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Will this work to grow mushrooms?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion trick
  • Date de début Date de début
Also, GOD and Sticki, chill out. There is no need for agrument, be peaceful :weedman:

I can understand you Trick , thats why i have tried to help you over and over again . No one would think that you are an average 15 year old and no one thinks that its wrong to be 15 . But your behaviour is stereo type , stero type for someone who thinks that they know better , for someone who doesnt listen to experienced people or take good advice , for someone who seems to be destined to burn their fingers till they learn the hard way . And how many people are you going to burn with you ?

What about the posibility of your mom and dad loosing their house ? Is it responsible for you as a 15 year old to grow drugs and supply drugs , to have a drug party at home and give your friends trips ? Do you realy think that you can do all that and that they will not tell anyone , that no one will find out about it ? Is it intelligent to provoke another trip to rehab ? Why dont you explain exactly how you came to get sent to rehab in the first place ?

"God correct me if im wrong but it seems to me like you have alot of anger inside, and you release it through a forum."

No Trick . I have a lot of love in me and i try to help people . I get concerned about people hurting themselves and others with ignorance and over estimating their competencys . I get anoyed at imature people doing things with drugs that they cant take the responsibility for . Like takeing trips and giving their friends trips and then jumping in canals or doing other dangerous things that harm them and cause governments to ban holy substances . Thats exactly what is happening in Holland now with mushrooms and for exactly those reasons .

You seem to think that being what you call a shaman is something as easy as reading the back of a cornflakes packet , putting a diferent pair of trousers on or just anouncing that you are one and giving people trips . It isnt , you have to have the knowledge and the experience to do it safely . Its like learning to be a doctor , you have to study for many years and get a lot of practical experience in every thinkable situation before you are competent to give others medicine .

As far as zen is concerned , yes i have read books about it and tried it . You havent understood what you read or you would have learned the values of patience and extracting yourself mentaly from your situation , learned to take a mental step back and take a calm look at the things you are doing to yourself and others , why you are doing them and the possible results . You would have learned the third perspective , to understand the what and why of what you are doing and put responsible thinking between action and reaction .

You can do what you want , but if i see people giving you advice about how to harm yourself and others i will always say something , every time because i care about you .
Bravo GOD, bravo. Were all here to aid, guide and instruct one another, not to argue, create confusion or harmful provocation towards fellow psychonauts.
Remember; the stratum of understanding! We are each on a unique and separate layer and to reach true and respectful enlightenment in these sacred practises, one must educate and explore as much as humanly possible and take time and patience for their advancement through them.
But working with these things, without foresight, insight and experience is treading on thin ice.

Trick, you seem well informed for the most part, yet quite headstrong. You are still very young, and an IQ means nothing to real experience and exploration into the depths of realms outside of the one in which you currently reside. Take time to examine, understand and consolidate every aspect within the teaching of both man and the infinite that one can gain through the practise of psychonauting; both with and without sacrament.

You will gain knowledge in time, and slow, careful pace is required, especially in your situation. So please heed our words and take it slow, plan and explore carefully with diligence and also make sure that you do not involve those who are unfit or ill prepared for what ventures you yourself have in mind for your journey. It will all unfurl in the end.

Im not hear to argue, I am hear to voice ones opinion and to learn / Help who ever I can and what I said in my previous post is my opinion of "GOD". Its clear he either feels offended or knows himself.

Who needs to look big to kids?

I have no time for you "GOD" I think it best that we just avoid 1 another.

P.S. Sticki is an anagram.

Thanks for the apology , i`m glad to hear you are coming down from your high horse and are going to stop insulting me .

Hopefully the "Help who ever I can" also means you are going to find out who you are giving bad advice to before you do it again .

I chose the name GOD to use like a worm on a hook to catch people with inferiority complexes , to see how many people would out themselves in public by geting anoyed about it and projecting their own crippled ego mental problems on me .

"I think it best that we just avoid 1 another."

I dont , if you have something sensible and thought out to say i`m glad about it and will be pleased to hear it .
Who apologised?

Get over your self :lol:
"if you have something sensible and thought out to say i`m glad about it and will be pleased to hear it ."
GOD a dit:
"if you have something sensible and thought out to say i`m glad about it and will be pleased to hear it ."

GOD, really sorry to say this, but please don't behave like a little child...
I liked the idea of the nice white-bearded 51-year-old GOD who sometinmes was a little unfriendly to people. Not just for being unfriendly, but because he is a bit clumsy with words and because he has seen so much evil and unpleasant stuff in his life.

Lately that idea has begun to change to a GOD who has read alot, but who thinks everything he says should be considered proven by everyone, just because says so and a GOD that sees apologies and surrenders where there are none.. Please don't take yourself that serious, enough other people are doing that already


PS still awaiting your reply :roll:
Ok so no one told me yet, dose the weat in frosted mini wheats cearial have any of the nutrents that mushrooms need to grow?

I innoculated one cake with some random [non-posionous of course] mushrooms, just to see if it would work. What do you guys think will happen?

And now lets not rag on GOD to much because he really dose contribute alot of knoledge to the website, and that IS what this place is for right? To learn info on the subject of psychonautics[is that a word?]
wow has anyone ever tried xanax?
whew, talk about winding down... i love it
Never tried it, but what is so wrong about xanax ?


trick mentioned it to 'wind down'.

