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Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Don't know how it was accepted, but scientific papers and publications are listed here:


I haven't found a rebuttal of his theories anywhere. There's polite critique, however, coming from Dan Winter:

"This article explains the wave mechanics which prove: The Tetrahedron (Tetra - Octa - Cube) is NOT a Fractal Field.
First- we would like to say - we particularly LIKE Nasseim Haramein, and his - http://www.theresonanceproject.org - It is worth noting how many people he has succeeded in getting interested in the wave nature of consciousness. He grew up with passion to understand waves from the inside out. His current work to develop energy circuits for fabricating gravitational thrust - is likely highly significant. We wonder however if he has actually taken the Golden Ratio path in account as the optimal way of creating optimal centripedal corriolis forces. Perhaps understanding WHY the tetrahedron is NOT fractal- from a wave field perspective- will help."

And what are your thoughts about this critique CM?
Well, I tried getting a handle on Dan Winter's theories, but they are presented in a rather chaotic way. I understand some of what he's trying to convey, but it takes time. I think Dan is correct when he says that only the fractal of Phi allows for infinite compression, but I'm not sure if that view really contradicts or just modifies what Nassim says. In any case I find Nassim's videos much more suitable for sharing with friends and family members, and once you've gone through them, you'll be in a much better position to understand what Dan is talking about.
GOD a dit:
OMG, you made such a fool out of yourself with this one! I was REALLY expecting to find a rebuttal of Nassim's theory on that page, a good rebuttal from a reputed scientist, or at least someone pointing out the weaknesses one by one. But what do we find there?!!

"Nassim is a great example of how to perform vacuous cargo-cult 'science'.
He says the magic words, and for the terminally naive and gullible, he turns excreta into gold. He is a thorough charlatan."

WTF GOD, is that all you could find with your brilliant "nassim haramein critic" google search?

Why don't you start watching the videos and tell us exactly where Nassim got it wrong? If you're such an intellectual giant as some believe you are, why don't you show it? This is your chance!

Here, this is really on your level (no loony stuff whatsoever):

I found this 'rebuttal':

Quote from: Arkadiusz Jadczyk AKA Ark

I glanced through the paper [Nassim Harramein's] and then went to the Appendix. It is often a very good idea to start with the appendix, because whoever is the author, less attention is being paid to the appendix, because the deceiver would think: "who is gonna read the appendix anyway?" it is there to create a good impression.

So I went to the appendix, and after reading the first two paragraphs I was sure that this paper is

a) a fishing expedition
b) a disinfo
c) a joke

The mathematical nonsense telling that the paper was prepared by a well paid student is evident. Well, perhaps not a student, perhaps someone like Dan Winter with his credo: the public is too stupid to see the difference

It is a fishing expedition, because once in a while there is a catch sentence that should attract those who may know something about some open problem

It is disinfo, because it contains some truth but suggests a wrong path.

It is a joke, because I am sure someone was having a good laugh accepting the final version (I am sure there were several drafts)

Every specialist will know on first sight, looking into the appendix that it is a joke. But how many specialists will read it? Perhaps I am only the second one in the whole world. I would estimate there are ca 100-200 experts in these areas on the planet, those who on the first glance would know instantly.

If you would like a confirmation of what I said, find any theoretical physicist who knows group theory and show him the end of the first sentence of the third paragraph in the appendix:

"... SO3, the special orthogonal SU3 group."

Watch his face!

The point is that it takes one day to write a nonsensical paper. It takes one month for a real scientist to find out with a practical certainty that it is just that - nonsense.

These people are well aware of this fact and they use it, consciously or not.

The MIC is also taking the full advantage of it.

I was listening to a radio interview of Haramein. He was described as a "theoretical physicist", but he is not a theoretical physicist, for sure. Perhaps he has some fancy ideas, much like a boy. There are millions of such visionaries on the planet. The funny thing is that he likes to play with the "Star of David" and such things. He has no idea about the math, he says that Einstein's field equations are the most difficult stuff on the planet, while I was teaching these equations to my students, and they did not have problems with them!

I think he is just a smart kid that is being used. Instead of prompting him to get an education, they use him as a decoy.

