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What was before the big bang?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
  • Date de début Date de début
I think it highly possible we are written code (DNA) that became aware of itself (Adam and Eve, The garden of eden).

To be honest :lol: Im not even debating this, Im quiet sure this reality has been structured from another power, on another level.

Te de na da !

You've found the triforce !

OMW to the second level ! :lol:
Presumable just one black hole which is space with no matery present.


What draws my interest more is how the first signal of energy, and therefore matery, came out of a space with absolutely no matery.

Black holes are by far the most unique statues of the universe, for as far we have discovered it. It is intriguing to know that theoretically even light would bend in there due to the gravity before it's swallowed. It is even possible that one black hole swallows another smaller one.
TurnOnTuneInDropOut a dit:
Our concept of 'reality' of our univers has a beginning. Like there was sad, 13.5 billion years ago our univers was concentraded to just a point of energy.This was our beginning of our univers.
But i believe in the possibility of the univers being a virtual simulation, because if you look to atomic structures it all comes down do data. Everything is just data, information, energy. Everything else is interpretation, ideas, opinions. There's also the idea that we, as humankind, are very interestet in A.I. and virtual simulations. So why would another entity not be working whit A.I..There may be civilisations who are not technologicly advanced to work with this concept or are technologicly advanced but not interestet. But there can also be highly advanced civilisations who have created A.I. and virtual simulations and if that is true (it's a possibility) then there's a 'web' of 'real' and 'unreal' habitations.
So we could be a virtual simulation constructed by a advanced civilisation, if it where so, we would never knew we where a virtual simulation.
When you look at some psychedelic experiences, like ketamine and dmt, there are aspects that point to that direction.

Thanks by the way for your welcoming,
friendly greetz..................................... :)

Interesting concept. I do get your idea of direction, with both you're getting pulled through a hole or tube which is surrounded by spinning or vibrating energy. The light, liquid or glass whatever you wanna call it.

Since I'm carrying those experiences with me I don't walk after anyone anymore with too much excitement, no matter what his qualifications for his claims may be. And neither come up with persistent beliefs myself, just bringing forward what I'd classify as most likely.

Being completely gone while being aliened from life while being truly alive taught me that nature has the ability to act in a way which goes beyond us all. I has turned me more into a waiter and observer than a severe future truth seeker, I'll see where it goes when the time goes by.

But I love following astronomy closely. The AI concept fascinates me as well.


When he's a bit older we should show him how to get 1000 of these at once. ;)
Bear with me...

Imagine a people, with a massive particle accelerator, and instead of making a black hole it makes a white hole.
I'm at the point where I'm sure that the universe propagates life so that it may exist. Say, for example, that there is no conscious lifeform, in the universe. Would there be a universe?

So, I have come to the assertion that we are gods in this universe, and that rhyme and verse, everything that we're fed throughout our upbringing, speaks otherwise. I think that if I could reach a level of understanding, enlightenment, if you will, I could just just leave this universe. Or blank it out into nothingness. I think that anyone could do this, and we're burdened only with doubt and closedmindedness.

Anyone else have any thoughts into this line of thinking? I've a few friends that do, but you can only talk to someone for so long until you've heard everything that they have to say.
a brief history of time is an excellent book and its basically written for laymen so its pretty easy to understand

i think before the big bang there was another universe and that its an infinite cycle of compression and decompression in something much much larger than even the universe
if you look at a molecule its basically spherical in shape and you'd think its so small nothing can be smaller, but then theres the atom
i think its the same with the universe only bigger
planets are roughly spherical, stars black holes, etc etc etc.
i think the universe is only a tiny (in relation) part of something even larger and the thing that it helps to make up is a small part of something again even larger

its just my personal opinion though
im an atheist so by definition i find the thought of a "creator" illogical
because theres the obvious question who created the creator?
with this theory there neednt be a beginning nor end as its a cycle

in the big bang all matter begins compacted and then hits a certain point (read about it, its too complicated to explain on a net forum and im no expert) and explodes/begins to expand
with the uncertainty principle all matter is becoming more disorganized as there are more disorganized states for it to be in than organized, to use the analogy stephen hawking did in the mentioned book, picture a jigsaw puzzle in a box assembled correctly, now shake the box, the chances of it landing again in an organized fashion are billions to one, so logically it will become disorganized
now when all matter is disorganized in the universe and becomes somewhat uniform it begins to contract because the forces of gravity pull it together
then it gets down to a point that all matter is as compressed as it can get and then boom
the boom part is explained in the book also

its a good read
....i typed way too much, this is what happens late at night when i dont have any weed

