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What does everyone on here... DO?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I'm in my last semester of college in chemistry, I work at a big company making stupid hand solutions that are never going to work, and if they do work they are a waste of time and energy but will make big profits for the company. I'm quitting in January - when I'm officially done with school.

I then go to grad school in august '12.

Hopefully after that I want to have a greenhouse and a small lab to do biochemistry and chemical research on my own, on top of working at a environmentally conscious place, or teaching highschool.
Im a highschool drop out who smokes pot and dabbles in other mind altering substances
Just got a job after over a year being unemployed
im the picture mothers show their kids when they say 'stay in school or you'll turn out like this..'

..but in all seriousness
what do you mean by DO? or is was it intentionally open ended?

In my spare time (which was alot as previously mentioned) i get high with my friends and family, go to dubstep events around town, play video games, carve wood, draw, listen to a plethora of music...etc

I have plans to teach english to non english speakers (free travel and subsidized accommodation? yes please)

I work at a petrol station

im not winning the rat race, but who will?
Similar to Crimzen in the rat race aspect. Ive never been one to really work, other than for friends when they request a hand.
If i get hard up, ill break out the old deck of cards, find a busy area, and do some magic ;). I spent some time as a street magician in my earlier years, and it will probably always stick with me. But ideally, i sit around, spreading my ideas to anyone interested, researching the things that interest me, and making friends with the most ineresting people i can find along the way.
That alone is more rewardable than a carrer ever could be to me. Im completly content with my ways. Although it seems to be lacking the traveling aspect as of lately due to some unwise spending the past few months :?. Im finally back on track getting saving though.
I like to hop back and fourth between the US and UK as you know alot.

My lives seem to be polor opposites in each country.
In florida, ive gone through both spectrums, the lowest of the low, and deepest of the deep. Probably due to the negitive surrondings in my hometown.

But in england, i live a pretty social life. The dubstep scene is particularly attractive to me as well over there. And i have a habbit of finding it quite easy to make an effortless living out there. While in florida, things are done quite abit diffrently. The result is almost that of a diffrent personality of sorts. Its pretty ineresting how it all comes together to form the happy medium that is I. :lol:

What do i do?
Quite abit.. and not alot at the same time. :rolleyes:
Well, i did escape from the rat race(a job...) a long time ago and didn't had a job in 10 years time.

Most of the time i spend on programming webapplications(a hobby). I am already working 2 years on a astrology webapplication, which is able to draw birth charts aswell as transit en progressive charts etc.

Beside programming, i do a lot of reading and am following a study astrology. Maybe in the nearby future i hope to help people to gain inside into there own personality with the usage of astrology.

I'll also do a lot of writing, but that's more to relativate my personal opinions and not for publication or something like that.

And ofcourse onces in a while i'll still travel inside my own mind using entheogens.
HermesTrismegistus a dit:
Well, i did escape from the rat race(a job...) a long time ago and didn't had a job in 10 years time.

Most of the time i spend on programming webapplications(a hobby).

sounds nice. what do you do for food/shelter(& internet :P )?

im a chef for Whole Foods Market. of course i do enjoy it, but i only do it because of money (and discounts). my main interest in food is with nutrition and health, which is self explanatory after reading below.

i move :lol: . i am constantly trying new exercises and activities, mainly ones involving extreme coordination/balance. a few are, skateboarding 8 yr, martial arts & now kickboxing (4 yr), trail running & hiking (2+ yr), rock climbing (1+ yr), yoga ball balancing, slacklining, hacky sack (3 yr), endo board, trampoline gymnastics (3-4 yr), basic "tricking" and parkour, yoga, video games (17+ yr :lol: ), etc. when i was younger i played :fball: for 8 years, swam on a team for 6, played tennis for 6, baseball for 1 or 2 (didn't like it much), and basketball for 1 or two (didn't like it much either haha). im not really big on team sports anymore, but soccer is still dear to me.

i rarely stop moving unless im eating, sleeping, or it's the end of the day, when i research on the internet or play videogames. no joke. i can't help but feel like my day is wasted in one way or another if i don't get to do at least one physical activity a day.

i don't have a degree, but honestly, i don't think it's necessary. im still pursuing school, but my intent is not in wasting money on core classes, but rather taking only the interesting ones and learning all that i need for what i wish to do. like i said, i don't think a degree is very important in the grand scheme of things. it's very much so about who you know. social interactions.

im looking at becoming a park ranger soon out west. maybe northern california or southern oregon if there's a place there that doesn't get as much rain as the majority of the northwest. ill probably become one where i am first, then after building a little experience and money, make the jump out west. mycology looks interesting as well. there aren't many of them either, so i don't think finding a job as a mycologist would be very hard.

hope you enjoyed the read!

