MzFly a dit:
this is one of the most disturbing books i've ever read.
Why did you find it so disturbing?
"disturbing" was maybe a but overexagerated, but its close to that
the fact that the sjamans have developed a vision of the world that we are discovering now. while we were held stupid by christianity they found things that we discover now.
also, it's very interesting to read about the autor's explanation that it could be theoretically possible to travel between "paralel worlds" with the use of ayahuasca. DMT has always facinated me.
the author also questions modern science. while most scientists laugh at spirituality with the tought that there is no proof for it, the author points out that science has some points where you can get sceptic. the perception effect (i don't know if this translation is correct, waarnemerseffect in dutch) could be considered as a lame excuse. like the electron; if you look for a particle, you percieve a particle. if you look for a wave, the electron is a wave. the theories developed after the perception effect just can't be solid, it goes above perception, the defenition even says you can't prove a theory.
the author uses this to show that you just can't hold on to science alone, you always must be a bit sceptical.
in history, there always was a wave movement between spirituality and ratio. what gives us the conceitedness, the pretension to think that now, we have discovered the truth, that spirituality is for dumbasses who don't understand shit about physics. people have believed extremely firm in christianity, litteraly interpreting the bible,... maybe science is wrong too?
maybe science is just an illusion,
we may be looking past what is. but i don't know... no one does in fact...
i just try to keep an equilibrum between spirituality and science, they both are of great interest to me, and that's why "the eagle's quest" was such a perfect book for me.