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Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory


I am most happy to do a video or audio interview both with and without Dan. My suggestion is that you interview Dan, time permitting for him, individually. He needs neither introduction or translation. I attempted to work as his translator for a couple years, only to discover as he says "the medium is the message."

the Hopi announcement in AZ has already been given to me. My TZ offices are located in AZ,as are both of my children. Their message is extremely positive. startlingly so.

I can be reached at 608-432-1387 or via skype or both.

- Russell Wright
themezoom a dit:
Terence McKenna didn't do DMT often. He mentioned this himself. He did psychedelics rarely, only a few times a year, and these experiences often involved mushrooms and ayahuasca rather than DMT by itself. So your speculation that his brain cancer was the result of his smoking DMT is bullshit, especially because you also ignore the fact that Terence had been suffering from migraine headaches throughout his life.
themezoom a dit:
He needs neither introduction or translation.
Well, I think he does, because most of what he writes is incomprehensible. I would really appreciate a step by step explanation of his theory. But practically all the pages on his website, and the answers he gave in this thread, are written in a way I cannot understand.

the Hopi announcement in AZ has already been given to me. My TZ offices are located in AZ,as are both of my children. Their message is extremely positive. startlingly so.
Where do the Hopi get their messages from? Why should we be concerned if their message is either positive or negative?

Terrence said the same thing about Dan Winters work when he was alive.

You don't have migraines do you?

Look, if you keep eating fungus and eating raw death crystals and running large amounts of Yang Kundalini energy without hydrating, you can calcify the pituitary gland.

Terence was high strung, adrenal active, very Yang, and experimented with some substances that were never documented before. I did not mean to imply that DMT was the direct cause of cancer of the "motivation" gland. I meant to speculate that it probably compounded any latent problems (lack of hydration) that were already there- if not caused them directly. The rigorous amounts of Tetrahydracarboline probably did not help either unless he was using a vaporizer. Pot gives you a drying effect. (You know, dry mouth and munchies . . . common admit it ; - )

Another widely known fact about DMT is that you are very unlikely to have a bad trip when you are near water or a body of water. I can vouch for this.

hmmmmmm. Coincidence? Hydration rounds the edges (jagged ouch crystals) that make people slightly mean spirited in their tone. Hey, is that you? He's got the edges, shes got the curves. This is why Patrick Flanigan suggested listening to running water (VIA FLOWFORMS???) while listening to the original neurophone.

Bottom line dude, it is best to get DMT straight out of the Urine then in its raw form- preferably passed (negatively ionized) through the body of a Goddess . . . or better yet (closer to self contained) your own urine (which is documented to contain DMT in SPADES if you are schizophrenic- . . . which I also hope is not you).

Ultimately, YUCK to drinking your own Urine to get drugs. Why?

The drugs are already in your head doing what they are supposed to. You just need to catch the wave, sound and light.

Read the SENTICS work, by Manfred Clynes:

Anger is a jagged edge- and Love is the seventh wave (literally) =


Oh yeah, also read the unedited and uncut version of Dan Winters work:

Get a copy of Alphabet of the Heart if you still can. It is illegal in several countries.

If you cannot understand it, you are not supposed to. that is the beauty.

- R

L, Russell
themezoom a dit:
You don't have migraines do you?
No, I don't. Not that I've done DMT often, mind you, and I've been using a number of brain nutrients every day for over a decade.

Terence was high strung, adrenal active, very Yang, and experimented with some substances that were never documented before.
Such as?

Another widely known fact about DMT is that you are very unlikely to have a bad trip when you are near water or a body of water. I can vouch for this.
That's not a widely known fact, but I can imagine it's true. It's certainly nice to end a trip on any psychedelic by going to a body of water, like a lake or a river. We started our life cycle as aquatic beings after all.

Bottom line dude, it is best to get DMT straight out of the Urine then in its raw form- preferably passed (negatively ionized) through the body of a Goddess . . . or better yet (closer to self contained) your own urine (which is documented to contain DMT in SPADES if you are schizophrenic- . . . which I also hope is not you).
But then you still need to take an MAO inhibitor for it to be orally active. And I wonder if those spades of DMT would really allow one to have a significant experience.

Ultimately, YUCK to drinking your own Urine to get drugs. Why?
No yuck here, I've done it a lot.

If you cannot understand it, you are not supposed to. that is the beauty.
If you cannot understand it, because of the chaotic presentation, you are not supposed to survive death, is that what you're saying?
No, I don't. Not that I've done DMT often, mind you, and I've been using a number of brain nutrients every day for over a decade.

Thank goodness. I hope you are hydrating too.

Terence was high strung, adrenal active, very Yang, and experimented with some substances that were never documented before.

Amanita Mascara: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe ... 1g-s1g-sx8

But it is documented more now.

Another widely known fact about DMT is that you are very unlikely to have a bad trip when you are near water or a body of water. I can vouch for this.