PS ijc, didn't you say that you do some climbing as well?
sounds nice. what do you do for food/shelter(& internet :P )?

Well, that's a long story. But to keep it short, when i where around the age of 18 I'll heavily rebelled against the idea of me joining the rat race. Actually i rebelled against everything i could rebel against :P Especially because i didn't had the changes to do what i liked to do and of course i found the way our society works, everything but acceptable. And since a couple of company's did steal everything i had and i had no other choice then to live on the streets, i needed to do at least something to escape the rat race.

In Holland it's possible if your mentally ill, to receive some money from the government. The only thing a person needs, is a psychiatric diagnosis that is heavily enough. So i went to psychiatrists etc and have let them diagnose me with a Borderline Personality Disorder, so i could escape from the rat race and could spend my free time as a full-time payed activist ;)

i don't have a degree, but honestly, i don't think it's necessary. im still pursuing school, but my intent is not in wasting money on core classes, but rather taking only the interesting ones and learning all that i need for what i wish to do. like i said, i don't think a degree is very important in the grand scheme of things. it's very much so about who you know. social interactions.

Beside the core classes, what sort of classes do you follow? Sounds as if way the collage is organized in America, is totally different then that it is here in Holland....

Man your busy! But i think your right, it's a good thing to fill your days with lots of activity's ;) It took me years to understand this ;) :P

Hahaha. I was totally thinking about how many people would answer that they have no job / don't want a job on here :)

I guess it is just expected. A psychonaut is one who explores himself/herself. Who needs a fancy car or a cool tv when you have your mind?

I thought about doing the living off welfare or getting a diagnosis once. . . but really that - I couldn't live like that I would feel like I'm wasting not only my own time (unless I used that time to better my neighborhood/society) but also others - I live off of the nation's taxes? I couldn't care less, really, if anyone wants to do that, but personally I would just feel wrong. So I pursued my job. So far I haven't found one that I like doing but also enjoy the impact. I used to work at a "reuse" center where we sold old stuff from across our city to people for literally 1% of the new cost. I liked the impact that had, but all it was was lifting heavy desks and moving really heavy shit around all day and trying to somehow replicate a modern chain super store. I felt pessimistic about that so I left and have my current job. Now I get paid a bunch but I have no societal benefit, in fact it is nearly a societal damage. . .

Trick - you'll have to show me one of those tricks one time. oWow I just realized, does your name have to do with your deck of cards? Hehe.. and the UK dub step scene. I really want to go back. London's clubs are ridiculous - they are unreal. Literally feels like you're in a movie or something at those places, and the people there are so much more social than clubs here. Everyone is so stuck up. In fact, I went to a basement show the other week and I started rocking out cause it was good fucking music and these two girls come up to me and put their hands on my shoulder and go "Really?" I looked around and everyone had their arms crossed, bobbing their heads. God college kids suck...

-Allusion. I can climb a tree faster than a lumberjack :) I grew up CONSTANTLY playing in the woods and I've realized that I have extremely fast eye-FEET coordination compared to other people. People can't even climb stairs as fast as me (really). I also grew up climbing trees my whole life and have a great deal of respect for them. Something inside me dies a bit when I see people cutting down a tree, even if its small. I really love them. I was going to start rock climbing, but either I pay 50$ a month to go master some fake wall or I have to find another location (there are no cliffs here!).

Right now I'm getting ready to do some tissue propagation of orchids. I went to a greenhouse on campus and asked if I could take some clippings - "Sure I don't see why not." Do you know what this means?! I have an infinite supply of plants!! My dream is on its way :)
holy crap that greenhouse looks amazing :D

I study ecology in the 5th semester, but I didn't do much last year, so technically I'm in the 3rd. last year I went to a photography school, which was cool and fun, but I lost interest in it (especially in so-called artistic photography) and so it came that I quit that school, it was too expensive anyway. also the art scene can be sickeningly pretentious.