See: http://arkadiusz-jadczyk.org/


Now I cannot pretend to be a 'theoretical physicist' neither, and am as mystified as the next 'boy' about this that is suppsed to make the 'high preists' laugh their socks off:
"... SO3, the special orthogonal SU3 group."

I find this guys attitude typically patronising and full of shit. I HATE this attitude. It is same as shrinks have when they claim they know what is 'mental illness' when they are liars, and really just impose their power and authority over others!

That is on one hand. On the other, of course I am intrigued if what he says is right and Nassim is not understanding reality.

ALL people that are not trained in physics can do is listen and feel. Is it because we dont dig math and calculus etc we are 'children'. Why does he insult Nassim calling him 'boy'. This is exactly same attitude racists in Amercia called black men, because they assumed they were suyperior and black people inferior

What about OUR sense of reality. Are we expected to get phDs in physics to 'understand reality'? I remember reading the founder of Permaculture, Bill Mollison. say that he had found physiscists in reality of day to day living, in their homes, etc, to be the most ignoreant and wasteful of energy, considering they work WITh energy, and not understanding sustainability. See what I mean? INTELLIGENCE does NOT HAVE to mean we know the square fukin root of the unified field system.

But anyway. What are your thoughts ;) ?
Nassim Harramein obviously has some knowledge of physics and some of his work has been checked and "aproved" by peer review , but most of it hasnt . He keeps mixing facts and mathamatical / physics laws and proofs with wierdo esoteric theorys and pretending that the facts prove the wierdo bits ( a la caduceus and david icke ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_icke )) . The guy is a sharlatan .
as a mathematic student i feel insulted by this guy, because you can't measure consciousness with human maths...it's too complicated to be simplified the way he did.
as a scientist i feel insulted by this guy because he's bending the rules in order to prove his ideas. Math without scientific rigor is numerology. we are all good at that.
as a person i appreciate his efforts to find an answer, but i must laugh because our minds are too narrow, and our math too uncertain to be able to do 1+1 the way he's trying to do.
i gotta give it to him, he's damn good at passing it for real, but he's not the first nor the last.
so far
Einstein rulez.
Dantediv86 a dit:
as a mathematic student i feel insulted by this guy, because you can't measure consciousness with human maths...it's too complicated to be simplified the way he did.

Now this is very interesting to me what you say here. I have also been quite influenced by the philosopher Christian de Qunicey. Now he is philosophiocally exploring panpsychism, and will say that, for example: although matter and energy have extension and can be measured, this is not so for consciousness, because consciousness is not a thing. BUT it is ALWAYS with matter-energy. Infact it is how matter and energy fee-from-the-inside. So in other words matter and energy are active intelligence
And he emphasizes not to try and explain consciousness using 'energy talk'. As in trying to explain consciousness as vibrations, or waves, etc. But to deeply understand that consciousness is not a thing which can in any way shape or form be measured, and thus has no location, and cannot BE located.
Now, would you say Nassim contradicts what I have just summarized in your opinion?
Is what he is doing measuring consciousness? I am interested whay you would say that. Can you give examples?

[quote:1zt9s4hu]as a scientist i feel insulted by this guy because he's bending the rules in order to prove his ideas. Math without scientific rigor is numerology. we are all good at that.

You feel insulted? So he has at least hit a nerve with you right? When you look at history of ideas though, do you not see a pattern of so-called 'rules' being bent? In Einstein's case, literally. I mean, I am not a physicist, but i have read physicists--like the theoretical physicists, Fritjof Capra--who try and describe the emergence of modern physics and how greatly disturbed were the early pioneers.
How then does he bend the rules, can you again give exmaples please?
(I would maybe like to discuss about numerology with you at a later time. Thjough am interested also how you think Nassim may be using numerology)

as a person i appreciate his efforts to find an answer, but i must laugh because our minds are too narrow, and our math too uncertain to be able to do 1+1 the way he's trying to do.

I am sorry. I dont know what you mean here. And when you say our minds are too narror, are you meaning just in the filed of mathematics. What about psychedelic experience. Actual direct experience of reality?

i gotta give it to him, he's damn good at passing it for real, but he's not the first nor the last.
so far
Einstein rulez.

