how true dear GOD
i have been following this thread hoping someone would realise the flaw that was in it thank you for coming in and stating clearly where it was. i wouldnt be able to be so synthetic and direct.
i must say, however, that an open mind differs from a narrow mind in the learning evolutionary curve...
the mind is the product of our evolution
it is a tool for survival, in the first place (any being has a mind, the quickness of it then depends on the evolution of the species)
the mind stores experiences, decripts reality (stimuli experiences etc), creates communication codes, creates actions necessary for survival.
a narrow mind is essential to survival on the short term
the learning curve is slow and low (integralist people acquire technology that does not require a high level of knowlege, cars guns and handphones) and usually before using any new device they make sure it fits in the model of imposing their narrowmindedness. hoever they are efficient in procreating and perpetrating their species (see how many children those bible looneys get per couple) however their narrowmindedness keeps them close to the mentality of bacteria and is efficient as long as supplies last (see average Joe Christian they don't give a damn about pollution or anything that influences their species on the long term since they believe an end of the world is going to occurr and accept the fact anything goes)
an open mind is essential for survival on the long term
the learning curve is fast and grows exponentially the open mind is able to accept new points of view and learn from them to make her own life better and make the life of the future generations better, thus the open minded makes sure not to overpopulate (see ppl who use contraception for ethical reasons) and to renew resources. the true open mind also realizes that a part of her is fixed in structure and tends to lead to narrowmindednes because that was an evolutionary step made before to ensure basic survival. thus is able to discern what are the filters to reality put up by the "narrow" side, and thus to recognize them in other mindsets.
these would be extreems
then we all fall in the various shades of these two extreemes and there are various degrees of open and narrowmindedness however none of these reach the 0° or 360° even when extreme. as GOD says we can only try to be openminded and try to be as real as possible (or the contary as well, if it fits your goal)
again it is hard to explain and i keep retorting to generalization
and i do agree when someone says that we are not as openminded as we wish we were...we barely accept eachothers ideas most times though we try
by using tools such as psychedelics or entheogens
surely they are a sign an indication, but they are not the way
a truly open mind is able to percieve over reality without the need of a "guide" thus is not open anymore but enlightened, it does not follow anymore it reaches out to the universe and learns without asking anyone's opinion
because then it won't see, hear, smell, will just "be"
and that is why we cannot be enlightened by using drugs or seek openmindedness. we already are of course at this stage it depends on the degree we want to be open and then we have to make a leap to an unknown zone that i really believe hard to explore in human form.
EDIT : i just read the mathematical metafore (NICE ONE!) i thought i was right after GOD..gee it was long to write