But thats how you change it ! You make a logical choice, without bias, it's logical ; thats where you invest your share of "meat" and to be deeply philosophical tonight.
I'll even say that this meat can be woman, men in a most sexually ideative way. It can also be money, this is entertwined. This is what this means :
So you don't make the choice directly by action, time dosen't really exist in that mindset, so it can be abundantly clear, this converges voices from all over.
Is it logical to make animals suffer ? Is it logical to eat fish ? Depends which ? Nuance gets you where you want everytime, depending on what you need.
If you're Mr. Health himself, you have to at least eat small fishies that if you only take a few out of a bunch its going to be okay, really... ocasionally. If you're mercury intoxicated like me, you'll eat fish, oh and yes its tested for mercury around here. But mainly you'll realise you cannot really eat enough, and that finally an algae has it all if you can afford it.
I'm not claiming to be godly, its just that if you don't follow this narrow path which is unique for you, you're going to manifest a conundrum. I speak to the indefinite YOU, hehe. I'm a little crazy... you'd rather eat those animals unconscious during your sleep ? I don't get YOU, I'll be tolerant and mirror MYSELF, not others.