I am sure you know that Einstein's theories are also under attack by the Electric Universe people also.
Blah , blah , blah .
zezt a dit:
I found this 'rebuttal':

Teehee, because I saw a big chunk of text, I was expecting to get something substantial this time, and thought it had changed your mind too, but nope, it's not a rebuttal at all. He starts off all wrong: "I glanced through the paper..." If you're going to write a rebuttal, you must STUDY the paper. Sure you can start with the Appendix if that's your usual way of reading a book (rather than the exception!), but before you go public with your opinions, at least read the paper! Be a man and take the challenge! This is just like GOD suggesting we do a google search for "Nassim Haramein critic" first, and then leave it at that. The man who wrote that 'rebuttal' has proven himself to be just as childish as GOD in this thread.
Dantediv86 a dit:
because you can't measure consciousness with human maths...it's too complicated to be simplified the way he did.
He didn't measure it, he explained the dynamics of it, its geometry, in this case the way information flows in and out of the vacuum, the singularity, the consciousness unit.

i gotta give it to him, he's damn good at passing it for real, but he's not the first nor the last.
What if some of that is real? And I don't mean all of it, but the core of it. By the way, which video did you watch?

so far
Einstein rulez.
So far
we have air pollution and atomic radiation...

If indeed correct, these new physics will lead to clean energy sources and new means of transportation.

Perhaps Dan Winter, David Wilcock and Nassim Haramein are wrong, but where are the rebuttals?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
If indeed correct, these new physics will lead to clean energy sources and new means of transportation.
I found another (very recent) video, of Nassim giving a short presentation to the New Energy Movement:
In it he says basically the same thing as I did in the above sentence, and explains why this is so.

By the way, regarding the controversy between Dan and Nassim, it involves these two geometries:

According to Dan the fundamental geometry of creation is the dodecahedron.

Whereas Nassim mainly focusses on the star tetrahedron.

David Wilcock includes all the platonic solids in his explanation of aether dynamics, especially in this order (the 'octave' of creation):
Wow, I found a very interesting text, from a person named Jan Wicherink, who wrote a book bringing together information by many researchers, including Nicolai Tesla, Daniel Winter, David Wilcock and Nassim Haramein. It gets interesting from chapter 3 onward, and in chapter 6 of the book I found an explanation of Dan Winter's basic theory, in a very organized way! Hurray!!

Excerpt from Chapter 6:

Implosion physics

Daniel Winter presents a physics that is called ‘implosion physics’. He concludes that the entire universe, the material world is created from one non-material substance, the aether. The aether is a kind of super conductive fluid that flows right through all physical objects. The aether vacuum is an extremely dense nonetheless frictionless medium. The best comparison for the aether being non-material in nature is the super-conductive state of helium. When helium is cooled down to temperatures below 2 degrees Kelvin it becomes a super-fluid, which means that objects can move through this fluid with no friction at all.

Daniel Winter now believes that vortexes, little eddies or tornados in the fluid-like aether are the basic building blocks of matter. Since the aether is some kind of a fluid, it follows the well-known physical laws of hydrodynamics.

According to Daniel Winter the aether creates vortexes, little tornados of whirling and spiralling energy in the ocean of aether, our universe. The vortexes in the aether are like the little eddies in a river. The vortex is nature’s natural flow form for fluids. The same vortex flow form is created every time we pull the plug in our bathtub!

When two of these aether vortexes join their funnels they form a torus:


Single aether vortex


Double vortex = Torus

Now the torus is a unique flow form in hydrodynamics, it allows fluids to spiral inwards and outwards on the same surface of the torus. It is a very stable flow form.

If the universe is essentially created from one universal substance, the aether, it must be form that is used to create different and separate things out of this universal substance. The torus is nature’s perfect flow form to create a seemingly separate entity in the formless aether that is stable enough to last.

