The only time I tried it I drank it down with all the pieces of cap as well.
My stomache didn't like that and all came out just a few minutes later.
A friend of mine drank some without pieces that same day and also took mdma and smoked cannabis throughout the night.
I switched to another mushroom and we had a very long and interesting conversation during the whole experience.
I went to bed around 5 hours after ingestion and he stayed up the whole night listening to music I think.
I noticed he was very considerate during the conversation (I have experienced him on m many times before but this was different) and he also told me he could feel the amanita, though he couldn't explain it's effects very well. I think he said something like 'very lucid, like more lucid then usual, energetic and things coming together' or something. Also while he usually likes to talk all the time, now for perhaps the first time I felt like he was really listening to what I was saying. I hadn't had such a meaningful discussion with him before.
This also seemed to endure for a few days after the experience.
Then again it is of course very unclear what substances were causing what effect
I will certainly experiment with the amanita myself more in times to come. It's kind of myserious. Some report no effects or very subtle insicnificant ones, but others report ultimate bliss and there is so very much written about it and it has such a rich history.