That's not a widely known fact, but I can imagine it's true. It's certainly nice to end a trip on any psychedelic by going to a body of water, like a lake or a river. We started our life cycle as aquatic beings after all.

It is more and more known due to the recent book called "Inner Paths to Outer Space"

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bJEL4pzL3-Y/S ... 0/iplg.jpg

Also consider:

http://everything2.com/node/1116665?boo ... alBookmark

Also read Sensitive Chaos

Bottom line dude, it is best to get DMT straight out of the Urine then in its raw form- preferably passed (negatively ionized) through the body of a Goddess . . . or better yet (closer to self contained) your own urine (which is documented to contain DMT in SPADES if you are schizophrenic- . . . which I also hope is not you).

But then you still need to take an MAO inhibitor for it to be orally active. And I wonder if those spades of DMT would really allow one to have a significant experience.

If one is psychotic or schizophrenic, one is ALREADY having a significant altered experience that is arguably psychedelic. REad Jean Houston's and Robert's early work.

Ultimately, YUCK to drinking your own Urine to get drugs. Why?

No yuck here, I've done it a lot.

Yuck. I suggest coconut water instead. Urine holds pure intention but pure intention is phase canceled if ones intention is to drink urine . . . and round and round she goes. This is why Shaman preferred the intention (psychedelic urine?) of virgins over their own. Still yuck. (Dan's comment still stands- create your own self-sustained phi envelope of pure intention with light and sound intention. (i.e. grace) Yogi's drink drops of own urine homeopathically mostly for the melatonin, but not to get enlightenment directly. (some obscure texts say it leads to liberation- but the guys who wrote those texts didn't have girlfriends).

If you cannot understand it, you are not supposed to. that is the beauty.

If you cannot understand it, because of the chaotic presentation, you are not supposed to survive death, is that what you're saying?

Read Sensitive Chaos by theodore schwenk. A test for survival and symmetry includes the ability to understand non-linear free association as well as metaphor. parables are useful as well as examples.

Bucky Fuller said "A civilization that specializes, dies"

Specialized thinking leads to brittle bones and brittle institutions. It also blocks the child-like ability to connect non-linear dots and perceive keyword co-occurrences ( http://www.themezoom.com ). This rigidness makes a multi-disciplined approach impossible and a planet uninhabitable. The best we can do is tell stories (make TED movies) and find one common thread (ring=purpose) to "rule them all" = recursion:


Rigor is useful, do not get me wrong.

It is almost impossible to make money and sense. (bucly fuller)

Yours, Russell
themezoom a dit:
Thank goodness. I hope you are hydrating too.
Fruits for breakfast, salad and sprouts for lunch etc.

Amanita Mascara:
Not really. He tried it once or twice, but didn't get the desired effect, so ceased to experiment with it. And what's wrong with Amanita anyway?

It is more and more known due to the recent book called "Inner Paths to Outer Space"
I still have to read that one. I'm not that fond of Rick Strassman's work however.

Also read Sensitive Chaos
Please cite relevant passages. I don't have time to read all the books you mentioned.

Yogi's drink drops of own urine homeopathically mostly for the melatonin, but not to get enlightenment directly. (some obscure texts say it leads to liberation- but the guys who wrote those texts didn't have girlfriends).
Neither do I.

A test for survival and symmetry includes the ability to understand non-linear free association as well as metaphor. parables are useful as well as examples.
I didn't say I have problems with metaphors, parables or examples. That was FocusedIntention talking about Darth Vader and Star Treck. I have difficulty with the way his information is organized and presented. There's no way I can introduce a friend to the work of Dan Winter, but I could introduce friends to people like Nassim Haramein or David Wilcock. That's why I started this thread about Nassim's work, rather than Dan's, even though I knew about Dan ideas before I heard about Nassim.
In sharing Dan's work with my community, someone pointed out that danwinter.com has been given to the Meru Foundation through court decisions involving Dan stealing other people's work?

I am shocked.

Could you please explain. I was convinced that his work was legitimate, and now I find this admited bunch of lies.

I am keeping an open mind, but would love to hear your explanation.

Meru Foundation is offering substantial rewards and "finders' fees" for information that leads to the collection of the $140,000 in court costs and interest owed to it by Mr. Daniel E. Winter.

If you have done business with Mr. Winter, or have information with regard to his business and/or business partners, please contact [email protected] for further information.
Meru Foundation is also accumulating evidence for possible future legal action (US and world-wide) with regard to Mr. Winter's (and those acting with and for him) new plagiarism and disparagement. If you have purchased copies of Mr. Winter's illicit works, if you have attended presentations by Mr. Winter, or those working with and for him, or if you have other first-hand knowledge or physical evidence of the new -- and quite obvious -- works of plagiarism and disparagement, please contact [email protected].

