Need help for mushrooms identification

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That's some awesome cute looking mushroom you've got there :D
Gym luteofolius tend to be on par with cubensis or slightly weaker.
HELP a friend and I made a pile of cow manure, hay, and a little lime. We live in southern Illinois. and one day we wake up and there is shrooms all over it. They thrive and come out at night, and during the day in sun they cook to nothing but a stem . we think we have narrowed it down to panaeolus-cinctulus. But i have seen a picture of coprinus-Atrementarius and they kind of ressemble these mushrooms when they are still conacle bell shape. But as thenight goes on and the morning comes they open up. we have picked a few and tried drying them but have had no luck. The caps melt to nothing on a plate but a blue or black print on the plate with white stems left. I WOULD HATE MISS out on this gift from god. I have only ate them in the past zero knoledge on picking and growing. And there is a lot of them! Am i going to poison my self. Or are my friends and I going to be able to have some FUN. Need help from all please
High ddoubled ,

Take fotos from about 25 cms away of the heads from above , the stems from the side and the caps from underneath plus some from a meter away and then post them here . Its best if you make the fotos about 600 x 600 with a resizeing program before you post so that we can see them .

Its also best not to touch mushrooms that you arent fully sure of the type .

It sounds promising though , and youve hit on the best way to grow some sorts od Psilocybe mushrooms . Anyone can cultivate like that and sucseed if they have good spores . I hope you have good ones .

Thanks for the info just got camera not very tech savy will try soon though and as for the last comment i have already touched them and picked some so i dont know still alive lol. I will be back have to wait till after dark though into the morning
I dont know any realy bad ones that grow on cow shit but thats not to say that there arent . I just wanted to say its better to be safe than sorry . I say it every time someone asks for a mushroom to be identifyed .
being safe is smart and appreciated ! thank you. Taking pics tonight post tomorow hopefully
Hi ddoubled!

The only secure way to identify a shroom you don't know (unless you can find a good mushroom-freak) is to get a spore-print of the specimen. I'd also have a look at Paul Stamets's Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World, aswell as whichever are the best North American colour-photo mushroom books (the best photo-guides we've got in Europe are by Roger Phillips and Michael Jordan). If you don't know it, check this out aswell:

Good luck!
A friend and I went picking for mushrooms at horse stables today. We found quite a few, just would like to confirm what they are and aren't, I'll post the pictures I took so far, if you require any different pictures/angles then I'll post them ASAP, just ask :P
Well, don't know much about mushrooms. But they seem like Panaeolus subbalteatus.

You can check the website, go to the mushrooms section and check the images.

Again, Is just a shot in the dark, dont take my opinion into account.
That's what I'm thinking they are too. They were picked in Ontario, Canada and that's one of the strains that grow there.
Anyone else's input?

I'm fairly sure theres are subs
^^ Yup. Some are deadly.
I went outside to the forest on my first hunt.
I took some pictures(EDIT; THEY ARE THE WRONG TYPE):

I can upload more....
The blue thingie is a lighter.

Some info about my hunting:
This was found in a typical Norwegian dryish forest.
There's alot fo sun here, its still tshirt weather but getting colder.
I saw yellow shrooms look alikes, and alot of brown ones big ones....
Im gonna take pictures later of nature here.

But what type is this?
They grew pretty close up to a tree. And there werent many.

(Btw the color is red, and yellow redish....looks like they are immature...But its RED, deffo RED.)

On second hand, this looks like a failed hunting....They arent round really.
Damn it!!!!!
But i will update this topic once i find something!
They look like old amanitas muscarias or amanita pantherina that suffered from rain and animals. But no way to be sure from these photos. As they age the cap gets curved and spilts at the edge. Amanitas phantherina look quite similar to the muscarias, but when fresh they are more brownish. The amanita pantherina species is toxic I believe.