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Will this work to grow mushrooms?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion trick
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Ok so this is my little plan for growing my mushies, this is the bast i can do so im just woundering what my chances of fucking it up are...

take my brown rice flour and vermaculite mixture and lay it out on a cookie sheet in the oven for a bit, transfer to a cardbord box with arm holes and a window to see in [to keep from airborn contaminites] fill my jars and put 2 layers of tinfoil.

wait 4 days or so..

check for contamination and then inocoulate in the box thing, put the inocculated jars in a grocery bag in the cabnet above the fridge [for warmpth]

once read for birthing ill put each on a paper plate and put in my tratioum [a clear box with about a half inch of water and vent holes right above the water line, this will be sitting out doors under some trees where it gets pleanty indirect sunlight.

Do i need to make any changes?

Also i was woundering if by chance it would be possible to grow them on a cake made of blended up frosted mini wheats? lol i was pretty high today and was munching on them and i started to wounder if wheat has nutrients for mushrooms.
Yes, I think that would work, but you have to make sure you mix proper amounts of brown rice flour, vermiculite, and water. I have a good youtube link for you; this guy knows a lot about growing mushrooms. There is four parts to it. I have sent you Part 1, and the other 3 are on the side. Enjoy!

Trick is 15 years old . We should not be breaking laws helping him to get illegal drugs . And trick should stop asking stupid illegal questions , he could get people who help him in big trouble .
thats all if i were HYPATHETICLY to do this...
I never said i was going to actually do it.

this is all for educational purposases only...

i wounder how high i could get if i were to hypotheticly smoke a fatty right now :smoke:
"thats all if i were HYPATHETICLY to do this...I never said i was going to actually do it. "

Sounds prety Hype Pathetic to me . And time in prison has nothing to do with hypathetical .
Trick: I agree with GOD, you should not be growing mushrooms at age 15. The abundence of mushrooms will tempte you to do them on a regular basis. I'm only 17 years old, and have tried to grow them, and failed. I did want to try again, but I thought maybe it is a sign I slow down on the keen interest in psychedelics. I'm not trying to tell you to stop using all psychedelic drugs, but just slow down, and in time, you will be granted the oppourunity to grow mushrooms. At 15 years old, you shouldn't be growing them and only using them very rarley. I would say once every 6 months, and as time progresses you can start to use them on a monthly basis, like me. You obviously don't have to listen to what i'm saying, but its just my opinion.
thats awesome you know how to grow them that young. dont be stupid- like sell them at school, trip a lot, or otherwise cause too much(inyouropinion) harmto yourself. know your boundaries.

i dont think that will work, i think youll lose too much moisture for the mixture.
theres a tek that mentions a sterilization method like that, but it involves a pan of water underneath and the pan w/ the mixture floating in it w/ a cover that covers both.
its something like that.
google something like oven sterilization of cubensis
" dont be stupid- like sell them at school, trip a lot, or otherwise cause too much(inyouropinion) harmto yourself. know your boundaries. "

Read your sentance again and think about it please . You should know your boundrys to . Its not awesome its frightening . "Trick" is 15 and has already been sent to rehab because of getting caught abusing drugs , and you are giving him advice about how to find out how to do the things that he has already fucked up on . Nobody can stop him doing what he wants , but nobody should be giving him help to land in rehab again . He obviously didnt learn anything from the first rehab , wich means that he is either not very bright , or doesnt care enough about himself to be sensible . He also doesnt listen to anyones advice here and keeps asking stupid questions that to answer we would have to incriminate ourselves .

Personaly i think that there should be a minimum age for people to ask questions about how to break laws on this site .

