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Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory

Why dont you just copy and paste the local telephone book ? It would make more sense than the crap that you dont understand that you keep flooding the forum with .
Hi Dan, what a nice surprise to see you on this forum! :D

Congratulations with your new evidence. I will study it later today.

Now that you're here, may I ask you what are your views on what happens to an individual's consciousness when he or she ingests sufficient doses of substances like mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), psilocybine and related compounds? Why do you think it is that people typically report seeing colorful fractals, archetypal beings, detailed heavenly realms, and sometimes experience deep tranquility, cosmic unity, universal love, ecstatic bliss and so forth, and often come out of the experience with a strong desire to understand sacred geometry, astrology, Eastern philosophy and the like?

recommend measuring aura for increased porosity
caused by asymmetry in the spherical (pc) attractor
because the increased rate of phase conjugation
when chemically induced
is not sustainable
or symmetric

a taste may be helpful for the skeptic
but psychoactive chemicals
probably reduce the probabiltiy of memory thru death for this reason
(this tho is a generalization
in that some shamanic use may increase motility
of aura

without real clairvoyance to confirm auric health
measurement is essential
danwinter a dit:
recommend measuring aura for increased porosity
caused by asymmetry in the spherical (pc) attractor
because the increased rate of phase conjugation
when chemically induced
is not sustainable
or symmetric

a taste may be helpful for the skeptic
but psychoactive chemicals
probably reduce the probabiltiy of memory thru death for this reason
(this tho is a generalization
in that some shamanic use may increase motility
of aura

without real clairvoyance to confirm auric health
measurement is essential
Well, I was only talking of the shamanic approach actually. Not people who take drugs for temporary kicks, but for deep introspective work, under proper guidance. The fact that serious usage, even outside the native or ritualistic context, leads to clear improvement of psychosomatic problems and (like I said) a strong impulse to continue studying spirituality in the sober state, seems to confirm my own belief that psychedelics in and of themselves are not capable of damaging the aura. It's only unsupervised abuse of these substances that results in an increase of mental or physical problems, and I wouldn't be surprised if that translates into a disturbed auric field.

The repeated focus on death (the best psychedelic experiences involve an experiential ego-death, or "death and rebirth" sequence) seems to be an excellent preparation for "not losing ones mind" when factual death occurs, which will no doubt aid memory through death.

It certainly aids memory of what happened before birth and conception, as is evidenced in the countless experiences of perinatal and past life events observed in supervised LSD and mescaline sessions conducted by transpersonal psychologists like Stan Grof and others.

I still don't understand why these substances alter consciousness the way they do. Chemically they're all very similar to serotonine and melatonine, but their effects are radically different.
chemistry probably dopes synapse ability to phase conjugate
- if the dielectric enviorenment supports that
then the super luminal launch (time penetrant

imploding the brain plasma field
has to be sustained symetrically (fractaly
if the aura is to sustain death
(the part of life below the speed of light
is the dead one..
It's unclear to me what you mean by that. Probably? Dopes? And though the compounds mentioned are chemical, they do have a known geometrical structure, so I was wondering if you could draw any conclusions from that, knowing what you know.

I will therefore repeat my question, but in a simplified way, limiting it to only one compound, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, which is an endogenous neurotransmitter produced in the lungs and other parts of the body, but which, when ingested in larger quantities through a herbal extract and under the proper guidance, produces all the phenomena I mentioned: visions of colorful fractals, meeting with archetypal beings, awareness of eternity, experience of deep tranquility and bliss etc., with lasting positive aftereffects or even psychosomatic healing.

DMT looks like this:





Closely related are psilcybine and psilocin, which occur throughout the world in many species of mushrooms, and have similar effects as DMT:


tryptamine (3d molecule anim
as ride from hex to pent
(that is how phase conjugation is done in dna as well

molecule as phase conjugate dielectric capacitor

meaning of dopant:
the trace 'impurity' which tunes the array

like the dopant iron turns quartz to amythyst
precisely what makes its famous role
'preventing drunkenness"
- because that is the oxygen bond mechanism...
On that page you wrote: "During intense kundalini I have frequently heard a loud and very audible crackle as I felt my pineal kinesthetically crystallizing another layer."