The torus flow form is similar to the rings created by the smoke of a cigar. The cigar smoke whirls inwards on top of the smoke ring and comes out again on the bottom of the ring. It is constantly folding inwards to come around on the other side flowing outwards. The torus is often compared with the shape of a doughnut or an apple. It’s a spherical form folded inwards at the poles to form a small hole in the middle.

The individual aether torus doughnuts can be nested inside each other. Nesting torus doughnuts requires that the vortex cones of the torus are aligned with the faces of the Platonic solids.

The flat bottom of a vortex cone should touch the face of a Platonic solid.

As an example we show the cube that contains 3 vortex pairs or 3 torus doughnuts aligned perpendicular to each other in a cube and 5 nested torus doughnuts in a dodecahedron.


Now we may remember from the Cube of Metatron that the Platonic solids themselves can be nested, they fit into each other. Let’s take the cube, when lines are drawn to interconnect all centres on the 6 faces of the cube, they form the octahedron. The octahedron is fully circumscribed by the initial cube. The same process can be repeated now with the octahedron by interconnecting the centres of the faces of the octahedron. The result is a cube now circumscribed by the octahedron. This process can go on and on forever, creating smaller and smaller Platonic solids perfectly nested into each other, it creates a fractal, a repetitive geometric pattern.


Nested Platonic Solids

The nesting of the Platonic solids is not restricted to the cube and octahedron. All Platonic solids can be nested into each other. It is the nesting of the Platonic solids that creates the electron shells of the atom. Similarly however at a much smaller scale the nucleus of the atom is formed.

The electrons in the electron shells correspond with the vortexes that are nested in Platonic symmetries. According to Daniel Winter, physics has mistaken these vortex waveforms for electron particles. Within the atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus at a fixed distance from the nucleus. The sphere that describes the orbital plane of the electron is called the electron shell. There are different types of shells in the make up of the atom that were given the names s,p,d and f shells and they contain respectively 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons maximum.

Each vortex pair in the doughnut corresponds with 2 electrons and when the doughnuts are organized inside a Platonic Solid we get the equivalent of an electron shell. Here’s the correspondence:

1 vortex pair (1 torus) corresponds with the 2 electrons of the s shell.
3 nested vortex pairs in a cube correspond with the 6 electrons of the p shell.
5 nested vortex pairs in a dodecahedron correspond with the 10 electrons
of the d shell
7 nested vortex pairs in an icosahedron correspond with the 14 electrons
of the f shell.

So matter is the stable flow form pattern emerging from the aether. It takes on geometrical shapes from a formless energy, creating the illusion of separate electron particles in the electron shells and the particles that make up the nucleus.

Mainstream physics has never been able to explain why the atom has these ‘random’ numbers of 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons in its electron clouds, the orbital shells around the nucleus. Daniel Winter’s model of the atom now explains exactly why these number show up in the period table of the elements! These numbers are related to the geometrical properties of the Platonic Solids! Also for the very first time we have an explanation as to why the electron does not crash into the nucleus and how its radiated energy is replenished. Electrons are not particles that encircle the nucleus, instead they are standing wave patterns at discrete distances from the nucleus! The aether simply replenishes these standing waves eternally.

Another way of looking at the torus shape is regarding it as a form that can be perfectly described by a set of Phi spirals.


Phi spirals in nested doughnuts

Each Phi spiral is actually a series of pure sine waves. It is a well-known principle in physics that any complex wave shape can be created from the sum of simpler pure sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes. This principle is called the Fourier principle. The Phi spiral is constructed from a series of harmonics with wavelengths that comply with the Golden Mean version of the Fibonacci sequence:


When pure sine waves with wavelengths of 1/ ?, 1, ?, ? ², ? ³ etc. are added together, they will form a perfect Phi spiral.

see image

When these Phi spirals circle around the torus they meet and interfere. As a result of this interference two new additional waves will be created. What is important to notice is that both new waves will have wavelengths that are again in the Fibonacci series. This allows that the interference will be non-destructive since the interference will simply result in more harmonics in the Fibonacci series.

Whilst destructive interference is the norm in wave interference, the only exception in nature is when the waves interfere with Golden Mean ratio wavelengths! In other words, the Phi spiral can re-enter itself around the torus shape without destroying itself. So the Phi spiral is the universe’s only possible way to nest and become self-organizing. This is how stable matter can be formed from electromagnetic energy as a form of pure wave interference.

