Quoi de neuf ?

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open minded?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion $T0N3R_420
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Hey Jimi Daytripper , thanks for understanding , thanks for using so few words , the right words . Heres another one for you , i am the egg man , i am the walrus and i am ??? :-

I am the centre of this universe
The wind of time is blowing through me
And it's all moving relative to me,
It's all a figment of my mind
In a world that I've designed
I'm charged with cosmic energy
Has the world gone mad or is it me?
I am the creator of this universe
And all that it was meant to be
So that we might learn to see
This foolishness that lives in us
And stupidity that we must suss
How to banish from our minds
If you call this living I must be blind.

People , i think we are talking to much , defineing to much and getting lost in those definitions , wich seems to cause us to see to many differences in what we are saying , allthough we are all , basicaly , saying the same thing . The time for being eloquent , demonstrating our literary "intelligence" , blundering through our rooms full of mirrors like elefants in porcelane shops masturbating our egos is gone . We are wasting time . The human race sitting on the railway tracks watching the train comming happily giving a running comentary about it untill we get killed . Lets try to put it in as few words as posible , that we can agree on . Decide what can be done about it , "crash our mirrors" and.......... DO IT .
Great poem GOD.

The hall of mirrors analogy was intended to represent that any being can only ever be aware of themselves as both an entity and or as an element within another entity; observing all that surrounds and permeates one as an element of oneself. But heres the paradox of it all; no matter how contracted or expanded your awareness, one can only be aware of themselves. Its how much of yourself you are aware of that arbitrates the possibility for evolution.

Desire for separation is hiding from yourself.

So wether one be totally contracted within their own ego, and only be able to experience themselves as a point; or the totally expanded, who can only experience the diversity of themselves as an embodiment of themselves.
We are always subject to pure introspection; its how much of ourselves we are willing to see.

you are the walrus, the eggman, and now you are the master of the universe. afterall, you're god!
"you are the walrus, the eggman, and now you are the master of the universe. afterall, you're god!"

Thank you , you understood again . It sounds like you have been listening to good music .

The poem / song is called "Master of the universe" and it is by Hawkwind , one of the first and real LSD bands . Sometimes they came on stage and took a trip and played for 8 hours . One time i saw them they played for about 6 hours while their roadys rolled joints from real Nepalese temple balls and handed them out to the crowd and blew everyone away .
you are a lucky fellow, god. when was that concert ?
I think the only really open minded people were the people that were scalped by the Indians...
ahahaha, space! and hannibal lecter a real open-minder!
The concert was in about 1974 at an out door free festival called Watchfield .

Scalping wasnt a thing done by the indians , it was started by white people who took the scalp of a dead indian to prove they had killed one and get the bounty money .