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LSD vs. Shrooms?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nina_is_alive
  • Date de début Date de début

LSD or Magic Mushrooms?

  • LSD

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  • Shrooms

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agreed, both substances are incredibly powerful and to be respected, my experiences with mushrooms have been much like yours as well.

at the same time i think it is too easy to focus on the difficult, what can go wrong side of trips, really painting a skewed picture of the psychedelic experience.

by far, the vast majority of psychedelic experiences I have had have been fantastic, life-affirming, insightful and joyful. even the difficult trips aren't difficult the whole way through. and after those difficult experiences, sometimes even during the same trip, I realized that something amazing had just happened, I had just got some kind of personal insight, released some kind of pent-up tension, solved a problem, and felt great for the rest of the trip

hence i think set/setting/intent and preparation, and mindset are far more important than which psychedelic you choose
^ + 1
They are both great in their own ways. Sure, they are very similar. But when it gets right down to it, the details of theses substances make both of these substances incomparable
The best thing to do is try both, and hope you have some actual LSD and not some research chemicals or designer tryptamines.
?n todays market, ?d recommend shrooms. half of the lsd that ?ve bought ?s probably not lsd. ?m rem?nded of not be?ng able to sleep after tak?ng lsd for almost an ent?re day, wh?ch, ? can tell you ?s not very pleasent cons?der?ng that what ? want to do most after a psychedel?c tr?p ?s sleep.
Only the purest LSD by a thin margin.

If it's just any old thing on a blotter I'd go with shrooms. Unless it's a DOx, then most likely even higher! 'Cause I've never taken it, but it has the phen word and the amp word so I like.
Nina_is_alive a dit:
However, I must come home to parents at night, and I am also concerned about the dangers [physiologically mostly] as well as the differences that these two substances bring.
Well, the effects of mushrooms are over within about five hours, so if you must face your parents relatively soon after dosing, mushrooms might be preferrable. But as far as effects during the peak are concerned, LSD doesn't interfere with my ability to think clearly, whereas with mushrooms I might get all kinds of grandiose and 'alien' thoughts that don't make much sense.

I did my math exam on 30 mcg of acid and got a good grade. I wouldn't try that with even half a gram of mushrooms. I also went to a family dinner on a full blotter, as well as a religious service, and no one ever noticed anything. Last year I dropped acid just before boarding a plane, and though it was a little uneasy at times, I didn't lose control over what I said or did. On acid I can be active and focused sexually, whereas with mushrooms I just want to lie down and observe the universe inside of my head.

If you want a fullblown visionary experience, go for mushrooms or ayahuasca (DMT). If you want a philosophical or 'religious' experience, try LSD first. Get yourself two blotters. Take one fourth of that blotter first. Most likely this will already give you very interesting treshhold effects. A week later, when circumstances are favorable, take a whole blotter. That's how my first LSD provider instructed me, and I really liked it. In fact the entire week between that first 4th and the whole blotter became, in a way, one experience, filled with all kinds of synchronicities.

If I look back on my life, I must say my experiences on mescaline and LSD were most psychedelic (insightful) and life-altering, whereas the mushroom and ayahuasca experiences were most 'spectacular'.
Thank you everyone, you've all been very very helpful :D

well, after thinking about it: I have no way of knowing that I'll get pure LSD so I think I'll go with mushrooms first. The idea of it being natural [despite what Spice said] is a comforting one regardless. Also, I like the idea of the experience being one to learn from, because I think I am at a point where I need to figure stuff about myself and around myself because I am at many crossroads and we are here to grow anyways :). I am not too concerened with visiuals, because it doesn't take much to blow my mind, I don't think.

I actually spoke to my father about this because we are very close
and he just wants to be my guide with psycadelics and the expanding of my universe. So I'm probably going down with him in the summer to the amazon.
He is considering growing his own mushrooms anyways, and I can try that with him with great set and setting in a spiritual location. So that should be fine :)
it's also very [if not more] possible that I'll be trying Ayahuasca down with some Shaman that my father is friends with from a long time ago.
That sounds pretty incredible too. I just wish it were summer in south america when I tried all this instead of the winter that it will be, but oh well.

So I'll just go to peru
and from there we'll see when I return to the northern hemisphere
if maybe I'll have some more phycadelia in the summertime before school starts up again.

haha, sorry to write so much:

I didn't expect so many people to be willing to help and give advice
So much love to this forum for helping a searcher out :D