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Quantum Mechanics/Physics

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ilian
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'what the bleep' is a shity movie with great subjecs!!
really liked it just because of the information, some of it was new for me, and i love new ideas and info. we need info, be it spiritual or cientific, it's gonna change the world for better.

the one film that is a work of art is 'waking life', although it might cover much less info, it's amazing...

Alice - I could not agree more!!!

I watched Waking Life before seeing What The Bleep, and I gotta tell ya ... I just couldn't get extremely excited about What The Bleep after that ...

If anyone is considering viewing Waking Life, you must read about the making of it first to truly appreciate what you're seeing!

This film is also highly recommended for viewing while tripping. A fantastic show.

SpiderFly Entity
My recommendations:

1. watch Waking Life after smoking a bit of pot - the verbal content will be incredibly profound and inspiring
2. watch Waking Life after ingesting mushrooms - you won't hear a single word of what anyone is saying, but you'll be captivated by the visuals :wink:
(especially if you read about how it was made)

the one film that is a work of art is 'waking life'
Well put - it truly is a work of art - as well as a deep and meaningful dialogue with some incredibly interesting characters - some real ... some fictional.
MzFly a dit:
I dont have a problem with certain truths, being channeled.

If you saw Mz Knight channelling Ramtha, you might just change your mind :wink:

A few years back, I met this woman in France who has some spiritual centre going on there. After 2 minutes, she explained that Jesus was talking through her and she actually came from the planet Xanthus.

I dont have a problem with truths being channeled, I just dont take'em all seriously ;)
A few years back, I met this woman in France who has some spiritual centre going on there. After 2 minutes, she explained that Jesus was talking through her and she actually came from the planet Xanthus.

Well then! Thank god you mentioned that. Just goes to show what a loony she is ... everyone knows that I'm channeling Jesus ... sheesh ...

But seriously folks, maybe it's just me, but I simply can't take anything this woman says seriously ... you really have to hear some of the bull she spews to appreciate that point of view.

For example ... the likes of John Karesh and Charles Manson have uttered some very deep and meaningful statments ... but would you trust anything they had to say?? I guess my point is that, I believe it was a huge mistake to include J.Z. Knight/Ramtha/Jesus from the planet Xanthus/Mz Bizzaro in this film, as her inclusion weakens the opinions of the rest of the "cast".
But then ... the producers and directors wouldn't dream of not including her/him/it ... they just happen to be Ramtha devotees :wink:
HeartCore a dit:
Some comments at IMDB are also interesting to read although not very positive ;)

U have to be freaking GOD or something on imdb to get a good rating :P
MzFly a dit:

This film is also highly recommended for viewing while tripping. A fantastic show.

Hope i did the quote thing well...

The site looks interesting, there's even a dream test in it, about what messages we get more often in our dreams. Will check it later on at home :)

Yeah this film made me trip deeply about it for like a month... this was 3 years ago, and it still keeps surprising me every now and again, all the connections, makes me sure that there's much more than just plain reality out there... at the end of that deep trip my trip friend and i couldn't even switch off the light in the room, the light switch didn't work, we had to unscrew the lamp, it became a bit... too much. :shock:

I watched "The Secret" yesterday and I'm gonna watch "Waking Life" tonight, the official website doesn't seems to work, could you give me a direct link to the making of please ?

Thanks, hope I'll enjoy this stuff :wink:
Hey Tiax,

I just visited the site, and all seems to be working well.
You need to make sure your pop-up blocker is off and that you have the latest version of Flash installed.

Good Luck!
I think the scientists behind quantum fysics finally discover what people who meditate know for centuries....
Wanna know about quantum phisics, watch The Elegant Universe. This documentary covers almost everything of quantum phisics and the string theory. You can watch it at google.video.com, all three parts of it. I'd say, watch that if you want the scientific explanations.

For more theoretical hypothesis, What The Bleep is good. But in this movie some critical assumptions are made that are not scientifically backed up, and also to me, are quite questionable. The main most critical assumptions that is slipped in is the "You are your own god"-thingy.
The movie almost litterally says that (as best example) you can walk over water .. if you believe this is possible. It says that your perception alters pfysical qualities are subatomair level. This assumption to me is totally ungrounded. It is true that at subatomair level position and existence of particles is questionable and uncertain and that at the moment of perception, of these particals, things actually manifest and are 'put into existence'. But to say that our mind-set, our conviction, determins that what is (physically) real, is bull-dumb to me.