I don't really know how to feel about studying ecology. on the one hand it can be very interesting, on the other hand it can be such a drag. especially the chemistry and anatomy part. it might sound interesting to many people, but when you actually have to write tests on it it starts to suck. in the case of actual ecology, I'd probably get into these topics myself, but then I wouldn't get neither a piece of paper nor 3 additional letters in front of my name. I don't really know what I'd use the degree for though, since I'm not planning on partaking in the rat race either.
but well, since I'm more than half-way into it, I figured to pull through. it might be a benefit for what I'm going to do in the future. what exactly that will be, I don't know yet. I'd like to get into permaculture and sane housebuilding such as cob and/or yurts. creating a community in the countryside to live simple and use as little money as possible would be awesome. what I'm sure is that one day I'll live in the countryside in a place with more sun and less rain, with a house that is not a cold concrete box, and a garden that produces most of what I and whoever will be living with me need :D

other than that I: read quite a lot of nonfiction, play around with photography, try to make music on the computer, get stoned with friends and alone too, sit way too much in front of the computer, cook good stuff, host people via couchsurfing, ride my bike :D, go to the one or other party, go to psytrancefestivals ( :heart: ), and last but not the least: I love travelling. I went to India the 3rd time this summer. I'll probably post some of the photos from there :D
when I finish my bachelor I'll sattle my bicycle and go for a ride towards east :) to india or even further. that'll be so amazing.
BananaPancake a dit:
I'd like to get into permaculture and sane housebuilding such as cob and/or yurts. creating a community in the countryside to live simple and use as little money as possible would be awesome. what I'm sure is that one day I'll live in the countryside in a place with more sun and less rain, with a house that is not a cold concrete box, and a garden that produces most of what I and whoever will be living with me need :D

Trick & sticki both talked about doing this. I'd like to too one day. I want a farm but perma culture with many, many plants + a greenhouse.

(and my secret lab mwahahhaha)

we should all just buy a million acre farm with our rat race money and hang out :)
BananaPancake a dit:
creating a community in the countryside to live simple and use as little money as possible would be awesome. what I'm sure is that one day I'll live in the countryside in a place with more sun and less rain, with a house that is not a cold concrete box, and a garden that produces most of what I and whoever will be living with me need :D
Go for it! When i still lived on the streets, i had no money. So i created a sport from living with as less money as possible. I'll squated houses etc, and lived among others who had similar problems. Although i am not such a community guy, there where many others who actually where realizing what you appose here. It was really fascinating to see, how they all helped each other and created from an ugly squat a wonderland what go's far beyond your wildest imagination. :) Well some where creating eco-farms, others created give-a-way-shops or even bar's where like minded people could come and drink, discuss things or just to party. I'll really love the idea about alternative projects to realize things that never could have been done within the system.

IJesusChrist a dit:
we should all just buy a million acre farm with our rat race money and hang out :)
Lol, since the most psychonauts won't join the rat-race. I think, to find some money for it will be a great issue.... :P

IJesusChrist a dit:
I thought about doing the living off welfare or getting a diagnosis once. . . but really that - I couldn't live like that I would feel like I'm wasting not only my own time (unless I used that time to better my neighborhood/society) but also others - I live off of the nation's taxes? I couldn't care less, really, if anyone wants to do that, but personally I would just feel wrong. So I pursued my job. So far I haven't found one that I like doing but also enjoy the impact. I used to work at a "reuse" center where we sold old stuff from across our city to people for literally 1% of the new cost. I liked the impact that had, but all it was was lifting heavy desks and moving really heavy shit around all day and trying to somehow replicate a modern chain super store. I felt pessimistic about that so I left and have my current job. Now I get paid a bunch but I have no societal benefit, in fact it is nearly a societal damage. . .

if i am really honest, i would have had a job and would have joined the rat-race, if i had atleast the right opportunity's in the past. But when i where still a teenager there happened so much in my life that i wasted all the opportunity's i had. So when i became 18 years old, i couldn't undo my errors that i had made in the past. Or i would start to work in a fabric or i would let myself being diagnosed, i choose the last option.

And to be diagnosed is far from ideal, especially because a lot of people(especially does who love the rat-race.) hate the people who dropped out of the race. But on the other hand, it gives me all the time to think and to be of use in many different ways. I do help others who live on the streets, i'll also fight for animal/human rights etc. I love to do things for free, to help other humans or animals out of compassion instead of asking money for it.

