Video (with subtitles) about ban on shrooms

Thanks Caduceus. I'll stick to weed when I go in the spring, I don't really want to deal with any of those bridge trolls for their illegal booty.

Yes X-Boy, I've been to the Kokopelli a couple of times. I could sit in that seat for about 2 to 2.5 hours tripping but then I just felt too active and had to go out and see Amsterdam in all it's glory in a wonderfully higher conscious state of mind. I'll miss all that.
Yes, you can hang out there for hours, browse the internet and drink herbal teas. I've been tripping there two times now. The first time was right after the World Psychedelic Forum, when I arrived in Amsterdam tripping balls on acid.

After the TV crew were done, I left Kokopelli though, and spent the rest of my trip at the office of Europe's coolest online webshop. It was there that I realized 10 grams of fresh Hawaiians are way more potent than 10 grams of Golden Teachers... :shock:
adrianhaffner a dit:

you should read into things a little more, it was posted on the first page about halfway down...
The YouTube version also has subtitles in three languages. You have to select your language (German, French or English) manually in the lower right corner of the video. Both versions together have been watched 7835 times. It "spread" to many countries: first Sweden, then Lithuania, then Hungary, and recently it even reached Jamaica! Heh, I see it was spread around in Morocco too, lol.
adrianhaffner a dit:
note: the subtitles still cut out, but the majority are there.
I know. I skipped them intentionally, so as not to create too much work for the translators (and myself). Those parts were also either boring, misleading or too specifically aimed at a Dutch audience.
adrianhaffner a dit:
hmm. misleading?
Yes, they report some incidents with mushrooms, without giving any details. For example, the French girl who jumped from a building (=simply committed suicide) right after putting the mushrooms in her mouth (rather than being in the middle of a trip), and then a guy who hit his girlfriend while tripping. They don't tell the whole story, and thus I didn't feel like translating it.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
adrianhaffner a dit:
hmm. misleading?
Yes, they report some incidents with mushrooms, without giving any details. For example, the French girl who jumped from a building (=simply committed suicide) right after putting the mushrooms in her mouth (rather than being in the middle of a trip), and then a guy who hit his girlfriend while tripping. They don't tell the whole story, and thus I didn't feel like translating it.

Below is audi and transcript to a great talk I heard last night going into depth about the real reasons for the 'religion' of prohibition. The audio is a bit annoying at times, and the sound seems to go, but if you pick up ears you can hear what he sayts and sound comes back later.
/Peter%20Webster%20-%20Vienna%20speech%20March%208%202008.mp3 2008.rtf
adrianhaffner a dit:

you should read into things a little more, it was posted on the first page about halfway down...

sorry, I didn't understand how to switch from french to english subtitles... now I know :D

The officials motivations are really weak, actually. They don' t say anything about alcool, or medical cases of problems. As usual, actually.

Caduceus, I think your trip- intervent was something really touching.
Are there possibilities for this law to be removed?