Trick , i have nothing against you , but drugs are a thing that one needs to be responsible about , conscious of what one is doing and the possible concequencys , and you are obviously not .
i had no idea that he has gone to rehab. obviously that means you (trick) were either a junkie, got caught at school w/ something or however else you end up in rehab.
since youve been to rehab, why the hell are you wanting to grow shrooms? thatd be the last thing id be doing, id be trying to get my rep back to innocent or so.
have fun trying to get some spores at your age. i think most of the good vendors take credit or debit, or at least requires a bank account and to be over 18.

knowing how to do something is not frightening. knowledge is beautiful. it all depends on how you use it, and trick probably used it wrong in the past, since i do not know how he ended up in rehab.

i agree that it makes no sense that you are 15, been to rehab, and still want to grow shrooms before you move out.

when i was 15 i was reading and learning the same stuff he was, but i just never did any of it or was in rehab. i saved it all until i was 18 and knew what my boundaries were.

i agree w/ GOD that you probably don't know your own boundaries enough right now.

my advice(that you probably wont take) to you trick is to just read and study everything youre interested in w/ entheogens and such. don't actually try any of it that is illegal or harmful. if your entheogen interest follows you until college, you could turn into a psych or chem major and be doing the same research stuff MAPS and other places fund. you could be making money watching people trip.- a lot more scientific than that obviously :D
dude my story for going to rehab is deffinatly not because i was a junkie, you dont need to know what the situation was.

well since this site obviously is not helping so im going somewhere else fuck this

for all you know i could have cancer and have a limited time to live bbut even if i diddnt you still shouldent discriminate age, i use everything responsibly and not nearly as much as you people make it seem, i know what im doing, i practice modern shaminism so i might as well be a fricking doctor in this..
oka little "trick" boy.............dont even fuck around! shaminism is not a "semester course"........ i have been working at it for 6 years now! you do not deserve to be a shaman with you lack of knowledge and yes with age comes..............you guessed it KNOWLEDGE!! most shamans are OLD..?why?? cause they have been through alot and are very knowledgeable about life and spirit........you only wanna get high.........a true modern shaman is not looking to get 'fucked up' as so , you are all in it for. it is a spiritual path of knowing...........you have no clue of 'real life' sure your life has been rough but you have made it that way and one can always look ahead a see what is in the future cause that future is not tabbed in stone..meaning you can make you own life......your 15 dont be foolish be wise.....take it SLOW

LISTEN TO GOD {on this fourm} and hed my advise.............

im not saying to stop doing what your doing {im not your mamma}
but for fuck sake your too young!! give it time
you can die quickly with some shaman tools even if you do know your boundaries ......its no joke!

so grow up.............. get your own house..........then grow your own shrooms.......{id be pissed if i was you guardian and it was my house.....you could make em loose the house if you get raided or cops find out}
something dont seem right about this :?

The guy had a question, you took that and made it something wrong. He only wants to know. If you have no constructive input I think you should say your piece but not belittle people.

Would you not consider it better to give this young man guided knowledge of experienced users rather him make a silly mistake and kill himself :?:
Sticki: I agree that all he is asking for is knowledge, but this knowledge is intented on being used in an illegal way when he is under age.

Trick: I know your rehab story is not one from a 'bad' kid. I know you have proper intents on using these substances, but if you were to grow them, you would be left with an abundance of mushrooms. Not the greatest thing for a 15 year old. It would get to even the best of us. ex: Your friend wants some, so you SELL him some, and eventually you see that their is a profit in this, and I STRONGLY agree that mushrooms should never be sold for the profit of money. Also with so much mushrooms you could be tempted to do them on a weekly basis.

"well since this site obviously is not helping so im going somewhere else fuck this"

I would rather you get the correct information from us. I just HIGHLY recommond that you do not act on this information and try to grow mushrooms till you at least 18. Using these substances moderatly is one thing, but growing them becoming a whole new topic. Anyways feel free to ask questions to gain knowledge on this subject, just please don't act on it for sometime.

Sticki , grow up , trick is not doing things responsibly , hes risking his life , the lives of his mom and dad and incriminating us with some of his questions .

