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some problems of grow and grow box

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion 88rocco
  • Date de début Date de début
Hello dears.
One week ago I started my growbox, and today (7 days) there's still... nothing. No shroom.
Can this happen and Shall I be more patient, or is it a real trouble ?
(I can give a photo of my box, if needed)

Yours :)
It can take a while. Wait another week and make sure the humidity is really high and the temperature is not too cold (20-25°C is fine usually, normal living room temp)
be patient
Beware of the temperature not going up to 30 degrees c, that would kill the growth. My growbox showed no sign until the 11th day.
Most of the grow boxes will start to show pins after two weeks in optimum conditions. So it can even take longer.
you need pictures or we can't help you very well. pick the 2 mushrooms you have and learn how to dry them very well. if the rest of the kit fails then you can still grow more mushrooms from the 2 good ones you have.
veltas a dit:
ok thank you , now I'm going to make the pf-tek(
) with the spores.
is good to keep the spores in the fridge in a clear solution?
and I want to make the pf-tek with cambodians psilocybes but in the video they said that you must to use ecuador ones , can I do it with the cambodians ones?

thank you

good idea (pf tek). i wouldn't keep the spores wet if i were you though. this causes them to be active and they may either grow in the solution, or die, or something else might grow in the solution and overtake the mushroom spores (for food) causing contamination.

i would make sure that my mushrooms are as dry as they can be (stems should *snap*, not bend) and keep them airtight, and light-proof if i wanted to go all the way. this will keep them best. there is no real problem with refridgeration, however, if there's ANY moisture inside the jar at all (even too much humid air) then frost crystals will form, and this can break the cell walls of the mushroom itself, lowering potency, and/or ruining spores.

check the mushroom section, there's a TON of info on growing in there. probably everything you'd need if you look hard enough
Hey there, Beepboop here!

So, I have this box where there are alot of activity going on on the sides of it. I was wondering if there is a posibility to flip it over and out from the box like a pancake on a plate or something (given that I keep the work on a sterile place and use disinfectant) and take away the stuff on the sides when the next harvest moment comes? This is just the 2nd flush and feels like I'm either gonna lose box due to rot from side-mushrooms that wont get picked off OR an eventual contamination from flipping it over leaving it naked away from its plasticbox. All advice are welcome, good and bad (prefer good though :) )

All sides of the box looks the same, this side is the best with most of the mushies pointing upwards (dont know how much they will have grown above surface for the harvestday) other sides got some pointing to the sides/downwards.
The mycelium is getting too much light from the sides. Place the bag in a shoebox or use different lighting/put it in a different place. It only needs a little light from the top to grow.

Don't go digging around in the mycelium. Maybe it will work to remove the mushrooms out of the box, but I have never done so. Big risk of contamination when not working properly, but you seem to know that already.

The mushrooms won't rot that easily if you have worked properly in the past. I had some mushrooms on the sides every now and then when I used to grow, but they were there for a couple of flushes sometimes, without doing harm. If they grow really big, they will have to pop their heads up somewhere.
Thanks for the help. It's easier to get into a mindset of "oh my god something is wrong here" rather than the "chill, nothing to worry about" since I am a newbie in this area :) As for the light, I've heard that simply putting aluminumfoil around the box can help prevent odd direction growth, going to try that tomorrow. And again, thanks alot for helping out

Best regards
Hey people,

Im new to this site as you see.
I have experience with most regular drugs, I never have the tendency to abuse as I have a very good life among my desire to seek and dig all experiences. Where psychedelics seem to be a retorical interest for me during each week at the least. I live in holland, and I know where to pick mush roams. All inall, great succes.

Im not a "mushroom saint" meaning I do not yet grow my own shrooms.
It's just silly really. Before my first trip I researched into shrooms as a subject on the internet. "psilocybin mushrooms" as it's sometimes called.
But on my first trip I got connected to nobody but myself and lost my way mentally (meaning a bit insane "not dangerous or physically insane") more like "just coudnt piece it all together" kinda thing.
So I was tripping with 2 friends (no sitter) in one of their appartments. I browsed the internet on my ipad and googled "mushrooms" which all in all took a while to accomplish.
So that one header appeared to say "psilocybin mushrooms"
My body tend to fail in Jaw and voice magnitude so I talked to myself "Psilocybin mushrooms" but I actually said *quote "PsilO Cybin Mush Roams"
And at the same time my friends and I started ROFLing due to "inarticulately sillyness" about the "HUH?"
Also It appears that Mush (M.U.S.H.) stands for "multi user shared hallucination" and Roam = like "Roaming"
And everything about "Psilo Cybin Mush Roam" seems interconnected, obvious, straight to the core, and absolute title of Mushroom nature.