Electromagnetic energy in a straight line is what we usually call light. When this same light chases its own tail around the surface of the torus shape we call it matter. In other words the atom is pure electromagnetic energy in a form that we no longer perceive as light but as matter, or to put it in Daniel Winter’s own words:

"So now we have this dualism that waves in a line are energy and waves in a circle are mass, and because we don’t know how the wave got into a circle from the line and out, we conceive mass as separate from energy. E=MC^2 simply said that yes loop the speed of light back around on itself, and you made mass of energy"

The Golden Mean spirals of the torus shape eventually spiral into a perfect zero still point in the nucleus of the vortex that coincides with the nucleus of the atom. So these sine waves implode inwards into increasing smaller wavelengths. The implosion of the Golden sine waves into smaller and smaller wavelengths not only increases the frequency of the waves but also increases the speed of the waves to become super-luminal waves (travelling faster than light). According to Daniel Winter, this is what gravity really is, the cascade of Golden Mean electromagnetic sine waves that gain an ever-increasing velocity breaking the speed barrier of light. Einstein had always assumed that electromagnetism and gravity were related and Daniel Winter explains us how this connection is established.


When doughnuts are nested to form the electron shells of the atom, the only requirement to continue this form of non-destructive interference is that these doughnuts align according to the Platonic Solid geometries.

When these nested doughnuts inside the atom are arranged according to the Platonic solids symmetries, all waves will rush into the center of the atom, creating repetitive, recursive or fractal patterns that not only shape the electron shells but also the nucleus. Eventually the fractal patterns disappear into a zero point in the nucleus of the atom. The implosion of the electromagnetic waves into shorter and shorter wavelengths is what gravity really is. In a way the torus is a miniature black hole that attracts the light into itself creating gravity.

Universal principle

The repetitive patterns of the Platonic solids that fit into each other are fractals. A fractal is a repetitive pattern that can be scaled to any size. The scale may change but the ratio is held constant.

Now the fractal patterns that shape the atom, according to Daniel Winter also shape our planets and stars, in fact the universe.

A fractal has self-similarity at all scales, it’s the same geometric pattern repeated. The inner structure in a fractal is reflected in the outer structure. Fractal means fraction of the all, indicating that each piece is part of the whole. It is the basic idea of a hologram and this is why according to Daniel Winter the universe at large is just a super-hologram. The fractals of electromagnetic energy interconnect everything with everything within the universe and are the basic building blocks of this hologram. The fractal repetitive structures of electromagnetic energy weave a giant cobweb throughout the universe.

The wavelengths of planets and stars are huge in comparison with the wavelengths of the atom, however when their wavelengths fit into the Fibonacci sequence of the Golden Mean, they interfere non-destructively; they implode and form a fractal attractor that we call gravity! This is how the planets and stars are connected by means of imploding electromagnetic waves that we experience as gravity.

So if the universe is in essence a hologram and there is only one principle that shapes everything from atoms to planets, stars, and the universe at large, we should find proof of these vortexes, Platonic Solids, and doughnut structures in all parts of the universe.

Continued here.

I found this video and its much more interesting and more rational than the ones you keep making adverts for .

Nice one.

The following are notes taken from the eight hour video presentation (see links in the first post of this thread):


The Star of David inside a circle = a circle with a double polarity inside of it. What is infinity? You can divide to infinity within the confine of a circle. Every one of our cells have infinite potential and connectivity to everything else. It has infinite mass. Everything consists of 99.9999% space, including ourselves, furniture, planets, etc. This is due to the fact that an atom is 99.9999% space. In other words, the universe is connected by an unseen force.

The Two Infinities of Physics:

1. Infinity of small quantities
2. Nasty Infinity

If everything is radiating in the vacuum, the vacuum cannot be empty.We create our own gravitational fields when gravity and space-time moves toward singularity.

