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some problems of grow and grow box

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion 88rocco
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Mushrooms are mushrooms. There's very little difference between growing conditions for edibles and actives. You only 'need' a little light. You can have as little as a sting of low power Christmas lights or use a couple of CFLs. I use 2 9 Watt CFLs in a 36 quart tub, but only one is really needed. Most growers use a 12/12 cycle, but you could get away with less. You can sit a clear or cloudy plastic tub by a window, but you don't want just room air around it. You want to keep the humidity high, try for above 90%, closer to 95, but in practice, you can get away with as little as 75%. Mushrooms are 90% water, which is why I like such humid conditions. If it is too dry the shrooms will be slow, may stall or may not come at all as they stall out. You can try misting several times a day if you don't have enough RH. Actives may also bruise blue if they don't get enough moisture or they may look wrinkled as they grow.

There are several things that are pinning triggers. One is light. That is why we keep them in the dark until they are fully colonized and ready to fruit. The other 2 triggers are CO2 and temperature. Colonization should be around 80 to 84 degrees F and then remove the heat to room temperature for fruiting. Azures and Cyans like cooler temps, but cubes will do fine at around 72 degrees F. Tropicals fruit at warmer temperatures than sub-tropicals. There is a range, of course, from about 65 to 75, but we just use 70 to 72 as a guideline. It's not overly critical.
Gracias amigo thats awesome aye bro do you know what light spectrum would be best - those new CFL lamps have precise colour ranges . full blue, red or mixture thanx.
Although Paul Stamets recommends 6300K, pretty much any light will work. Reds tend to give you more contamination as the bacterias and molds do better under that colour. Blues tend to reduce contamination grow. Any white light will work, even very dim incandescent. The CFLs that I use are 'Daylight', but as long as light of some kind is provided, the shrooms will grow. You won't get anything more potent or less potent based on the light.
No contams from what I can tell. Don't worry about the blue, it's not from decomposition, it only indicates bruising. Old wet cubensis turn black.

Have fun!
Technically, the blue is oxidization of the psiocybin and psilocin compounds, but yes, it's bruising and exposure of the chemicals to the oxygen that shows up blue on the mushroom, not the actual bruise itself. You'll also get bluing on the your sub and cakes if they have been under stress, like a bruising, but with those, it's usually meaning that they're dry and need moisture.
do oxidized psilo-compounds still retain psychoactive properties?

Is the oxidative compound of the amine?


cause this has been a problem with tryptophan in the past.
Who put These SM URFS with the mushroom soup, theyre getting everywhere dammit
to my knowledge, bluing shows indication that (some) psilocybin is being oxidized (to psilocin). since psilocin is not known to be psychoactive, the severity of the bluing could be linked to potency loss. i personally think these photos show little potency loss, if any, as the bluing appears to mostly be caused by physical bruising.

using a razor to harvest the mushroom instead of plucking with fingers will help with the blue appearance. also, drying with *warm, not hot heat and well ventilation (fan) will lower the dry time, and thus help prevent bluing too. the longer they're wet, the more blue they will get. when finished drying, they should *snap*, not bend.
Owkay here it goes.

A week ago me and a couple friends took some shrooms. We all took app the same amount at first, but after an hour my friends took some more shrooms. Cause they didn't have a lot of effects.

My question is, why was I the only one that had visuals and hallucinations among other symptoms. My friends only felt different and laughed more. They descrived it as being on weed but stronger. I took less and experienced more??? The laughing only was in the beginning for me. I went further it seems. So there was nothing wrong with the shrooms. They were potent.

It's weird.
Cultosaurus a dit:
Technically, the blue is oxidization of the psiocybin and psilocin compounds.
Are you sure? I thought it was the oxidation of a more common metabolite. As semilanceata's don't bruise (and globally have more psilo compounds per dry weight) and other non-psychoactive species also bruise. Also, I don't think pure psilo compounds don't turn blue when left oxidating? Which would mean that the psilo compounds are not involved or that it's an in vivo interaction?
Shrooms affect different ppl differently. Also, what you have consumed before is also important. You should have something like a meal beforehand, as some people get nauseous from shrooms. Also, to add to the effect, have a juice, like orange or lemonade, with the shrooms. Experience will also affect how you feel it. If they had done some before, they'd be more used to it. Some ppl are just more susceptible to any intoxicant. There's lots of reasons.
It was our first time. But half an hour after they ate the shrooms they ate a piza. So that could explain a slower reaction, but not a less severe reaction. After a couple hours (after eating shrooms) they also smoked some weed. Maybe that would cause a different reaction in combination. I don't like weed so I didn't do it.

Also my friends couldn't sleep :lol: we took the shrooms at 21.30 and they stayed up untill 7. Maybe it's because they ingested a bit extra and it kept them awake. My trip was from 21.30 ingesting to peak 22.30-23.30 and after that the effects gradually became less. Till 2 am and went to sleep at 3 am.
salut a tout le monde je vient de recolter les trois quart de mon premier flush sur une grow box de mc kennai jusque la nikel super rapide d ailleur g mis deux growbox identique en route et la premiere est sortie au bout de 7 jours la je suis au dixieme et la deuxieme commence a peine bon la n pas mon blem le substrat de la box que g recolte ou d ailleur il reste quelques champis que g laisse grossir parce qu il n ete pas a terme. donc le substrat parrait comme une eponge seche il se compresse sur lui meme comme si il se desseche j aurai bien up des photos mais je comprend pas comment faire voila merci pour votre aide a bientot un saludo de canarias
Hello dear Psychonauts,

I started in mushroom growing and I'm wondering about the evolution of my first crop, so I three days ago 12 inoculated jars with lids perforated metal and here are my questions:

- Of the approximately 3 caps appear small rust spots at the location of holes: is it dangerous for the continuation of colonization or should I change the covers?
- The settlement is about 27 degrees and the pots seem to dry: should moisten the environment during colonization pots?

Thank you all for your responses
A) don't worry about the rust. It won't hurt anything. The holes should be filled or covered though, to prevent contam from entering.
B) 27 is good. No, don't add moisture after you've started. Too dry is better than too wet. Just remember to increase moisture content next time.

Are you using a grain or BRF?
Thanks for your response,

I use vermiculit and rice floor.

Beautiful !!!