Wanna know about quantum phisics, watch The Elegant Universe. This documentary covers almost everything of quantum phisics and the string theory. You can watch it at google.video.com, all three parts of it. I'd say, watch that if you want the scientific explanations.
For more theoretical hypothesis, What The Bleep is good. But in this movie some critical assumptions are made that are not scientifically backed up, and also to me, are quite questionable. The main most critical assumptions that is slipped in is the "You are your own god"-thingy.
The movie almost litterally says that (as best example)
you can walk over water .. if you believe this is possible. It says that your perception alters pfysical qualities are subatomair level. This assumption to me is totally ungrounded. It is true that at subatomair level position and existence of particles is questionable and uncertain and that at the moment of perception, of these particals, things actually manifest and are 'put into existence'. But to say that our mind-set, our conviction, determins that what is (physically)
real, is bull-dumb to me.
If I put my keys on the table. And look away for I while, then I would know they are on that table .. So if I look back, they'd be there. If someone took the keys of the table, but I'd still think (know) they be there .. than I should be able to see them keys and grab them of the table .. the movie suggests. This is not so. My bike got stolen, eventhough I'm sure I put it there the day before.
We are not gods in the way that actual, physical reality manifestated to our believe/conviction. Our perception may be greatly influenced by our believe/conviction (mush or acid trips for example) but the actual, phsycal reality is not changed by my believe/conviction. Not even when powered by hallucinogen/entheogen drugs. We are bound by a sort of machine (the algoritm of reality; the string theory if it's correct) and since we are part of that we will not be able to influence it; even if we know the rules by which it works.
If it's true and we believe what is said in "What The Bleep", we've be physically changing our lives redacally. I might have just flewn to work this morning, through sunshine instead of rain. But these things (like rain and wooden tables, for example) are undeniably actual. They are physically real. Only the perception of these manifestations of actuality are subjective and under influence of our believe/convicion.
Well .. that's just my point of view. Do please let me know I'f you flew to work this morning, cause then I'm missing out on something