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Im so happy, i have really good weed now :).

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Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Sativa tends to be more high and insightful, and can even lead to hallucinations.

Cannabis , subtle psychedelic ? Have you ever tried eating a well prepared butter in good quantity ?

Indeed, hydroponically grown sativa strains are much stronger. I feel like I have really good bud in comparison to others located around the world, a little surprised and yet grateful.

Collect the Kif from some hydro sativa and load a bowl full, smoke all of that and you'll rocket to space.
Ahuaeynjxs, of course its a balance.
i personaly cure it for 5 days, after a good flush, and having starved it for 10 days. there is a slight loss of potency, but no headache and no burning smoke. in Vietnam and Cambodia, the fresher tthe better but the only food it wil recieve is a burried fish and some scattered rice on the soil.
there are no rules. if its right for you, then its right. the yield is more importaint and requires refinement but that is more determined by what you do during the vegetative stage and the first 2 weeks of flowering (along with the amount of light).
the last 2 weeks, the plant is panicking (geneticaly) and a bit of stress will encourage it to produce more flowers in an attempt to get its genes away from its uncomfortable environment.
also, every strain responds differently. the difference can be huge. over feed some strains they will produce more leaves, others will just stop almost entirely or the roots will burn/die. underfeed and you have potent, butifull tasting weed, but t will never reach its potential in weight.
its an art more than a science
there are no rules :wink:
Yeah I know !!! I really do !

But now I'm all sad because I don't have any of this :(

Did anyone ever try to spray their bud with a mix of alcohol and a tree resin say pine gum ? I tried it once with tobacco and all the harshness vanshed, it became very sweet too !

Maybe that technique could be used to save real bad cannabis !
it may work. my only concern would be that it may damage the resin glands and oxidise the THC through exposure to air, turning already bad cannabis into street cannabis quality. also, the smoke from pine gum is (another) known carcinogen.
bad weed can be turned into hash or oil which at least makes it usable

have you ever grown your own tobacco? i havnt but ill give it a try one day. i believe the law allows me to grow 8 plants, not that the enforcers would have a clue what it was
My friend did it and it seemed quite easy, no special care along with the potatoes and corn in the field !

Well I admit there is some terpenes in pine gum... but the natives always smudged with those resins, that means being BATHED in smoke for quite a while and never died of cancer.

I would like to see how much carcerinogens you can inhale in just one visit to the city on a smoggy day compared to smoking .2 g of pine oil on a whole pouch of tobacco...

But yeah making oil is always a good idea, since you're right tha tunlike tobacco the alcohol used for dispersion would dissolve the glands and expose the thc to air... maybe hot water would do well too !
Ah I can shed more insight here again I think !

You can save you modly bud with a butane extraction , dry it completely then powderise and extract with a very fine filter, nothing will come out but 95% pure thc and other cannabinoids !

I have seen an aeroponic setup in a small room that was really a very convincing argument for this method of growing. Buds were gigantic and everywhere, in the vegetative state they also grow 3-4 times faster than usual with much stronger stems. There was one bud in particular that was gigantic, so much that SWIM couldn't hold it up with his arm extended when it was fresh, with the secondary buds cut away and the stem dried to a crisp the bud wheighted a whooping 78 grams !!! You know it wasn't like a bud with little bud parts semi-detatched, no no no, it was one BUD big chunk !

Have you ever seen this in soil ? I have never seen bigger than this at all, I'm certain SWIM would have won the guiness record of the biggest bud ever, there was Co2 in the room as well, that also makes alot of difference !

SWIM would grow his outdoor plants in the aeroponic system , in 2-3 weeks from cuttings they were already ready and compared to a plant that would have grown in a pot, there was like maybe 4 times more healthy white fuzzy roots ! When SWIM put them into pots a few days to acclimate then to earth before sending them out, he would fill more than half the pot with the roots, it required almost no earth and the plant stem was so strong his plants produced monsters outside in a very short summer.

But not more potent no, you're right about this, it's bigger, and faster tho !

About good hashish, well thing is , THC can make you cough if it condenses in the first part of your lungs, because it's sticky it's a natural reflex to cough, but there are different types of coughing. When you cough because of THC you feel like your lungs are sticky and full, it feels actually quite good to an experienced smoker, he knows this plant is highly active and will make him a good high. However when you smoke bad hash and you cough , yea it's the chlorophyl and harsh essential oils or cuts. When you vaporize and cough its because your vapors are too hot (use a longer tube) or that you are actually smoking metal vapors...

