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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Teonanacapilli
  • Date de début Date de début
Waygie I like where you are right now, but I just would like to say you have alot to discover. Your path is very nice though.
I had ''banned'' meat already for a year, actually quite without any will, I just forgot about it spontaneously and later realised this might have happened due to a change at the subconsciousness level. After banning fish from my diet since about almost two weeks ago, I do feel the benefits of being a vegetarian already. More mental energy, being in able to process information faster and more efficient without the increase of cortisol. I still consume eggs and dairy (with the firm exception of milk and prefer not to eat cheese) because I feel these contain essential amino acids for the tissue my corpus and brains are made of.
Amazing, isn't it? Between the change to vegan, drinking more water and periodic fasting, you can actually feel your body optimizing!

I take a multivitamin and Omega 3/6/9 pills to account for what's lost without meat and eat hemp seed for protein and fat intake. With the foods available to us today, it's extremely easy and much healthier to adopt a meat-less diet.
Nanacapilli a dit:
Amazing, isn't it? Between the change to vegan, drinking more water and periodic fasting, you can actually feel your body optimizing!

I take a multivitamin and Omega 3/6/9 pills to account for what's lost without meat and eat hemp seed for protein and fat intake. With the foods available to us today, it's extremely easy and much healthier to adopt a meat-less diet.


I haven't had meat since april 2007 and the positive outcome on my body and mind is just incredible. Never say never but I don't think I'll eat meat ever again.
You didn't do it, why include yourself as "we"?
Th collective human race, we. We are a product of each other, all are responsible. I'm not free because I don't contribute anymore.
I don't think we are responsible - we should take action, but by no means are we responsible. Sure we have the same ancestor somewhere down the line, but that does not make me and the KFC butchering bastard that close.

My real problem is that if I worried about everything that was wrong in this world I would explode, figuratievly, but almost physically.
BananaPancake a dit:
my experience shows, that the more consciousness you (allow yourself to) facilitate, the closer you come to the world/universe/other people.

i appreciate the extra effort in your carefully stated phrases.

"but I like to think that all live at an equal level (or more like no level at all)."

very different from each other yet balanced.
equality, both in theory and in practice, is a joke
waygie a dit:
equality, both in theory and in practice, is a joke

get the hell out of here with your negative cloud...
if you take such a simple truth to be negative then somethings wrong with you
waygie a dit:
if you take such a simple truth to be negative then somethings wrong with you

Its called psychology waygie. You make a moral standpoint, and you excercise that. The more you excercise that the more other's have the chance to excercise that. Equality can be done, but if no one wants to change, than of course it won't happen.

I am as equal to anything as a tree is, or a frog, or a bird. I am no more important to the universe than my dog, cat, or orchid. Believeing else wise, then there is something wrong with you :rolleyes:
waygie your statement about equality reminds me of ayn rand lol did you read anthem yet? its very "anti-equality"

but everything is about balance (homeostasis)
waygie a dit:
equality, both in theory and in practice, is a joke

IJC put it right, it's all try. The energy you broadcast is contagious, when you emit positive constructive energies, other people feel this and we start moving in the right direction.
stop changing your name!!!
Hey, I saved you the avatar :P

This one is more accurate :D
IJesusChrist a dit:
I don't know what it is about sugar man, I think I may be one of those people that really may regret giving it up. There are times I'll be sitting at the couch and I fucking NEED a fruit roll up or some skittles. I don't know how much of it is addiction, and how much of it is actually me needing some sugar in my body - I seem to be VERY sensitive to it;

Sugar is like crack or ice speed, they fire the same sort of reaction in your--- *BRAIN Pharmacy. :rock:

I go for ages, a month last without eating bad, then i'll like gorge myself into a diabetic coma or likes.

then hit the gym, lol ahhahah.

a good steak makes me tired, i think its the body processing and taking on soo much iron? i know 5-htp can only be stored as serotonin whilst ASLEEP.

SALSA goeS straight thru ME and out the other end ahahahha. always.....gets me-every time. :tonqe:

I wont watch those animal CLIPS. sorry i have an idea of what goes on but out of sight. ya no.
i eat it and dont want to be sick eating it. the WORLD will change one day. IT HAS TO, Doesn't it?