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some problems of grow and grow box

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion 88rocco
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Thanks Cultosaurus!
Like I said, hadn't posted in a bit and thought this little grow would be a good opportunity to get started again.
Looking good! What substrate and setup are you using?
I'm wondering how people are getting the colonization in Tupperware.
I'm used to jars and p-cooker - but is there a less time intensive way????
ophiuchus a dit:
what MUSHROOM are you using? those look beautiful! cant wait to see what they are like in full bloom.

It's AA+ (Psilocybe cubensis)
Are you talking about spawning to tupperware?? That's the only way I ever seen em used.... Look into spawning to bulk. 1 tote will EASILY get you 3-4+ oz dried.
Hi St0ne Crazy thanks in advance for your insights on bulk substrate- I'm working through the material on the net about bulk substrate in Tupperware (and yes Ophiuchus I agree Microwaves are not so good).
What I've learned is that Wild Bird Seed (WBS) looks promising with a Coir + Vermiculite 50/50 casing layer. The Tupperware should be taped at the base with duct tape
this is to prevent light from causing "pins" (young mushies) from forming below the surface and later rotting.
I really like the idea of pasteurization leaving some level of protective microbes that inhibit the massive attack that sterile medium suffers. It is common knowledge in composting that different bacterial live at/through different heat environments.
So these bugs - while not taking over the bird seed will keep the bad bugs out whilst the crumbled PF cakes do their thing.

I gather too that the pasteurization takes about 70 - 90 minutes and is done by exposing the bird seed to temperatures below 170 degrees (meat thermo needed) but above 140.

Some folks spread the seed out to let some of the moisture out - then colonize and put the mixture into jars to "take." Do others put it directly in the tubes? Casing it only after it is colonized?

Also these tubes are put inside a second chamber with 2-3" of pearllite on the bottom where the water is put and humidity generates from.

Looking for bulk advise - thanks!
There's an easier way than that. What your talking about would be called a tray. And WBS is used as spawn, not really a bulk sub. It dries out way too easily. Depending on how much BRF you have, I would just look into a either a mini-mono or just a mono. They're a little more set and forget. Misting and fanning a little bit at the end helps, but you wouldn't have to worry about the humidity as much. And If you use coir/verm as your bulk substrate you wouldn't have to worry about a casing layer in the tray or tub. Coir performs just as good without one. And coir is pretty contaminate proof, which is great when your just starting. How much BRF do you have to use as spawn?
For Brown Rice Flour (BRF?) - the price online is better than the EarthFare price $8.99 lb
Usually I work with 3lb BRF and make 4 cases of 1 Pint Wide mouth jars. Using glove box technology and ionizer.
Good results though my strain may be weakening over time. I then birth fully taken jars into aquariums with a sonic humidifier that pumps mist in 6 times a day.

Pearlite covers the aquarium floor and the cakes sit on a wire riser to keep them out of the water/pearlite. Plastic covers the opening... Ah but these things are better seen than described here we go: The Mystic Core of Religion - YouTube:
If you have rusty water that touches your cake, in your place I would throw the box directly to the trash! Because if you catch contamination you can not see you realize that your water is brown already!

For me : Rust = Trash !!

I prefer to launch a new culture of risk of being sick or worse ...

Bye Byeee ( and sorry for my poor english )

C'est normal que ton substrat devienne sec ! Il suffit de dunker après ta récolte !! Après avoir récolté tous les champignons tu rempli la boite d'eau , tu laise l'eau maximum 24H avec le couvercle ( au frigo ) et ensuite tu vide l'eau complete et hop tu remet de l'eau au fond du sac et c'est reparti !!!
Throw it quickly man! Or it will kill you and all your family!

Je me suis acheté un kit de McKennai, et cela fait 6 jours que le kit est dans son sac en plastique et toujours rien !! :(
un léger voile blanc à 3 petits endroits mais rien de plus... qu'en pensez vous ??

Merci !
J'en pense que tu ne t'es pas présenté et que tu es dans la section anglophone.
Hello people. My name is Marco and I am brand new to this site and to growing. I have 26 half pint widemouth jars of the great b+ strain. The jars are a fantastic white! I had one jar ready to fruit. For lack of patience I did not dunk it. I put it directly into my shotgun chamber that maintains an 78-85 degree temp. with 95-99 % humidity. It was in there seven days and I started to see a blueish greenish type of bruising on the cake. BRF cakes by the way. Anyway, after some investigating I am leaning towards the fact that it was dehydrated and not contaminated. The color reminds me of the color of the stems of shrooms. I dunked the cake today in spring water and will remove it tomorrow. My question / opening statement is that. Will the cake recover it's awesome white color after dunking and rolling? How do I know if it is not a contaminate? I am petrified of contaminates! I am so sterile through the whole process. I find it hard to believe that is contaminated. I would like to get involved in this site and have a place where I can get my questions answered. Please help.