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question about peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mycophile
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Nice collection you have there. I have had more succes with seeds lately I now have turbinicarpus lophophoroides, pseudopectinatus and Epithelantha micromeris going strong. Got some ariocarpus mixed species just sprouting. Discocactus mixed and Blossfeldia liliputania about a month in. Also my collection has substantially increased I don't come on here much any more for learning. I find I know more and have more experience with cacti than most other people on here and I am a complete novice. Check my posts on cactiguide.com/forum I go by the same username.
gopener a dit:
Today i made my soil mix.
6 parts regular cactus soil
1,5 parts perlite
1 part grit sand
0,5 part gravel

Sand and gravel found and washed , the sand especially!I couldn't found limestones so i end up with gravel.I mix the soil and now is in oven on 200 c for 2 hours.

What do you mean by ´regular´ cactus soil?? That rubbish sold by MiracleGro that is 90% peat??

And most garden centres sell dolomite lime - did you actually go to one?
Otherwise you can use any calcium carbonate - crushed sea shells or crushed eggshells are all calcium carbonate.
yo new to this got given a button about a year ago was healthy green the dude told me just to water it sometimes and it should be sweet , it started going brownish can anyone tell me what is wrong with it, i love the we bugger and dont want it to die on me, please any help on what i've done wrong, sorry for shit photo too fk that is shocking but hope its enough of a image to see what the problen could be, if not let me no ill find a better camera to use , hope someone can help
searching in the italian section:

wets only the ground and not the plant
makes holes and increase it, until remove the bag within three/four days
if they tend to brown, put them in a less bright place (up to six months the plants are very frail. not transplant ever them)

after that, search in this thread my friend!!
nicholasgonzaga a dit:
What do i do?

The first pic shows a kind of sunken in place, is this spot soft? Are the roots wet? Oh I see the post was from September, 2015. Dare I ask? Is the Peyote dead?:(
soooooo, we have been traveling for 6 months and when we got home he was obviously sick :( i have been trying to get all the knowledge of what the next step to do to save our baby is but in the past 3 days it has gotten so bad i need some emergency help please!!! :( :( :( it was incredibly healthy and was beautiful when we left. we dont know what the 'babysitter' did while we were gone but i am so worried we gonna lose him :( this is him today[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
Frank psychotic episode or lucid dreams? I can't sleep on any of those two drugs. Scopolamine maybe but that dream isn't dream.
hi there, i think you may be able to help in in this time of emergency. we have just returned home after 6 months traveling to find this is what happens when u leave the peyote with someone :( i am freaking out and am so scared of it dying. can u please help. in the past 3 days it has only worsen to the point i want to cry. i thought i would have time to do loads of research first before taking any next steps. i dont know anything about peyote nurturing as this is my boyfriends plant and we never had any problems with him. before we left he was magically healthy and looking amazing. i am power reading all i can for now as i cant get any soil until tomorrow :(
i also feel there are blister like features :(
Hey! I have 60+ year old Peyote wiliamsii and im thinking of eating it. I've search a lot online for information on older cacti but havent found any info. I've learned that the mesc dose increases with the age.

My question is, does anyone have experience eating a really old cacti like 50-60+ ?

Hi all. I'm new to this forum and in need of advise. I have a young Loph for a few months and been wondering whether it's ready for use. Pic below:

It's not a lophophora.

And it doesn't look very healthy, poor thing.
:( that's sad news. any idea what it is? i treated it like a lophophora because that's what the cacti store said it was....
Looks more like a gymnocalycium or maybe a matucana. It has had too much sun and water by the looks of it. Change the soil to a much more rocky and gritty mix which little to no organics and leave it dry for a while before watering again. Only water when it's gobe totally dry and it will need a dry rest period for a few months through winter.