That's exactly how Terence McKenna, whom you cite later on in a slightly different context, describes the onset of a DMT trip:

"So you take let us assume a third toke, long and slow, you vaporize and you take it in and in and in... and there is a sound like the crumpling of a plastic bread wrapper or the crackling of a flame and a tone, a tone, a mmmmmmmmMMMMMM... and there is this cheer... the gnomes have learned a new way to say hooooorrraaaaaayyyyyyy..."

Why do you think a ride from the hex to the pent generates visions of (apparently) autonomous beings, coming forward to "welcome" one?
process AMYGDAL:to tower

brain is imploding (phase conjugating ) the plasma,

in this same way
that is the cause of color perception

by launching the superluminal phase fronts

allows the sorting of phase velocities of superluminal
(therfore time travel) perceptions

the danger being -when you rely on plant chemistry
without self empowerment- the added input velocities
are not sustainable (not generated from within)

this is the residual hole in aura..

in another sense (precise the terrence mckenna problem)
when you rely too much on external source

brain loses its internal ability to make the chemistry

just like the gold powder addiction

launched the 'ascended masters'
into astral imprisoned- parasite status
(no internal chemistry of bliss..
The Resonance Project is pleased to announce the following information regarding Mr. Haramein’s upcoming tour in Europe. More details will be added as they become available. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.


Date: August 5, 2009

Location: Kasteel Elsloo - Hotel- restaurant

Address: Maasberg 1, 6181 GV ELSLOO

Time: 8 PM to 10:30 PM

Cost: 50 Euros (Culture Youth Card 30 Euros – please show card at entrance)

Contact/reserve ticket: Reservations are to be made via the e-mail [email protected] .

The reservations are definite when payments have been made.


Date: August 9, 2009

Location: Hotel Cortijo ChicoAddress: Avenida de las Americas, Alhaurin de la Torre, MalagaTime: 5:30 to 9:30 PMCost: http://www.harameinliveinspain.eventbri ... ct/reserve tickets: http://www.harameinliveinspain.eventbrite.com/

United Kingdom

Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009

Location: Park Inn Watford Hotel

Address: 30-40 St. Albans Road, Watford, Hertford WD17 1RN, United Kingdom

Time: 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM (GMT)

Cost: see website, early bird special http://nurahevents-fbevent.eventbrite.com/

Contact/reserve tickets: http://nurahevents-fbevent.eventbrite.com/


Date: August 15 or 16

Location: Frankfurt

Address: TBA

Time: TBA

Cost: TBA

Contact/reserve tickets: TBA


Date: August 21, 2009

Location: SOLD OUT

Address: Heemstede, near Haarlem

Time: Doors open 7 PM, event time 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Cost: 50 Euros
Contact/reserve tickets: Reservations are to be made via the e-mail [email protected] .

The reservations are definite when payments have been made.

Date: August 22, 2009


Address: Schipluiden (near the Hague)

Time: Doors open 12 PM, event time 1:00 PM to 6 PM with two 30 minute breaks

Cost: 37.50 Euros, includes two meals
Contact/reserve tickets: Reservations are to be made via the e-mail [email protected] .

The reservations are definite when payments have been made.
Dear Mr Dan Winter,
I must first say that your work has changed my life, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you do.

I just wanted to log on, and offer you a quick piece of advice for distributing your information a little more efficiently than the efforts that have been put forth to date.

In sharing your work with many of my close friends, and family, one major point of skepticism keeps rearing it's ugly head, causing the slightest reservation about these ideas to turn into outright skepticism.

The constant references you make in comparing your work to modern day stories like the Lord of the rings, Star Wars, Star trek, etc, seems to throw a red flag up to those who don't find the common interest in these wonderful, but high insignificant works of art, that you obviously appreciate in a much different way than that of the masses.

When viewing your videos, most people I am watching it with seem very interested in the way you describe so many of the things that we have all "felt" since birth, but were never able to substantiate through conventional education outlets. That is until you reach a point of making literal references to how work must be true, because Darth Vader had a similar instance in the movie star wars, or because there was a scene in the lord of the rings where they made writing appear from throwing the ring in the fire.

