HermesTrismegistus a dit:
Well, i did escape from the rat race(a job...) a long time ago and didn't had a job in 10 years time.
Most of the time i spend on programming webapplications(a hobby).
sounds nice. what do you do for food/shelter(& internet

im a chef for Whole Foods Market. of course i do enjoy it, but i only do it because of money (and discounts). my main interest in food is with nutrition and health, which is self explanatory after reading below.
i move

. i am constantly trying new exercises and activities, mainly ones involving extreme coordination/balance. a few are, skateboarding 8 yr, martial arts & now kickboxing (4 yr), trail running & hiking (2+ yr), rock climbing (1+ yr), yoga ball balancing, slacklining, hacky sack (3 yr), endo board, trampoline gymnastics (3-4 yr), basic "tricking" and parkour, yoga, video games (17+ yr

), etc. when i was younger i played :fball: for 8 years, swam on a team for 6, played tennis for 6, baseball for 1 or 2 (didn't like it much), and basketball for 1 or two (didn't like it much either haha). im not really big on team sports anymore, but soccer is still dear to me.
i rarely stop moving unless im eating, sleeping, or it's the end of the day, when i research on the internet or play videogames. no joke. i can't help but feel like my day is wasted in one way or another if i don't get to do at least
one physical activity a day.
i don't have a degree, but honestly, i don't think it's necessary. im still pursuing school, but my intent is not in wasting money on core classes, but rather taking only the interesting ones and learning all that i need for what i wish to do. like i said, i don't think a degree is very important in the grand scheme of things. it's very much so about who you know. social interactions.
im looking at becoming a park ranger soon out west. maybe northern california or southern oregon if there's a place there that doesn't get
as much rain as the majority of the northwest. ill probably become one where i am first, then after building a little experience and money, make the jump out west. mycology looks interesting as well. there aren't many of them either, so i don't think finding a job as a mycologist would be very hard.
hope you enjoyed the read!
PS ijc, didn't you say that you do some climbing as well?