Ebola - but do you really exist?
Psychology and science don't really mix right now :?
Ebola_Sigma a dit:
Anyone else have any thoughts into this line of thinking? I've a few friends that do, but you can only talk to someone for so long until you've heard everything that they have to say.

We are the end result of billions of years of physical laws and processes, that have given birth to matter, formed galaxies, proto solar systems, planets, a biosphere, genetic structure, and eventually awareness, etc. From my perspective, we aren't separate from the universe, we are the universe, looking at itself. Consciousness as we know it is a phenomenon and a process in this universe in the same way the aurora borealis is a chemical/magnetic reaction, or nuclear fusion is a process in a star.

Maybe "the god" is figuratively all those laws and processes that, even if the universe started over, would still cause the universe to form again in a similar way. we'll never know how or why those laws are there (a simulation, maybe..), hence perhaps the title "god" is appropriate. einstien's god?

In that sense perhaps we are "gods", or just part of "a god" living under the illusion of being divided into billions of separate pieces
If there is a "god" it is not a being, it is not... sentient, or "aware" like you and I, it is far, far too complex to comprehend... it "created" the universe... and created I don't mean by magic, i mean by laws - it's ...

it just is.
we are a product of laws, we had to happen - the big bang happened the way it did, and as a result, conscious beings were formed after a billion years of chemical reactions turning into biological reactions turning into socialogical reactions... It had to happen.

As of before the big bang, I believe we're just an end of a fractal, infinitely complex, but yet 1 equation explains it all. It just needs an operator to translate that equation - "God"
Havent you just completely redefined god in order to fit into the current theory, is that not cheating a bit?

Also 'The elegant universe' is a shitot physics book, cant remember who its by but it takes you right from newtonian physics through relativity and fires you into the middle of strings and supersymmetry and the crazy bit is you know what that means by the end of it :D.
in my opinion some giant galactor dude took to big rip off the bond and coughed up the universe. thats my theory.
st_bot i totally agree
we are the universe, nothing inside the universe exists seperate from it
matter cant be created or destroyed, just moved around, so we were once just particles of something else, be it a star or what ever

chimp masta flex
string theory is an interesting theory but i dont know enough about it yet
but from what little i know about it its somewhat controversial because it cant be tested because it doesnt work on low energy levels and to test it properly you'd need a machine larger than the earth
with other theories that have the same problem at least they can test it in low energy levels
some physicists say it cant be called a scientific theory because its completely untestable, i still think its very valid though because it makes so much sense (from what little i've read)

oh and they made the elegant universe into a documentary too, its probably on youtube or something
this idea you're discusing is nicely exemplified in a book by the guy who draws those dilbert comics. it's called god's debris: a thought experiment (here, you can read it in a sitting, only 132 p)

Crimzen a dit:
if you look at a molecule its basically spherical in shape and you'd think its so small nothing can be smaller, but then theres the atom
i think its the same with the universe only bigger

atoms are miniature galaxies / galaxies are giant atoms

as above so below
and just as we are ill-equipped to see very far out into the universe we are just as ill-equipped to see far enough into what we and everything around us is made of
electrons orbit the nucleus just as planets orbit a star
so why wouldnt it be so
Before the begining of our universe there was the end of it. Like everyone says its a cycle. Why do you think everything feels like youve donw it before. You have, its an expanding and contracting. We just happen to be apart of the split second expansion on the cosmic clock. Our egos slow this down though, so that we can see the beauty of nothingness.
I realize more and more how similar God and the Big Bang are :lol:
This is kind of a big circle jerk.
are you referring to me now?