I learned this among many more lessons trough mushroams experience but I always pray to the holy Mush Roam (im not moderately religious to C,I,B, or another)

Currently Im willing to buy my own growth kit,


Almost all the stuff I need is in reach, except for temperature regulation. I know this doesnt have to be precise like 20-25oC, but thats the big issue.
I can try to effort much, but I have no thermostate or even a heater where I live. The Room is airtight I have a thermometer a radiant + 2 computers + 2 flatscreens. + 1 x 32" TV

I do have a cooler as some "Internet sources" suggest. As if everyone tries to grow it on summer time (which Setting I agree with)
I like to get most out of my spores. If im away from home and have no temperature regulating heat sources I cannot even grow my shroams at all. Temperatures normally drop by 6degrees celsius (most likely even more) Im somewhat able to control the temperature by booting electrical equipment like computers and flatscreens. But Ooh the electrical bills and 0oh the very unlikely but possible fire danger.
As far as I can tell I cant use lights for radiant as that requires to much light. Would mess up alot.

Im out of cards, unless there are creative artist On LSD willing to improvise a solution for me, Or maybe I didnt yet hear about the the newest electrical radiant with thermostate...

I hope you people can help me with this.

See Ya all around.
No blame at all.


Is this forum partially dead?
I can remember I reviewed this site some couple of months ago for studying lots of subjects. It was, regulary crowded.
It's not a problem, I can wait weeks for all I care.
Im just curious and wondering why?
try insulating it. put your grow setup in a styrofoam cooler (if you don't have a nice one) lined with towels. moistening the towels and warming on the stove, and then quickly tranferring this back to the cooler should keep heat radiating for a while. maybe add a touch of bleach to the water so that you don't grow anything outside of the growbag :wink:

learned that trick from making yogurt
At some point you're going to have to get something to keep the temperatures consistent. For an incubation chamber, you should achieve 78 to 80 degrees F or 26 to 27 degrees C. Although the suggestion is good for short term warming, it will not keep it consistent. Try using a TIT, or tub in tub. To achieve this, you would get a submersible heater for a fish tank and two plastic tubs that are the same size and come with a lid. You put water in the lower one and set the temperature on the heater for approximately 27. You may have to set it a little higher if you get a very cold room that causes a lot of heat loss to the tub. You then insert the second tub into the first. The surrounding water in the lower tub will keep the interior of the incubation chamber consistent. The ideal temperature for myc to grow is 84 degrees F or 29 degrees C. The reason that we go just below that temperature is because the growing myc will generate it's own heat of 2 to 4 degrees above ambient.

Other ways of keeping the chamber warm would be to use a lizard tank heater or an electric blanket. You can also place your myc on top of the refrigerator or on your computer monitor as both give off sufficient heat to keep the myc at approximately the correct temperature.

This is only the first half of your temperature issue. P.Cubensis fruit best at around 72 degrees F or 22 degrees C. A little variation and change here is less important. Remember, what we're duplicating here is the normal outdoor conditions. The shrooms will fruit with the changes that occur during the day, since most cubes are either tropical or sub-tropical. They fruit most during fall, winter and spring in these areas, and less so during the intense heat of summer.

I hope this helps.
To keep the light out, you can place a black garbage bag around the bottom or put duct tape around the bottom area.
Cultosaurus a dit:
For an incubation chamber, you should achieve 78 to 80 degrees F or 26 to 27 degrees C. Although the suggestion is good for short term warming, it will not keep it consistent. Try using a TIT, or tub in tub. To achieve this, you would get a submersible heater for a fish tank and two plastic tubs

agreed, my method will work with some dabbling, but it is not consistent (although neither is the tempurature in nature throughout the day) and if one is still trying to learn, then the last thing they need is extra variables.

brilliant idea. it didn't cross my mind that small water heaters were used for some fish, therefore widely available. :oops: :lol:

listen to cultosaurus.
Stones stay warm longer. They might get too hot, so tweak it a bit without mushrooms so you know how much you need.
i read that its best for growing gourmet mushrooms, to have them in low light when fruiting? is this the same for psilocybin strains>???

colonization should be done in dark followed by fruiting, which should be in a light airy location (eg windowsill) for the best results.