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What is the Matrix? reborn thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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a BIG reason the grabbers/takers.liars/control-freak/murderers did the false flag '9/11' was/is to create a myth. In this case the myth of a 'war on terror'. These people are very evil. They secretly support ISIS/ISIL/al QAEDA to do their dirty work so they can carve up other countries. Divide and control. They ban psychedelics because their whole mode of operation is MIND CONTROL and they know psychedelically inspired ec~static experience can see through their evil shit. because they want you to think yourself a mindless robot consumer, ready to fight their wars, etc--to produce and consume produce and consume ad nauseum for THEIR profit

They cause your psychological, spiritual, psychosomatic dis-ease and then blame YOU and then push you THEIR drugs and their drug pharma industry rakes in BILLIONS!
Don't forget, the states have legalized marijuana in exchange for weapons.
Welcome back, I think your story is quite unique on the net.
And I am sorry for being such an idiot towards you.

Your vision comes out a bit strong, but I should've looked deeper before getting personal on you.
I am so glad you didn't leave :D
The matrix is actually fear. Fear itself must be phased out of the human mind. We must identify, pinpoint, and surgically remove fear out of the mind. Love leads to Joy. Peace, love, bravery, and happiness. However, fear block love. Fear kills activism. Fear blocks hope. Fear kills dreams. People's fear is what the jerks use to control the masses. They use our own fear against us and are more afraid of us than we are of them, so they artificially construct this system of huge perpetual fear. Bravery is a wildcard that can turn the tables of the system on it's head. Without fear, we become brave, loving, logical, and see right through the hoax matrix. They say "red pill or blue pill?". That's so two dimensional. Let's add that third dimension and somehow eliminate fear, forever. Without fear, we are limitless. A world without fear is a world without limits. Fear is the matrix. Fear kept them in control for far too long.

Fearless person: Let's destroy fear once and for all.

Sheep: But?

Fearless person: ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

The matrix is actually fear. Fear itself must be phased out of the human mind. We must identify, pinpoint, and surgically remove fear out of the mind. Love leads to Joy. Peace, love, bravery, and happiness. However, fear block love. Fear kills activism. Fear blocks hope. Fear kills dreams. People's fear is what the jerks use to control the masses. They use our own fear against us and are more afraid of us than we are of them, so they artificially construct this system of huge perpetual fear. Bravery is a wildcard that can turn the tables of the system on it's head. Without fear, we become brave, loving, logical, and see right through the hoax matrix. They say "red pill or blue pill?". That's so two dimensional. Let's add that third dimension and somehow eliminate fear, forever. Without fear, we are limitless. A world without fear is a world without limits. Fear is the matrix. Fear kept them in control for far too long.

Fearless person: Let's destroy fear once and for all.

Sheep: But?

Fearless person: ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!


The internet is slow.
The problem of this thread is that the narative is all about them and they.

They are in control....
They are evil.....
They use our own fear against us....

I am sick and tired of reading about them and about some lame ass matrix.

Peace and love.mothafuckas
Thank you! Finally a voice of reason. I couldn't figure out why I continued to read the ego boosting banter. now I know, I was waiting for your post! Bravo!
Yeah, look at what control is doing.
There is no control, but only self control. And in this field of free will everyone is at post.
Panta rhei.

You are at post of your own life, let all the rest flow and go.

Finarfin a dit:
The problem of this thread is that the narative is all about them and they.

They are in control....
They are evil.....
They use our own fear against us....

I am sick and tired of reading about them and about some lame ass matrix.