I also realise that things won't be forever like it is now, so of course i am prepared whenever i have no choice to join the rat-race onces again. The last 5 years i have learned a lot about programming webapplication and i am sure that whenever i'll have no other choice to join the rat-race again, i will have atleast a change to survive with something i love. This is something i didn't had in the past.
I'm a postgraduate English student in France, where I intend to work as a high-school teacher once I'm out of uni. I specialise in Anglophone film studies (more specifically the work of Richard Linklater, which is the subject of my master's dissertation), translation and literature, with some linguistics and History here and there. Making a huge amount of money was never my main goal, but it's easy for me to say that, coming from a middle-class family :roll: . As long as my job provides for my needs, my education and my entertainment, and helps provide for those of the people around me, I won't complain.

In my rather extensive spare time I'm an avid reader, [s:yin2zki4]movie snob[/s:yin2zki4] film enthusiast, rave-goer, and a wanker. I recently joined a harm reduction non-profitmaking organization.

Oh and I take psychoactive substances as well :lol: .
Larry_Golade a dit:
I specialise in Anglophone flim studies (more specifically the work of Richard Linklater, which is the subject of my master's dissertation)

Hey Larry that just sounds awsome when you say it like that.

Larry_Golade a dit:
avid reader, movie snob flim enthusiast, rave-goer, and a wanker

That's more the way I know you (since we both were on the Hadra Trance festival :wink: )

Silly the way we think of each other with prejudices based on the drug use, isn't it?

Well, I do drugs, mostly DXM.

AND I study psychology after a long way looking for myself and finally finding me. I'm on my way.

AND I am french as well (I like to post a bit on the english forum every other day).

AND I think it's manageable to combine a sensible drug use with a normal-like life.
Yup, the good ol' stereotype of the brainless junkie...It's a good thing to have some people from the 'community' of psychedelics users working in the fields of education and academic research, if our goal in the long run is to try to change the way these substances and the people who use them are viewed.
BananaPancake a dit:
I'd like to get into permaculture and sane housebuilding such as cob and/or yurts. creating a community in the countryside to live simple and use as little money as possible would be awesome. what I'm sure is that one day I'll live in the countryside in a place with more sun and less rain, with a house that is not a cold concrete box, and a garden that produces most of what I and whoever will be living with me need :D

IJesusChrist a dit:
Trick & sticki both talked about doing this. I'd like to too one day. I want a farm but perma culture with many, many plants + a greenhouse.

(and my secret lab mwahahhaha)

we should all just buy a million acre farm with our rat race money and hang out :)

funny how we've all more or less independently come to the same conclusion. i mean we're always sharing these types of ideas, but i dont know if we've ever openly discussed our personal plans like this.

i think that even very small, localized communities like this could easily thrive (sustainably), even with our present (still budding) green technology
lets hope - we can go down two roads to success; with technology or without.

I like with. I think it is too idealistic to "go back to the old ways", where people died at age 40, disease spread quickly, and starvation could have been avoided.

So, having a hut with a solar panel on it and a cell phone, I'm all for.
well yeah i think technology can provide excellent ways of helping one 'live off the land' or make as little of a scar on the planet as possible, it just needs to be done right, like without burning fossil fuel...

i dont think technology was ever the problem, just irresponsible use of it
Well okay, to add the other side of the contrast I do work for a bank, but it is relatively peaceful compared to the large banks (it was a prerequisite to work at a place that didn't take any bail-out money, and quite simply had their shit together). I'm considering various grad schools and take the occasional class for general knowledge.

On the DO side I would say I try to embody that functional person who also has a strong interest in the psychedelic, although it does present certain challenges when interacting with older co-workers or other generally ignorant people.

Oh well, que sera.
darkwolfunseen a dit:
Well okay, to add the other side of the contrast I do work for a bank, but it is relatively peaceful compared to the large banks (it was a prerequisite to work at a place that didn't take any bail-out money, and quite simply had their shit together). I'm considering various grad schools and take the occasional class for general knowledge.

On the DO side I would say I try to embody that functional person who also has a strong interest in the psychedelic, although it does present certain challenges when interacting with older co-workers or other generally ignorant people.

Oh well, que sera.

Interesting. I assume by "functional" you mean accepts the rat race. :wink:
No, by functional I mean someone who supports their family.
dark: respectable enough.

really though i have to agree with crimzen, i dont think that technology itself was ever the problem. and now, with it's advent, it's become obvious to me, that we can never "go back". it's just that when a new sense comes about, we must develope a functional nervous system for it before it may be properly used, and not just get in the way. i think now, with our conscious directing of it, we can easily go down that road, reducing, and working at removing the detrimental aspects of our footprint. it may take some effort, but we've already done the hard part of getting the momentum going.