Dear Friends,

www.danwinter.com has been transferred to the Plaintiffs, Stanley and Cynthia Tenen and Meru Foundation, by order of Hon. Judge Charles J. Siragusa, of the US Federal District Court for the Western District of New York in Rochester.

The Court has taken this action because Mr. Winter has refused to respond to the Court. He has refused to show up for hearings, for depositions, and to show cause why he should not continue to be held in contempt of court for his many violations of the Court's orders. This is not a matter of censorship. There is an arrest warrant for Mr. Winter filed with the United States Federal Marshals' Service, and he is a fugitive. It is the Court's way of using its discretionary powers to encourage Mr. Winter to appear in Court in the United States, and for deposition, as he has been ordered to do. The idea is to get Mr. Winter's attention, not to censor him. (The three most recent Court Orders, listed and linked to below, make this clear.)

For the time being, this website includes an index of posted documents, the Court's orders including Mr. Winter's Corrective Notice, a list of copyright-violating works, and excerpts from related sworn depositions and affidavits by recognized professionals, who are either expert witnesses or eyewitnesses. ""

Care to weigh in on this?
Who is this Meru foundation?

I am not in a business association with Dan Winter but I do know Stan Tennen's work.

Stan is the creator of "The Light In The Meeting Tent" work and Dan and him have many years worth of legal karma. You may find more out about Stan Tennen on Meru.org

Stan has had much support and funding to sue Dan over the years. This is why when I said Dan's books are illegal in several counteries, I was speaking literally.

Dan's work, in all of its forms, is officially illegal contraband, even the works where he gives credit where credit is due.

For the most part, this only serves to make the work more popular.

I have met Stan, and he is a very personable fellow, as long as you do not bring up the topic of Dan Winter or the Golden Means ratio as the Hebrew Alphabet. I am not an expert in this matter. I let both of their works stand for themselves.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Yours, R
fatalnrg a dit:
The first page doesn't reveal anything (or you could have posted relevant passages here), and the post by SpeakerToAnimals doesn't contain any structural criticism either, just some opinions he doesn't back up, assuming the 'initiated' members of that forum know what he's talking about.

SpeakerToAnimals admits: "Had a quick look at the paper" and "Glancing at the rest". Based on this hasty analysis he feels he has the right to call it a "crackpot paper", the authors "nutters" and so on. A classic example of scientific arrogance. Someting we don't need in the 21 century.

This post by SpeakerToAnimals is very similar to the one posted in the Richard Dawkins forum mentioned on page 2 of this thread. That author also started his so-called rebuttal with "I glanced through the paper".

So fatalnrg, since you referred to these pages, please explain in your own words what you mean exactly. Did you watch any of the video's yourself, or are you afraid it will contaminate your pristine intellect?

If you are going to try to flippantly debunk something, can you please at least give it some substance from a rigorous discipline.

http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Con ... ion_theory

I would love for you to start a REAL argument on this topic, just for funsies.

Because you will lose.

All in jest, of course.

L, Russell
I still never got a reply on the explanation of what is posted on Dan's site.

I believe his work to be true because I have come to so many of the same conclusions just through everyday observation of the universe, and how well his theory ties together so many long held mysteries about physics and our understanding of the universe.

You people constantly pull the crackpot alarm and yet none of you can argue any of this fact for fact. Why is that?

You simply post links to where other people have claimed the same falsehoods that you do. What is the point?

Each person believes what they have discovered for themselves in life and I beleive that a lot of what Dan and Nasssim have discovered is true, and that there is some sort of significance to 2012 and the critical mass understanding of our physical makeup.

Science has done a lot to further prove the claims of easter religion and philosophy that far predates any modern understanding of the human mind or "soul", and yet the more we learn, the closer we come to the fact that humans were quite aware of many things thousands of years ago that we are only now rediscovering as scientific fact.

For those of you who don't just check out at the first rant about charlatans and crackpots before actually viewing the material for yourself.... I will catch YOU on the flipside.
magickmumu a dit:
GOD a dit:
Its more David Icke and Gnostic liberation front "new age" propoganda .

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_ ... #Criticism

Google his name , then google it with the word critic after it .

The institute of noetic sciences. :?: :roll:
Co founded by a astronaut who had a vision while returning to earth.
:?: :?: :?:

I am sorry, what point exactly were you debunking here? Nassim and David Icke have almost nothing in common.
Here's an interesting new video (in Flash, scroll down a bit to see it) from Dan Winter on gravity, Phi or the Golden Mean ratio, DNA, the table of elements, and consciousness:


Contrary to previous presentations, Dan is now regularly citing Nassim's work. Things are really converging now! :-D
First... lol @ the explanation for hydrogen radii. Equations like that are dime a dozen.

lol what the fuck is a fractal electric field? How do you make one? Why is it different than a regular electric field?

"This is why your compost gets hotter in the field of a fractal electric field, which is how the ancients used stone henge to reduce or eliminate aging"
