that im smarter than everyone else in the class and realize that i must be doing something right I have superior intulect and commen sence, [but spelling forget about it]. There for im not the average "15 year old kid" that everyone here seems to imagine me to be. By thinking that I, because of my age, am iresponsible and imature, is quite stero-type if you ask me. Just because im not old and in the you cool club, dosent mean that i dont know what im doing. Im not going to go sell my shrooms or do them every week. I was only going to grow 2 cakes, and i wasnt even planning on making more with my own spores. I was going to have a few friends get together one night and everyone was going to have a good time, nothing more. "
And without knowing the facts , or checking what i advised him to check to find out what is actualy going on in this thread some "Thiki" whos shows that the biggest word he knows is "muppet" says:-
"something dont seem right about this . The guy had a question, you took that and made it something wrong. He only wants to know. If you have no constructive input I think you should say your piece but not belittle people. "
"I think to call one's self GOD, Says it all sir. I have read many posts by you and you just come accross as a tosser who has a very big ego. Others may agree or disagree, But I am pretty sure about you GOD. "
Then Roeligan comes with his inferiority complex and vanity after loosing a debate in another thread . Where he presented no facts or even anecdotal evidence only childishly saying over and over again "oh no it isnt " like some child at a pantomime every time i said something . Defeating his own argument with the arguments that he tried to use against mine . Eventualy changing his position 2 times untill he was agreeing with me and wasnt man enough and / or honest enough to admit it , or he isnt intelligent enough to see it . Childishly carrying his pettyness over to this thread and projecting his intellectual bankrupsy and childish fantasys on to me :-
"GOD, really sorry to say this, but please don't behave like a little child.I liked the idea of the nice white-bearded 51-year-old GOD who sometinmes was a little unfriendly to people. Not just for being unfriendly, but because he is a bit clumsy with words and because he has seen so much evil and unpleasant stuff in his life.Lately that idea has begun to change to a GOD who has read alot, but who thinks everything he says should be considered proven by everyone, just because says so and a GOD that sees apologies and surrenders where there are none.. Please don't take yourself that serious, enough other people are doing that already "
So sticki and roeligan ,
After reading the proof , in tricks own words , are you saying that User_1919 , Tweakednite , Alkoloidian , Buffachino , Daytripper , Thanatos , Space-is-the-Place and i are all wrong ???? We have given trick hours of help an years of experience , and he ignores it and keeps draging us and this forum down to the level of a child abusers paradise . And you both are helping him .