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Does anyone else remember that old Dr. Who episode where people drilled all the way to the mantle and lava threatened to envelope... oh, idk... I think it was the whole world? I was a kid at the time, so while I don't recall the plot with crystal clarity, I remember thinking it would be a bad thing to strike magma with a drill in much the same way as hitting a blood vessel in anime results in a pressurized red fountain. So, when I read via Slashdot that geothermal drillers had inadvertently struck magma in Hawaii, it caught my attention. Is molten lava from Hawaii threatening to flood the islands? Of course not, though the magma did push back up the bore hole for several meters before solidifying. While the discovery wasn't a success as far as seeking a source of geothermal energy, the magma chamber provides a great opportunity for geologists and geochemists to study how granites form. Drillers have struck magma before, but this chamber is different because it represents the shallowest encounter with very hot (over 1000°C) magma. The magma is a dacite, which makes it chemically different from the basalt of the Hawaiian Islands and surrounding crust. The dacite is similar to the granite found at the core of the continents, so it may be possible for scientists to observe the process by which rock changes from oceanic basalt to continental granite.
Wich Doctor Who ? I saw all of Doctor who in the 60s and 70s .
Jesus GOD you are asking so many questions these days.
Yeah ok !

Maybe , but what better solvants ? You accuse me of not giving enough sources everywhere I post, don't do the same !

The hair dryer seems to be hot enough at 1600 watts of power to melt the oil and vaporize some of it, it smells quite strong when SWIM does it. I have also seen homemade vaporisers made from modified hairdryers, wasn't very effiscient tho.

Yeah what I meant is that the butane extraction gets all thats good off of it, I thought everyone understood that ! :P
Petro-ether , Ether , Hexane , Chlorophorm , DCM to mention a few .
lets NOT do cannabis extracts with ether ! lol... I hope you have a few good fans above and under your evaporation dish !

Petroleum ether is so similar to good distilled Naphta, I haven't seen the difference honestly.

Hexane, Toluene, Xylene works but same as Naphta...

Cholophorm or DCM now, I wouldn't know ! Have you tried it ?

Here it's illegal to do such things but from what SWIM tells me, Naphta works wonders and never produced bad quality oil. It's juste very long to finish to make sure it has all evaporated !
ive used chloroform in a very large reflux. its not very flammable -it will burn with a sooty flame. it is however a reasonably strong hepatotoxin. it works well
Petro-ether , Ether ,Hexane , chlorophorm , DCM make cleaner oil . They are more selective than alcohols . I`ve tried with alcohol and with Petro-ether . The petro-ether extracts were always smaller and were cleaner .
Isopropyl works good, but you have to dip and almost immediately filter if you don't want your stuff to turn green !

But yeah , naphta is a distillate of petroleun ether, thats the same thing we are talking about again ! I agree it's better... Like toluene or xylene.

But it must be clean ! Evaporate a bowl to be suuure, and distill it to reuse it if you can !

DONT use Ether... even if some freaks like to play around with that, the freakin fumes crawl on the ground and are VERY explosive.

Ethyl Ether that is, Petrol ether is not really ether !
Ether is very BANG......

Petro-ether not as BANG and DCM is not BANG .
DCM does go bang because it boils at like 40 degrees, so if you have a pot of that that catches fire it's like a fuze, it will burn like a burner for a few, then when the liquid starts to get hot it will splatter and WOOOSH.

Do not try this at home ! I'd say naphta (petrol ether) is pretty safe... but you still need a good fume hood and it must not smell ! For that reason adding a little toluene to the mix won't hurt and will make it smelly so you are sure you don't have any vapors escaping in your room waiting to be lit up by the spark of your hotplate !
If you read that book it will answer all those / your questions...........