I presume he is talking about calming the nerves while on shrooms ?

From what I read, it certainly could be used that way.
trick, i came late in this thread, mainly because i have been away from this forum for a while. tell me: why do you want to have a shroom trip ? why mask it with some xanax, and lose the better part of the experience ? tripping, IMHO, is all about the fear and death. love and life take a new meaning then...it's more or less an allopathy. if you want to have a good time, save some money to buy a bed made of steel so it won't brake, and then get yourself a girl and "boogie until the cows come home".
i don't know your experience, but the day you have a breakthrough, you reach the "spotless spot"...you will change your mind and see that GOD is right. i never met him in person, and i think that i never sent him a PM, but all the information that this guy has come up to (that i've read) has been true and sincere. if you don't trust people, my friend, you cannot trust yourself, and therefore i strongly discourage you to take any drugs. go get yourself a girl or two (or boys, if that's your thing) and let off that steam! play some playstation! go listen go the great music on the billboard! learn to play the guitar, learn to speak spanish, read Plato, Nietzsche, so many good books out there! use your time in another way. starting early will ruin one of the best stages in our life. the first time i tried shrooms, i was 19 or 20, and it was a very gentle feeling, that was so weak that didn't became a trip. since then, i've had some strong shroom trips, always with caution, i can wait a year for the perfect setting, because i value both my time and the shroom. taking a drug just for saying: "hey, i just shot some heroin, dude..." is a fake and you are nothing more than a junkie. being a psychonaut is something different. is to take a substance to reach enlightment, to reach "the spotless spot". if you make this a hurry, let me tell you, you'll never reach it and you have wasted your life being a junkie. if that's what you want, you have the wrong forum (i don't recall the name of the junkies' forum ... "blue something", or whatever). if you want to become a psychonaut or a shaman (suddenly so many people want to become shamans, is it fashion ? "let's go the the store so i can buy me some shaman jeans and hats") you don't become a shaman when you eat a shroom. that just makes you an idiot that is screwing with true belivers that have died so many times in psychedelics' hands.

a question for the moderators: if a user dies of an "advice" that has been given on this forum, is it good for us ? this is one of the few forums that has interesting thoughts, i'd really hate to see it all go down with the flush.
First of all greetings for all of You !
I have the question about the subject Will this work to grow mushrooms?
but a'm afraid that is not the rigt time " it's a trick - show " - :axe:
:lol: :D :lol:

ok my question : I'm in a lokation on balcan , Macedonia ( FYROM ) , and my problem is how shuld I find spores for growing mushrooms, I cant order from internet beacose nothing ordered in macedonia do not come again. We are baned. I have reed a lot about mushrooms, and find out that for produsing them is nesesery to have spores , or micelium, or part of the body of the mushroom ?? Is the last true ? Is posible to find some shroom on the black market, can I gow from the pice of the body of mushroom ?

P.S. sorry for my bad english .

Yes it is true u can clone mushrooms
when i do shrooms its not to get fucked up, i ususally wrap myself up ina blanket and listen to music/meditate, BUT i do like to have a good time shrooming with friends everyonce and awhile. you cant tell me you havnt ever used them socally.

and i play pleanty of video games, watch movies, paintball, bmx/skate, freerun [wiki it], and im a magician so i really dont think its because i havent experienced enough in life, i travel the world on summer breaks to and not only experience new things, but experience them in diffrent environments.

and the xanx was because i was kindof freaking out over something [not being on shrooms], and i just got soo chilled out and in a good mood i felt l
had to wright something about it lol. ive tried them recreationally and i diddnt like it at all, i dont see how all of these people can take these and like pain killers and coke and drink, i guess i just have more of a taste for psychedelics
Well, I am 17 and I started doing mushrooms when I was 15 years old and at the time I thought I was a responsible user and didn't do anything wrong. Until I saw myself and a tripbuddie from another perspective on acid and I saw that we were using psychedelics in the same way some friends of mine were really into gambling. Just for the thrill I guess, but when I saw this on acid I realized this isn't the way these substances are meant to be used and afterwards I completely changed my perspective on psychedelics. Now I know that I wasn't using these substances with the proper respect that they deserve and with this new mindset I can go much deeper with any psychedelic and basically the whole experience changed in a positive way.

So, you said you don't do mushrooms to get fucked up, and then you describe how you use them. But not why you do use them, so can you explain that? As I think that's the most critical question considering the use of psychedelics.
I started psychedics when i was 17 and i am now....17...

From the moment i started using them it was to discover myself and i was always really interested in things above natural, it was like finding the thing i was always looking for. Once i got interested in psychedelics i really thought, yes, this was what i was looking for all the time...

In my youth ive both "obsessions"/interests in both mushrooms (not magic) and butterflies (represents the spirit).
Both related pretty much related to psychedelics guess ^^..

Anyway, i started from both serious interest to explore other reality and to improve myself.

Actually i dont even really know, but i KNOW this is my path. here lies my future
anyway, in replay to the real subject of this thread.

When using the pressure cooker, does the steam blow thing need to move around all the time? or can you turn the gas lower? the steam thing will stop rotating, but will this still cause enough pressure this way?

else i'll need to re-cook?