Mayan Temple in Chichen Itza

Complex calculations were used to construct this temple. Most pyramids are aligned to astrological events. Legend says the rocks used were cut with copper and placed on logs which were rolled over mountains and long distances to be used in building these temples.Why did they all build the exact same geometry in the pyramids? They knew something about foundational structure of the vacuum.

When reading the Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, Nassim saw a picture of a tetrahedron in a sphere and thought this must be part of the geometry of reality.The pyramid is located at 19.47122064 latitude. In Mexico City, all of the temples are in the exact place to describe the orbits of the solar system, including Pluto and Neptune. Pluto wasn’t discovered until the early 1900’s.


How did they know this? The same math is used in all measurements with the sphere and tetrahedron embedded into it.

Tropic vector metrics – when the negative space was accounted for inside a tetrahedron, it formed an octahedron, which Nassim thought was the blueprint of the universe, but it wasn’t polarized so he knew there must be 2 needed to fit the equation. When this was put into a sphere and pushed together, it made the Star of David inside a circle. The central geometry is the vector equilibrium. Octahedrons are pyramids with another one below it.

Vector equilibrium is where all points are equal distance apart on the perimeter as well as from the center. A tetrahedron has 12 vectors radiating from the center equilibrium and 24 total. The numbers 12 and 24 are found in most ancient texts. When you add tetrahedrons, you get a total of 64 vectors, the same number as our DNA structure. Fractal 3-D metrics expand and contract.

Crop Circles: What do we need to know?


One of the first crop circles was a snowflake shaped tetrahedron (above Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire England 23/7-1997) . A few weeks later another tetrahedral fractal geometry circle was identified, but this one was a snowflake inside a snowflake which has the same geometry as each other – geometrically small.


The physics of creation: an overlay of 14 tetrahedrons of a 64 tetrahedron grid.


The most important crop circle ever to occur (above Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire Mid July England 1995 ): a 2-D representation of a 3-D vector equilibrium. When added together, you get the seed of life.The laws of entropy are violated by observation.

DNA – one cell contains 6 feet of DNA information according to the Genome Project. If we put all of our personal cells together it would wrap around the world 5 million times.Binary Code: we have been contacted.


One crop circle (above) made the 5 o’clock news because it happened in the middle of a rain storm. It was the largest ever to occur.In 1972, Carl Sagan created a binary code signal that was sent to the universe. The code stated we are made of carbon, this is our chart of elements, this is our DNA, we’re the 3rd planet from the sun.


Two crop circles were the response to Sagan’s message stating “We are carbon and silicon, we have a big head and small body, we’re on the 3rd planet of our solar system and the 3rd one has 4 moons, we have 3 strands of DNA. The other crop circle contained an alien face.



These circles were created across the street from where the signal was sent out. The reason they didn’t respond verbally to Sagan’s message is to show tangible proof of the communication instead of the possibility of the government covering it up. One year prior to this there was a fractal tetrahedron. Exactly one year later there was a crop circle showing an alien face holding a binary cd. The binary code was deciphered as “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. COnduit CLOSING, (BELL SOUND).
Is the movement vector for the entire solar sytem orthogonal to the planets' orbital plane?

If not, planets don't draw a spiral in space. At least not a regular one.

Does anyone know?
More, some condition(s) would have to sustain the vector at the orthogonal position because the solar system's center of gravity is always fluctuating.

Seeing some of the pictures CM posted, I wonder if that has got anything to do with the sun's "column of light"? (Parting from Nassim's theory that is)
Nomada a dit:
Is the movement vector for the entire solar sytem orthogonal to the planets' orbital plane?

If not, planets don't draw a spiral in space. At least not a regular one.

Does anyone know?
I don't know yet, I'm trying to find out (at standard astronomy websites), but it's all pretty technical. There may be answers here:


Can we add the Earth's orbital speed to the Sun's Galactic speed to get a total?

Not really - relative to the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth and other planets orbit the Sun kind of "up and down", in other words the Solar System is tipped on its side as the Sun goes around the Galaxy so the speeds don't really add or subtract - they are almost at right angles to one another.

The diagram below by Brian Fenerty shows this relationship:


Animation of Earth's orbital motion in this frame of reference:


Source: http://calgary.rasc.ca/howfast.htm