If I put my keys on the table. And look away for I while, then I would know they are on that table .. So if I look back, they'd be there. If someone took the keys of the table, but I'd still think (know) they be there .. than I should be able to see them keys and grab them of the table .. the movie suggests. This is not so. My bike got stolen, eventhough I'm sure I put it there the day before.

We are not gods in the way that actual, physical reality manifestated to our believe/conviction. Our perception may be greatly influenced by our believe/conviction (mush or acid trips for example) but the actual, phsycal reality is not changed by my believe/conviction. Not even when powered by hallucinogen/entheogen drugs. We are bound by a sort of machine (the algoritm of reality; the string theory if it's correct) and since we are part of that we will not be able to influence it; even if we know the rules by which it works.

If it's true and we believe what is said in "What The Bleep", we've be physically changing our lives redacally. I might have just flewn to work this morning, through sunshine instead of rain. But these things (like rain and wooden tables, for example) are undeniably actual. They are physically real. Only the perception of these manifestations of actuality are subjective and under influence of our believe/convicion.

Well .. that's just my point of view. Do please let me know I'f you flew to work this morning, cause then I'm missing out on something :)
yes, you got a point there siq.
the "what the blip" film is a bit simplistic.
i like the key example you gave, makes sense to me.
but to leave things on a dreamier level, did you watch "waking life" yet? that's a non simplistic movie... very beautiful images and general sense of science+ cosmic energy + the unconscious.

alice :)
Ofcourse, I've seen that movie. Very nice collection of ideas
Oh, that previous post was mine .. me, sort of :P Vaguely, but appearant
In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not occur;
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name silence;
Follow it, it has no back,
Meet it, it has no face."

Lâo Dze
"To how many places does nature carry out PI when she makes each successive bubble in the white-cresting surf of each successive wave before nature finds out that PI can never be resolved?... And at what moment in the making of each separate bubble in the Universe does nature decide to terminate her eternally frustrated calculating and instead turn out a fake sphere? I answered myself that I don't think nature is using PI or any of the irrational fraction constants of physics." -Buckminster Fuller (Synergetics II, p. 233).






patilan420 ... lots of pretty pictures ... nice, complicated quotes ... links to physics(?) information ... what does it mean??? :shock:
If you're trying to bestow knowledge upon us, I gotta tell ya ... I don't understand a word of it ... please explain in normal human terms :)
He's referring to a Taoist viewpoint

The quote from Lao-Tze is the taoist description of reality.

According to Tao, reality wasn't created, it was grown.

' It is what it ain't '

Zen and Taoism ( zen being but an outgrowth of percieving the Tao )
strive to eliminate our duality-bound barriers of perception.

This knowledge ( like so much other ) is exceedingly difficult to convey with words, hence the koan ( taoist/zen 'riddle' ) which attempts to shunt perception off into the mode of 'direct perception'.

Our insistence on using dualities to percieve is a 'sickness of the mind'
according to the ancients.

A story told in taoist literature goes like this;

A man approached a master and said, 'help me become free'
the master said, 'who binds you'?

'No one', came the reply

'Then why do you need help'?

All of reality is but a fevered construct of our minds, and this is why the quantum guys will never figure out what is 'really going on'...

Another good illustration is the 'particle/ wave duality theory posited by Werner Heisenberg in the 20th century when physicists first began studying the behaivour of light. Experiments ( Rutherford, if I remember correctly) showed that light behaved as a particle 9 this was rutherfords experiment where he aimed a concentrated beam of energy shot at a thin gold foil.

What it all led to was the invention of quantum physics when they all realized that electrons didnt obey the laws of classical Newtonian physics.

I believe it was de broglie who first actuall came up with a theory that posited light could behave as a wave or a particle.

Later the Heisenberg uncertainty principle stated that we couldnt even measure the position of an electron without disturbing its velocity and we couldnt measure the velociity without distrubing the position.

Quantum mechanics is also known as 'wave' mechanics, and to this day its all a mystery, with more theories than answers.

What this all should lead one to believe is that our perception of the universe is CONTAMINATED because we're limited by our dualistic approach to perception in the first place. (whew!)
Wow! Spice ... if I could get you alone in a room for a couple hours for a good long question/answer session, I might develop a much better understanding of it all. Not to say that you have all the answers, but definitely a firmer grasp of physics. Without this knowledge (or some of the basic theories), I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the newer, more advanced ideas.
Aside from Leary, Mckenna, and Lilly, can you recommend any other authors/titles that would explain these concepts in layman's terms?