LOL, 50g dried won't give you much of an experience I guess. I once took an heroic dose of about 10g dried and I blacked out about two hours of the trip. After that it was my initial psychonautic-life-changing trip, but I guess I could have done with 8g as well, maybe without losing two hours of it
Really, I believe that from a certain point you just can't up it anymore: it's like crossing a river, either you make it there, or you don't. If you make it there by speed-boat or by swimming doesn't really matter in the long term... something like that...
And about the first (sarcastic?) question about "what have you done?" Well, I have done (in order of appearance) alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, lsd, mdma, psilocybine, poppers, speed, cocaine, morphine, salvia, dmt, amanita muscaria, dxm, and I guess a bunch of others that I forgot or that don't seem worth memorizing (the legal/not so hard stuff, of which I've done all, I guess...)
I have done either of these just once/twice or maybe excessively, that depends (cannabis and mdma come to mind when I say "excessively" - although I think I should include alcohol and nicotine there as well...).
But well, all that hasn't made me a psychonaut really.
What made me a psychonaut was my being interested in the unknown, the spirit world, and my actively searching for a way to break through the barriers. That I actually managed with my first high dosed trips of shrooms, and I still follow the path of mental exploration through psychedelic substances. It took me about 6 years of contemplation without any psychedelic drugs to come to the point where I said to myself "well, this not going to lead anywhere if I don't explore further - I have to do it again!"