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question about peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mycophile
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day 8
After day 8 there has been little change to the flower except for it opening and closing witht he sun so I Have not bothered taking any more photos.

Also if anyone can tell me should it self fertilize or will I need to use something to transfer the pollen?
I guess fruits come out one year later that plant blooms...so, if the plant is in bloom for the first time of its life, you will not pick up fruits for this year... but by photos doesn't seem the first time... soooo : good luck! There's no need to transfer pollen...:)
Yeah when I bought it it looked like it had bits of old flowers in th central tuft. So hopfully it will bear fruit. Alos it has started to change the flowers petals are curling in so maybe thats how it fertilizes but pushing the stamen onto the stigma. I will upload a photo soon.
Hey, the seed pod will push out about a month or so sfter the flowers but your yote may not have finished flowering yet! :-) Mine flower all throughout the year as I grow them under sodium HIDS. Although I have them on windowsills now as it's almost summer and I get to look at there beauty instead of closed in a tent.

Got mine on the windowsill too above a radiator so they got nice warm feet. When it is warm enough I put them out the back so the can get some real sun but the way the weather has been lately they been inside more than out.
the flower has started to curl in on its self so hopefully more flowers to come and fruit with any luck.
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Yeah I reckon so. Lophophora are such a beautiful plant in my opinion, I can see why the native Indians beleive them to be sacred. Along with the visions of other worlds too :-)

Are U sure Magick ? to every flower corresponds a seed pod only late 1 month? But why, sometimes, peyo gets up from the winter sleeping with a seed pod and not with a blossom? maybe some caps remain sleeping until next year? I'm sure you know better than me... Can it depend from the strain?
No I don't know for sure. My experience has been that with artificial lights (particulary Sodium HIDS) they flower all year round but since mine have been out in the open no flowers. 1 seed pod to each flower sounds about right a month or so later. Mine become full of seed pods petruding out of the centre after 4 or five flowers have come out. Last summer my rarer strains like the Jourdaniana and decipiens have 5 or 6 bright indigo flowers.
And yes some wake from winter with seeds instead of blossom.
Well it would not suprise me if any lophophora strains delay seed pod production. If they go into the winter dormant stage before the pod grows then it would be entierly conceivable that the pod growth would stop aswell as the cactus body until the next groth season. But the whole point of a plant flowering is to repoduce and allow seeds to germinate when conditions are best ie the current growing season the plant is in, so I doubt the seeds would hold off a full season to come out..
I received a beautiful lophophora about 2in. in diameter with 3 little pups on the side which someone said was rare. I'm guessing its around 3 years old. He told me very little about it and I basically know not to water it too often. Other then that nothing. It seems to be turning white around the bottom section and looking kind of shriveled. Should I water it? Any info will be greatly appreciated. I look to take good car of it and eventually have an amazing garden. I'll try to post pics asap.
could be a few things might be needing water which would explain it looking shriveled my little one shrivels up to about 50% it size when dry then once watered it puffs up again. It could also be rot if it is shriveled I would recomend checking soil moisture if is always wet change your soil make a sandy mix with limestone chippings and let it dry out between watering. he white marks could just be salts in the soil or water marks so see if they will wipe off or goes when sprayed with clean water. Or it could be spider might damage. Best woul dbe to uploan some pics for more detail.
Well its been ages and no seed pod which is a little disapointing the flower has dried and is still attached so it still might happen. I have moved them out to the green house now so nice and warn and humid mabey that will get things going also there will be more of a change in temprature at night outside so that might improve the changes of more flowers.
hi...maybe you should pay attention to those red spots on the cacti...some of my cactus younger died as a result of those spots...I guess it's a possible mushroom attack....If it were so, you could spray cupric hydroxide dissolved in water on the cactus, but don't let dry the cactus in direct sunlight, is not good....mushroom like moisture, so to oppose the fungus growth, put the cactus in a bright and well-ventilated place and watering only if necessary (when soil is really dry) to capillarity, from below with a saucer...
for sure cactus grows better without the fungi that feed on him:)
Nur* a dit:
hi...maybe you should pay attention to those red spots on the cacti...some of my cactus younger died as a result of those spots...I guess it's a possible mushroom attack....If it were so, you could spray cupric hydroxide dissolved in water on the cactus, but don't let dry the cactus in direct sunlight, is not good....mushroom like moisture, so to oppose the fungus growth, put the cactus in a bright and well-ventilated place and watering only if necessary (when soil is really dry) to capillarity, from below with a saucer...
for sure cactus grows better without the fungi that feed on him:)

It looks dry but the soil isn't draining good. Theres some type of rocks or something at the bottom to help drain but I guess it isn't working. It's been inside most of the time so I don't think it would be a mushroom attack. I think it's starting to rot at the bottom. I'll probably put it in new soil. Any suggestions?
If the soil is always moist does not go at all well, put it immediately in a soil that drains well ( I do 1/3 cactus soil, 2/3 silica sand for aquariums and in the bottom of the pot make a layer of expanded clay); check how is the root if it is running, before put in the new pot try to eliminate the damp earth around the root and eventually rotten parts... wait and see if it improves...ah the pot must not too much big...

P.S. Fungi can also grow in an indoor environment (my cacti were in grow room when were attacked by mushrooms)
Alright thanks hopefully it isn't mushrooms. I'm going to get it in new soil and see what happens. What kind of pot should it be in? Right now its in a tall glass mug made for plants with a little drain hole at the bottom
Hello fellow phychonauts!
I have recently receive one peyote cluster from a site,and it looks like it have some kind of disease.I e mail them and send them some pictures, they told me it looks really good to them
bat it does not to me!So i would like some feedback to solve this mystery!
i post the exact same pictures. enjoy!