Why would you so purposely discredit yourself to the common mind, simply by refusing to leave your sci-fi geek supporting evidence such as "the movie says it's true, so it must be" attitude out of the explanation.

Comparing ground breaking geometry, and the true meaning of our existence to popular books and movies, as if this is some sort of supporting evidence, does nothing but discredit your work, and make you look foolish to those who don't find a common appreciation for George Lukas, or JRR Tolkien.

Stick to the science of what you are doing, and leave the Hollywood evidence at home where it belongs.

Sometimes the persona of the messenger is more closely studied than the message until that messenger has proven himself to be of sound mind, and pure intent.

I only offer this advice to you because I 100% support your work, and want to see every bit of it taught to our children in the years to come.

That is simply not ever going to happen until you take personal responsibility for the manor in which you attempt to distribute this information to the masses.

For all the good you have done, why ruin the chances of changing the world for the better just to interject your own personal love of fantasy novels? These works may have been subliminal rippling of the truth, but people with no appreciation for fantasy, and science-fiction, just want to hear the facts. Talk about what HAS been proven, and the rest will find it's way into the minds of the new believers.

I say this to you because I have a feeling that most in your trusted circle would not dare to offend such a wonderful person as yourself, but I think we both know that the importance of your work far outweighs any chance I might offend you by offering this advice about your lectures.

I hope this criticism is found to be constructive and helpful in your quest to educate the sheeple, as I only offer for that very purpose.

Again, thank you for your work, and for your devotion to exposing the truth about our origins, our existence, and our possible future.

You are a blessing to man kind, and I hope that I can someday re-pay the favor.
at least let me say- thanks for caring so much..

and your kind words..sir..

actually- I think I am becoming even lazier as an editor

but golly - the physics has me totally excited..

next week - I publish new proof
how fractality in time works..
in addition..to deriving the TIME of hydrogen from planck and golden ratio
I now have the solar and the venus year..
all re penting to be saved..

the universe is so beautiful in how fractality self organizes- time.. space.. energy.. mind..

you're right- my public relations budget has been terrible..
what I was always after was the pure principle..

enki had trouble with his PR.. imagine how it felt to be named lucifer

lighting fires. is always contriversial.. but ...

dan winter
[email protected]
I am honored that you read my post, and only wanted give you some of my personal experience as constructive feedback.

Moving along.....

My question for you, if you don't mind, is specifically what can we do to protect ourselves from distortion. Everywhere I turn there seems to be obstacles in my path to extended focus and meditation. What is some advice for physically, as well as mentally conditioning ourselves to becoming loving, focused beings capable of retaining memory after death?

This is what I have gathered so far.

Life force foods I.E. live, fresh foods, non-GMO,
Fresh from the earth water, and plenty of it.
no chipping "obviously"

what else would you suggest to protect our minds, and bodies from harm, and better suite us for the transition?

P.S. I do web site design, flash, and photoshop animation and graphics, and would be happy to assist you with any marketing help you might need. It would be my pleasure to help spread this knowledge.

A good friend of mine helped on one of Nassim's video productions, and gladly extend this offer to them as well. This would also make a wonderful article in our magazine "myco-zine" formally "shroomtalk" www.shroomtalk.com which we are face lifting to become more environemtnally, health oriented as well as appealing to the psychedelic crowd, which as it turns out here, is obviously quite interested in your work since most of us that have experimented with psilcybin mushrooms and DMT have seem many of this sacred geometry... and then some.......

Anyways, I fully respect the fact that plant and fungi chemistry is only a taste in understanding the much larger picture of life, and would like to stress that point to our readers to stop this misconception that you can somehow use plant chemistry to skip the meditation work. I have always felt they are nothing more than a glimpse of the structure of the universe.

The strange thing is that the one time I tried DMT, the room that I worm holed to looked like the walls of flowing liquid color, were coming in from the top, and curving towards me, then in the middle then curved away from me. The color was coming down the walls, much like the perspective of sitting in the center of a giant doughnut that is rolling in on itself in one direction. In that center space, the hole of the doughnut, was me sitting down, and sacred geometrical figures, in 3-D were just sitting in mid air, suspended but rotating so that I could appreciate the full 3-D perspective.

