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What was before the big bang?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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Hey guys I've been doing a bit of pondering. It seems to be the theory that most people believe is that the universe came to be from the big bang theory. However, what was before the big bang? Nothing? If nothing is before the big bang, what IS the big bang?
The theory seems to be very widely accepted but I see as many faults in it as I do in most religions. It seems to be the 'accepted' answer because there is no better one?
I hope that before the big bang there was a lot of forplay......
JustinNed a dit:
The theory seems to be very widely accepted but I see as many faults in it as I do in most religions. It seems to be the 'accepted' answer because there is no better one?
There is a lot of mathematics and physics behind the big bang theory. It's not just a guess, the ideas behind it go very deep. Maybe you should read more about that. 'A brief history of time' by Stephen Hawking is a very good one.

The general idea (as far as I know) right now is that 'what was before the big bang' is not a ligitimate question in itself, as according to the theory, the very concepts of space, time, causality etc. that we are all so adapted to, didn't exist before that moment. So, there is not an answer to your question, just like there is no answer to 'what did you look like before you were born?' :wink:
At the moment things like that cant be measured but there are lots of theorys and several studys that claim that the big bang wasnt the start .
There are a few theories that handles the question, 'what caused the big bang', 'what happened before bang'. This is a very complex question, but white the new assumption of the Multiverstheory, that states that there isn't one univers, but an endless series of universes, you can say that our univers has it's origine in/from another univers. There's a theory that claims that universes are born out of a black hole; there's a theory that says that the multivers is a quantumvacuüm (like a energyfield), where everytime energystrings collide a univers is born.
There's also a theory (that i feel as a very good assumption) that claims that our univers is a virtual simulation, everything is a 'program', and so the big bang could be the turning on of the program. Either way, this is a very interesting topic, there are many books and papers written on the subject.
Greetz........................... :)
People are used to think in ways that everything has a start and an ending.
I don't think the 'big bang' was the start. I believe in a cyclic universe, because the energy contained in this universe can't just come out of nothing.
For me it seems more logical if the universe just was always there.
Twilight a dit:
People are used to think in ways that everything has a start and an ending.
I don't think the 'big bang' was the start. I believe in a cyclic universe, because the energy contained in this universe can't just come out of nothing.
For me it seems more logical if the universe just was always there.

indeed, that's the only logic explination imo.
It's an endless cycle

I thought a lot about it my self for a time, but don't think about it too much or your head will explode :d it's something we'll never know
I don't even know if i believe in the big bang.
Creation on another level.

Maybe it was made by an almighty power, that is on another diemension?

We cant comprehend what happend, whenever, whatever went in to the so called "big bang" because we have no comprehention of the higher dimensions and ingriedients found there?

Like a computer programmer creates AI in software code, If the AI becomes aware of itself, It has no comprehension of the code that went into creating the being of that Self aware AI.

Its a process from an input we cannot comprehend :)
According to the big bang theory, before the big bang there was a singularity.
These single point of energy exploded and created the universe.
A universe that's ever expanding.
Anything "before" (I use that term grudgingly) the big bang is speculation as far as I know - you cannot test it, it goes into the realm of philosophy, with a bit of physics added for good measure.

As for "universe can't just come out of nothing" ...thats not entirely true (look up "vacuum fluctuation")..., but that doesn't mean there isn't a cyclic universe creation/destruction. ...I think that was part of what tunein was saying (welcome to the forum tunein by the way).

Anyway, talk of computer programs: there's nothing about what we understand to suggest the universe is a computer program, so I would strike that off my list of reasonable possibilities, the rest are fair game in my opinion.
JustinNed a dit:
Hey guys I've been doing a bit of pondering. It seems to be the theory that most people believe is that the universe came to be from the big bang theory. However, what was before the big bang? Nothing? If nothing is before the big bang, what IS the big bang?
The theory seems to be very widely accepted but I see as many faults in it as I do in most religions. It seems to be the 'accepted' answer because there is no better one?

There are some questions in life we can never get an answer. Or we can not be sure of the answer. Questions like the one you asked pretty much fall into this category. (E.g. What is the purpose of our existence?) Dont waste much time thinking about this..... lol

Religions are man made, mostly inspired from some person people percieve as a 'leader' / 'messiah'. And other people love to follow things blindly.
magickmumu a dit:
I don't even know if i believe in the big bang.

what do you mean here? were you being facetious? there is nothing to believe in. things ARE expanding, we can see that by simply looking through telescopes. because things are ever expanding, as you yourself said later, if we go "back in time" we notice that stuff was more contracted and so, we extrapolate that there must have been a time were it all was concentrated and then it exploded, producing a sonorous... big bang.
It had to all come from something though. Sadly I don't have enough time today to look in to it more. :(
How hard is that Stephen Hawkings book, btw?
Our concept of 'reality' of our univers has a beginning. Like there was sad, 13.5 billion years ago our univers was concentraded to just a point of energy.This was our beginning of our univers.
But i believe in the possibility of the univers being a virtual simulation, because if you look to atomic structures it all comes down do data. Everything is just data, information, energy. Everything else is interpretation, ideas, opinions. There's also the idea that we, as humankind, are very interestet in A.I. and virtual simulations. So why would another entity not be working whit A.I..There may be civilisations who are not technologicly advanced to work with this concept or are technologicly advanced but not interestet. But there can also be highly advanced civilisations who have created A.I. and virtual simulations and if that is true (it's a possibility) then there's a 'web' of 'real' and 'unreal' habitations.
So we could be a virtual simulation constructed by a advanced civilisation, if it where so, we would never knew we where a virtual simulation.
When you look at some psychedelic experiences, like ketamine and dmt, there are aspects that point to that direction.

Thanks by the way for your welcoming,
friendly greetz..................................... :)
I get the impression that the Big Bang wasn't the type of explosion we associate with chaos, but was a precisely aimed unfoldment of matter and events, from the first second up until the present day. This would mean each of us was mathematically implied at the Big Bang, a staggering idea.

I'm interested in the concept that the universe expands on the outside of the cycle and contracts on the inward part of the cycle. Since we can't see the universe contracting anywhere (?) this remains a speculative notion.
I read somewhere that the term 'big bang' was coined by someone who thought the idea of a universe that once was concentrated into a very tiny space and began that way was ridiculous. So 'big bang' isn't really the right word to use for a 'beginning of the universe'.