the mind is the product of our evolution
it is a tool for survival, in the first place (any being has a mind, the quickness of it then depends on the evolution of the species)
the mind stores experiences, decripts reality (stimuli experiences etc), creates communication codes, creates actions necessary for survival.
a narrow mind is essential to survival on the short term
the learning curve is slow and low (integralist people acquire technology that does not require a high level of knowlege, cars guns and handphones) and usually before using any new device they make sure it fits in the model of imposing their narrowmindedness.
lol, very nice written!
we barely accept eachothers ideas most times though we try
by using tools such as psychedelics or entheogens
surely they are a sign an indication, but they are not the way
a truly open mind is able to percieve over reality without the need of a "guide" thus is not open anymore but enlightened, it does not follow anymore it reaches out to the universe and learns without asking anyone's opinion because then it won't see, hear, smell, will just "be"
I can't agree on this. First because we don't know what we are, so we can't make such afirmation. That I think it's a reflex of your experiences. But, I can't say that I don't believe it. I feel your point, and it's.. well no interpertations at all! Can be named as "dream".
So my point is, you can't say that psychedelic drugs aren't The way. Or the only way. But I rather, be a follower of a believe and a experience that makes me feel more animal and more part of the One, of the God/Universe. That being a follower of a narrow-minded fundamentalist. Or better: A liar. You can feel that. But can you feel that these psychedelics lie to you? I don't think they lie to me. Sometimes my ego had lied to me. But that's because of the constant "Fight" between, what you think about life, and what could it be, or what will be, or what ever.., Culture, and the Real Experience that these Lifes ( Plants ) show you and make you feel.
But the try to explain your, point of view, not deep, just telling them that cannabis is a good thing and it's healing, to a fellow that raised on a deep fundamentalism enviornment. Or even the most (dont take me wrong, but this is a reflex of my experiences) people we see in the Streets, job, etc ? Well, or they think you are crazy and should be locked, or they ignore you, or think you're an addicted. The possibilities of him to understand what you are saying? Well make your interpertation.
If we're really honest we'd have to admit that we don't even know what the mind is.
So how can we open something if we don't know what it is we have to open?
And that's the biggest problem of all people. The lack of questions they make about life itself. They mostly, just "Be" ( just accept what they are told, without even worrying to try seeing above the the walls.) But in the wrong way, in my interpertation.
I think the first step to an open mind is to really think about this issue. The rest is just stating beliefs we'll never be able to prove nor truly understand.
No. The first step it's to make them understand the two sides of the "Thing" or the "War on Drugs" ( War on Freedom as Bill Hicks Says!

). Make them just smoke One joint. I'm asking only one day. Every people on this fucking world would smoke One pure joint! And if there were no deaths, and instead more healing people, more alive, more true with themselfs and just see that we are One! Well, politicians could start flying to the moon with their firecrackers!

(well they are already selling "ground" on it!)
The biggest enemy of an open mind is an open mouth.
So true! But we have to "play the same game" to make our point understandable!
always stressed that the peyote and the mushrooms would not display their 'reality' to him if he could not stop his inner dialogue.
That's a huge problem. And that's the major, and harder to let go.
That's why they send "esquizofrenic" ( witch I think it means double personality ( The main idea that people got of it )) , but in my interpertation, that's what most people have. Everybody it's esquizofrenic, because they use the "tool" of talking to the other "Me" ( what I like to call Ego ), and are always being open-minded to their "Me". People tend to Agree with themselfs.
Well a Excelent read, that could improve peoples interpertation of a "open-minded" perspective of reality and how things could , Be! It's "Island" by Aldous Huxley. For who already read that, I think Western Values (after all, we are the only ones that are fucking everything! Millions and Millions suffered so we can "be" where we are, what ever this is) are like the Birds in Pala always screaming "Attention". But there they are used in the right way, and with only One word. Not "propaganda" and shit brain investiments of energy and intelligence on things like Marketing, Politics, etc etc... Like terence mckenan says: "Buisness are off the menu".
(Oh, after the "Worlds Pot Break"

, give them this book to read in short term, and after that "The Emperors Wears no Clothes" For a more long term reading. It's just one day, I think there will be enough people that understand it, and start questionning many things! Discussing with Each Other As One , Communicating About The One. And then for the hard-heads that think that was a shit thing to Test their Faith, Well for them I have to say: It's hard to Fight a Big Stupid Crowd when, we are lesser, and we feel we have "truth" in our minds to share, but It's easy for a Big Sane Crowd to kick ass of an stupid insignificant Hard-Stupid-Egocentric-Ignorant-Problematic-Dogmatic-Weak-...-Heads. ( does that make me out of the Open-minded club?

As I read somewhere here.
sorry for the english