Peace and love.mothafuckas

Peace :)
your right , the western world has forgotten what it means to be human . every body's energy is blocked out by the worries and stresses created by the western way of life . its such a shame . coz even after u see some one have an enlightened experience on say LSD at that time they are awakened on it, and there free and life makes sense to them and they know the truth.
but as soon as the drug goes away and normal life sets in all that knowledge is forgotten . we go from being separated from life to being connected to being separated again . i feel i am starting to really understand how this life works now. and its very hard to let go of our earthly attachments . but it is possible . i now spend alot of my day concentrating on healing my chakras. and i would love to find a community in england where i can learn more . so please any one with info . dont hesitate to get in touch
spirit-turtle a dit:
your right , the western world has forgotten what it means to be human . every body's energy is blocked out by the worries and stresses created by the western way of life . its such a shame . coz even after u see some one have an enlightened experience on say LSD at that time they are awakened on it, and there free and life makes sense to them and they know the truth.
but as soon as the drug goes away and normal life sets in all that knowledge is forgotten . we go from being separated from life to being connected to being separated again . i feel i am starting to really understand how this life works now. and its very hard to let go of our earthly attachments . but it is possible . i now spend alot of my day concentrating on healing my chakras. and i would love to find a community in england where i can learn more . so please any one with info . dont hesitate to get in touch

well OK say you have psychedelic experience, you enter this ecstatic state, and everything seems interconnected and very wonderful, but as you 'come down' there may come this sadness, sense of loss, griving for this amzing experience which is now waning waning and then you think 'ohhh nooo, back to grim reality!!!?

Well, what I encourage then is rather to explore why you feel that. What are the reasons. This is what I have done over the years and it is an amazing journey of learning discovery and experience which actually undermines the dulling this culture induces in us--via its 'education' and mass media, etc etc. ASK QUESTIONS. Use you mind, and allow its natural inquisitiveness freedom.

You have seen children at a certain age, how they are playful and SO inquisitive? But as school walls close all around them, and the general oppression of culture, they start to feel it is wrong and 'mentally ill' to ask the 'wrong questions' and so they con-form to what they are told is acceptable. So don't do that. be INSPIRED from psychedelic experience to BE playful, and full of inquiry, and then there won't feel this loss when you come down from psychedelic experience, because you see the wonder and mystery is all the way down. Obviously one cannot be in the heights of ecstasy, or any state all the time. All through the day we are changing, different vibrations, we wake up, then go to sleep at night. it is all changing, and syclical. So it is understanding this natural flowing
It's just a f****** movie where people took pills and mescaline as a result they're so high that they get stuck in a lucid dream. Nothing more
SWIMchem5 a dit:
Want to know what the matrix really is? Here's what it is....

I'm reading this thread top down and had to comment here as I couldn't agree more.
Nice to see open and clear minds around, not saying this just to uplift or feel good about myself.

Still being surprised by people talking about 9/11 and its funny to see/hear, although many died.
I remember the first time I saw the footage on TV and was like, who are you fucking with?
You can SEE the detonations from inside the building before it collapses.... Terrorists my ass

The 'world' orchestration is deep and wide, but it not unbreakable or invisible and unreachable.
I'm a big critic, especially myself, always re-questioning everything.
High psylocibin doses helped me clear even more illusions and lies about myself and the universe.

Only way I see to live my life out as I'm ment to is to have self sustainable environment where I can work on whatever I want, without outside mind raping, suggestions and poisons.

The only way I see to change this fucked up world is to educate the masses, and the approach is critical component. And there are plenty of others who will do all that can be done to prevent this change, the opening of consciousness.

The world's my oyster soup, kitchen floor wax museum :)
Abej^a G. a dit:
we can do the same speech with Buddha and Mohammed and Zarathustra...
from what I understand, this Jesus didn't speak of a kingdom of heaven, but of a new world now-here-and now. harmony and love and peace.
from what I understand, he was like a shaman.

I also tend to believe all these personas like Jesua, Mohammed, Budha, Zarathustra ... were actually psychonauts.
All share the same story of being absent from the people for long time and came back enlightened.
Of course others used the opportunity for exploiting others for their selfish, unconscious wishes and personal complexes. Thus we have religions, goverments etc.

Its sad to watch all these people trapped in thinking they can't live a better life.
Once one realizes it can and it wants to, it will do so.