This is the first and only time I had ever smoked DMT, and don't think I would want to go there again as it was a very physically intense feeling during the come down. But there are definite connections to your work, and the experiences of those who have tried it.

Paul Stamets, author and famous mycologist, thinks that psychedelic fungi only appear in areas of the world that have been altered by man as a direct attempt by the earth, as a single organism, to wake mankind up to the truths in the world. Interesting theory anyways.

give this a listen if you get a second.

1999 Psychoactivity Conference in Amsterdam

Anyways, I look forward to talking to you more in the future, and if you need any help with your site, or getting a graphic produced please don't hesitate.

[email protected]

If you would like to use my forum at www.earthlyinfo.com, I would gladly set you up with your own section for moderate, and take questions if you would like.
Mr Winter,
You should really get a facebook page. It would be much easier for you to connect with people.

Dan asked me to respond to the last post called: Focused-Intention.

Here is my audio response.

http://playaudiomessage.com/play.asp?m= ... &pm=2&h=29

Some thoughts come to mind:

1. Cancer is a Mold
2. DMT is dangerous in its raw form.
3. There is no physical (phi-cycle) versus spiritual world when it comes to the brain. Read Sensitive Chaos.
4. Read "When Tiem Breaks Down" A.P Winfree
5. Read "Stumbling Over Happiness" by Dan Gilbert.
6. Understand the Role of Dopamine and the Pituitary Gland.
7. Understand the relationship between the Pituitary gland (Motivation-Limbic) and the Pineal Gland (inspiration-frontal lobes).
8. Read "Satisfaction" by George Berns M.D.
9. Read "On Being Certain"
10. Chant to become more self aware and emotionally nodal (preferably to the point of infinite amplitude- Like Gerdjief resonate cave victory.

Lophi, Russell

This is accurate:

Dan Wrote:

process AMYGDAL:to tower

brain is imploding (phase conjugating ) the plasma,

in this same way
that is the cause of color perception

by launching the superluminal phase fronts

allows the sorting of phase velocities of superluminal
(therfore time travel) perceptions

the danger being -when you rely on plant chemistry
without self empowerment- the added input velocities
are not sustainable (not generated from within)

this is the residual hole in aura..

in another sense (precise the terrence mckenna problem)
when you rely too much on external source

brain loses its internal ability to make the chemistry

just like the gold powder addiction

launched the 'ascended masters'
into astral imprisoned- parasite status
(no internal chemistry of bliss..

Thanks so much for the response. I know you guys are busy, so it means a lot to me that you took the time to do this.

Your open minded, logical research on raw DMT made perfect sense to me, and I will pass this information on to our members at www.shroomtalk.com The rest of your answers to my questions were also very insightful, and I have passed the entire conversation on to our forum members as I feel that everything you said very much relates to our community.

We get the question all the time, and this makes much more sense than the idea that can somehow skip to enlightenment. Nature always finds a way to prevent things like this. I have always felt that they are important in a very small taste for the skeptic that there is something very sacred about geometry and the inner workings of the Universe, but they will change you for the worse if not done in a positive setting, and in total moderation. This makes perfect sense.

I WILL get started on that reading list right away. Dan and or Russel, would you be interested in doing an interview for our magazine? We could even do it over the phone if you are busy. We are heading to AZ soon to do an interview with the HOPI people via a representative named Thomas Francis who has worked with the Hopi people since the sixties, and says they have a new message for the people of the world. I have no doubt that what they will say will tie directly into these new discoveries, and am very excited to hear what they have to say. I personally feel that these new breakthroughs are what will ultimately tip the scales in the battle against the controlling forces of the world like the CFR and Monsanto. I am very proud to have been a small part in helping to spread these amazing accomplishments.

Please understand anyone reading this thread. This is quite possibly the most amazing time in human history to be alive!

Many people are catching on to the work that Dan and Nassim have been doing, and how they both came to some very similar conclusions using totally different methods only adds to the validity of it all.

How does it feel to have solved most of the modern day riddles of the universe?

Glad you guys are on our side....