"If you have no constructive input I think you should say your piece but not belittle people. "

You should not belittle yourself and us with imature comments . How old are you ? Before you say something as stupid as you have just said read all tricks posts . Then you should know that Trick and i have exchanged about 20 PMs . If you do that and still dont understand you are a total dickhead . Hes 15 and claims to have experience with nearly every drug that most experienced 20 year olds havent had . Would you go into the woods and smoke DMT on your own ? We have given him good advice over and over again and he ignores it , he seems like he is on a self destructive one way flight to nowhere .

Trick if you cant controll yourself , cant take advice , have no patience and then run away with your tail between your legs when people are honest and try to help you you just prove that you are iresponsible and a danger to yourself . I have spent hours over and over again explaining things to you , so have others and you dont listen , you dont learn , you just rub shit in our faces . No one is against you exept you .
I think to call one's self GOD, Says it all sir.

I have read many posts by you and you just come accross as a tosser who has a very big ego.

Others may agree or disagree, But I am pretty sure about you GOD.

Sounds like you are a bad looser and projecting your ignorance on me . Did you read Tricks posts or have you just proved again that you are an iresponsible dickhead trying to use kids to prove to yourself that you arent a joke because you cant live in an adult world where no one takes you seriously ? You come across as a very weak person who knows that he is a looser and cant live with it . What would freude say about someone who tries to impress kids and calls themselves "stiki" and other people "tosser" ? It sounds to me like your mom threw the kid away and kept the afterbirth . Grow up and get a life .
"Hes 15 and claims to have experience with nearly every drug that most experienced 20 year olds havent had."

Why would i lie about using substances that i havent?

And thanks stiki, god you have helped me and i thank you for that but you [and a few others] seem to think that i dont know my boundries and am just like all of the other kids my age. I thought that this was not that big of a deal and i could go on about my bussness with out having to explane it but now its getting in the way of me further learning.

Do you know what my IQ is?
123. Whats yours? Less then 7% of the population can say that.[just for a little insight as to what kind of person i actually am]. When people at school try to classify me as a 'stoner' [wich automaticly makes me a fuck up] they realize that im smarter than everyone else in the class and realize that i must be doing something right

I have superior intulect and commen sence, [but spelling forget about it].
There for im not the average "15 year old kid" that everyone here seems to imagine me to be. By thinking that I, because of my age, am iresponsible and imature, is quite stero-type if you ask me. Just because im not old and in the you cool club, dosent mean that i dont know what im doing..

Im not going to go sell my shrooms or do them every week. I was only going to grow 2 cakes, and i wasnt even planning on making more with my own spores. I was going to have a few friends get together one night and everyone was going to have a good time, nothing more.
God correct me if im wrong but it seems to me like you have alot of anger inside, and you release it through a forum. Mabey you use drugs to escape a stressful life, i dont know, but i recomend getting your hands on a Zen book and read up, you will feel much better, it works for me.
Trick: I know how you feel, my dad and uncles always call me too young to use these things. Well mainly my uncle, my dad just wants me to wait till i'm at least 25 to use LSD. He is cool with marijuana and mushrooms. I don't particually agree with the whole age issue in waiting to use LSD and other more intense drugs. But I trust my dad so much that I listen to him, because he has had more life experience than me. Life experience is the thing GOD and others are talking about. Just because you are classified as age 15 means bullshit. The age 15 or 17, or 51 means absoutly nothing to me. It is just a way of society putting a limit to things so our world can run in an orderly fashion. But life experience is a very important thing when it comes to using psychedelics. I don't really understand that to much, but my dad tells me this, so i'm am going to trust him.

I did not know that you wanted to grow these for a single night. Usually people grow them in larger amounts, like 10 cakes of so. Usually the syringes are 10mL and sufficient for 10 cakes. But if you were to grow them for a single dose, it would be better to just go out and buy them. You would spend more money buying the supplies to grow them then the mushrooms actually cost. Although you would only buy these where it is legal to do... :)