GOD a dit:"death is just a circumstancetional stage of matter or energy (depending on the state of information). It does as such not really exist, because it is a predominant view of those that think they live. truth is, we are just passing through. we come from nothingness and we go back there in just a blink of an eye. there is no life or death, but a state in which our reality defines a conscious that sees death at the end of its journey. none of it is true to the universe itself."
Pseudo intellectual rubish and platitudes .
GOD, you killed the damn topic. Let us pseudo-intellectuals enjoy our platitudes, no one invited you. THANKS.

restin a dit:I don't agree on the information. Our brains are information processors, opur brains process information given by the senses.
Our brains are information processors but ultimately information themselves aswell. The code is in the DNA

restin a dit:So there are two parts: human and the universe.
said a human ...
BrainEater a dit:well there is some hope!!because then we ourselves would sort of be "universes", because we would be information-recyclers as well, obviously.
we are the neurons of god