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Nothing ever dies????

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD a dit:
"death is just a circumstancetional stage of matter or energy (depending on the state of information). It does as such not really exist, because it is a predominant view of those that think they live. truth is, we are just passing through. we come from nothingness and we go back there in just a blink of an eye. there is no life or death, but a state in which our reality defines a conscious that sees death at the end of its journey. none of it is true to the universe itself."

Pseudo intellectual rubish and platitudes .

GOD, you killed the damn topic. Let us pseudo-intellectuals enjoy our platitudes, no one invited you. THANKS.


restin a dit:
I don't agree on the information. Our brains are information processors, opur brains process information given by the senses.

Our brains are information processors but ultimately information themselves aswell. The code is in the DNA :)

restin a dit:
So there are two parts: human and the universe.

said a human ...

BrainEater a dit:
well there is some hope!! :P because then we ourselves would sort of be "universes", because we would be information-recyclers as well, obviously.

we are the neurons of god :)
"Pseudo intellectual rubish and platitudes"

From that I would think I may have pseudo-failed to avoid trying to be an intellectual,
thus ending a vulgar pseudo-intellectual.
Forgive me.

I just wanted to comunicate the way I feel, which is severely, confused.

magickmumu a dit:
I understand, but how is this related to information?

Well this measurement of chaos has a linear connection with the number of possibilities of arangement of molecules in a system. Eg when a polypeptide chain is formed from seperate amino acids, information is saved in the sequence of the amino acids, which determine the mechanism of the protein formed.


Nomada a dit:
"Pseudo intellectual rubish and platitudes"

From that I would think I may have pseudo-failed to avoid trying to be an intellectual,
thus ending a vulgar pseudo-intellectual.
Forgive me.

I just wanted to comunicate the way I feel, which is severely, confused.


as i said above....don't let yourself be bothered.... i think i pseudo-failed too in avoiding trying to be an intellectual.... i hope i will be forgiven too, as i feel i am communicating they way i feel, and that is very confused for sure....

PEACE. :weedman:
I didnt rant . I stated a fact .

I didnt kill the topic . I didnt say that you or anyone else are a pseudo intellectuasl . I didnt say you couldnt enjoy the topic , thats not for me to decide . And i dont need an invite to the thread or to have an opinion or to say it .

Thank you .
GOD a dit:
I didnt rant . I stated a fact .

I didnt kill the topic . I didnt say that you or anyone else are a pseudo intellectuasl . I didnt say you couldnt enjoy the topic , thats not for me to decide . And i dont need an invite to the thread or to have an opinion or to say it .

Thank you .

yeah.... of course.... so everything's alright now isn't it??? :weedman:
so maybe if you want you can contribute something to the topic...
Thank you for allowing me to do that........
GOD a dit:
Thank you for allowing me to do that........

it wasn't about allowing... it was more about encouraging you to do that.
I haven't read the whole topic because I do not have time.

So there are two parts: human and the universe.

I believe they are one! Everything is one!

Also about death and birth; I think it is only our human mind that tries to struggle to understand this big 'mess'. Our human mind cannot grasp the fact of no beginning and no end. I believe there was no start, and there is no end. Take about 10 grams of mushrooms and maybe you will understand :D I believe the human mind just trancends to something new. No one really knows what is after death. Maybe all our projections and thoughts about what death is are all wrong. For all we know we could die, and then 'wake' up in some other reality with a pipe in our hand, saying, "WOW that was a crazy trip", and continue with our other normal life.

Meduzz a dit:
BrainEater a dit:
contribute something to the topic...
Not meaning to offend, but when will you??


i think everything dies, yet the essences don't die. they are transformed and taken to another place. the essence of a body probably is his soul or something similar.

i don't remember dying, so it's all speculation, though it's good pseudo-intellectual bull-shit.

it's sort of obvious, but i haven't experienced it, nor do i know someone who could assure me this fact, that something lives on after physical death.

user_1919 a dit:
For all we know we could die, and then 'wake' up in some other reality with a pipe in our hand, saying, "WOW that was a crazy trip", and continue with our other normal life.

that would be awesome!!!

but I feel that when we die we get to pure and absolute nothingness. How would it be like to sleep and never wake up???

the human entities we are cease to exist and the information-energy that used to be us gets to be something else.
I thought , you cant create or destroy energy , so when we die we just change ?
It's not the atoms that matter, we constantly swap atoms with our environment.
It's the structure of atoms that matter.

Dying is in fact the point where your metabolism can't keep energy within your structure.
Our structure dies and with that our functionality, and perhaps with that our consciousness...
GOD a dit:
Pseudo intellectual rubish and platitudes .

neither intellectual, nor pseudo and no platitudes at all. simple truth i experienced. this is how God (the real thing) explained and showed it to me. very simple and easy actually. universe in a nutshell. and it really even fits...
Meduzz a dit:
Dying is in fact the point where your metabolism can't keep energy within your structure.
Our structure dies and with that our functionality, and perhaps with that our consciousness...

interesting thought... as if the structural integrity of our common reality became too unstable and initiates the transformation...

cool idea :)

GOD a dit:
I thought , you cant create or destroy energy , so when we die we just change ?
energy can be destroyed or created, because it is in itself existent in a dual system of the universe. energy consists of information. information cannot be destroyed, since there is no duality to it. it is the ultimate thing everything is made of. information can be processed and/or transformed. by that, it can create or destroy energy, or matter(which is a manifestation of energy).
my guess would be that there is a difference between life-energy and just energy....
GOD a dit:

energy can exists in negative form. since death is nothing else as a transformation from one state into another, same thing applies to any other form of destruction. transition from one state into another. the amount of information stays the same...

what they would call energy in that article, I would call energy. The difference is, that my use of the word energy would imply a form (light, heat, superstrings, whatever) in which it appears, while my use of the word information, sets energy into the pure and raw is state without a form.

the reason why I am separating these is, because one (information) exist without any need of reality, law or rule, while the other follows certain rules, given by its form.