I don't want to make the whole vaporizer industry crumble but I have yet to try a vaporiser that I find great (the one with the little bags looks great), they all make me cough too and I ended up inventing my own method that is so simple you hardly will ever want a vaporiser again.

What I do is I take a charcoal for smoking the narguilee, light it up well until both sides are red and it's burning deeply to make sure it dosen't taste anything. then I use the side that is like a scoop and make a little flat disk of good legal herb, ahem, drop it on it and then put a 25c piece over the herb to make weight, I put a cone over it and let it smoke for the time I know is right, remove the cone and cover it, and puff from the cone as it pleases me. For smoking oil or hash it's even simpler... good hashish will melt and bubble, good oil will vaporise and you just need to remove the cone riiight before the end of the vaporisation because there is always some less tasty residue.

Thing is that charcoal is not too hot and will not destroy the thc, so the smoke is always smooth and the best taste you can get, even expensive vaporisers do not get this very clean taste ! Maybe THC dosen't like electrical heat, who knows, this is one strange molecule !
What I mean is you take just the charcoal, not the pipe (narguile, shisha is the tobacco), and put it on anything that wont break or burn, most people use an aluminum pie plate. Then you drop the herb on the charcoal (there is one side of those charcoals that is like a scoop) and then money piece on top , and quickly put the cone over...

SWIM usually tokes right away because the first vapors taste so good, then caps it, waits until he thinks it will start tasting bad, tremoves the cone, and the rest burns like insense, it smells good even if it tastes bad :)

Aeroponics is quite new technique I think , the only difference is that your roots are suspended in the air, and get watered by fine mists, thus the root can absorb lots of oxygen and the plant grows alot faster !

You can see how well it works when you see a well made system that is deep enough for the root to suspend, they get so white and make mini roots like very very small hairs that almost look like mushroom mycelia !

I think when people realise how efficient it is they will use this media more than hydroponics, the final product is alot cleaner too since it's very easy to flush the plants even in 1-2 days.

SWIM has seen gigantic nuggets outdoors as well, but they were more separated and not one chunk, this indoor aeroponics bud was so dense if someone threw it it could hurt !

For the butane oil you have to use a hair dryer and heat that thing until it completely stops bubbling ! Do it in a closed room if you fear of loosing your precious vapors, this way you will breathe them ! (make sure most of the butane is already out tho)

Then leave it in the open air for 1-2 days before smoking , this in my opinion cures it and makes it so hard you can take it with your nails and fingers.

SWIM has tried to re-extract cannabis that was extracted with butane with many different solvents, but even with naphta all swim could extract was a ridiculous amount.

Yes indeed it looks much smaller, but it's all there, you haven't lost a bit of your THC !
"nothing will come out but 95% pure thc and other cannabinoids ! "

Proof ?

" the bud wheighted a whooping 78 grams !!! "

You mean the / a kola ?

"Have you ever seen this in soil ?"

Yes , especialy in soil . Especialy outdoors .

"feels actually quite good to an experienced smoker"

Not to me . Coughing is shit .

"yea it's the chlorophyl and harsh essential oils or cuts."

Theres no chlorophyl in hash . Esential oils in hash ? Cuts ? What have you been smoking ? If you cough its because you are smoking something good , or because its cheep and nasty cack thats been rubbed to much . Learn to smoke properly . Good hash makes you cough from deep in your lungs , the deeper the better the hash was . Crap makes you cough from the throat / top of the lungs and it leaves a burning sensation in your mouth / throat .

"When you vaporize and cough its because your vapors are too hot (use a longer tube) or that you are actually smoking metal vapors... "

You cough because you havent sussed the right technik and because you pull to much and / or to hard . Dont use a longer tube it just condenses on the side . Metal vapours ?

"but I have yet to try a vaporiser that I find great"

Why ? It comes down to technik .

Its no wonder you cough using the method to smoke it you are talking about .

" My boss made me pluck every small nugget the second it shows itself on the bottom of the plant and he cut/bend the plants. It looked weird in the vegetative state and I even questioned his actions towards cutting up the plant but it came out like one huge nugget! "

Shoot him . Bending plants is OK , cutting anything off them is childish .

Vaporisors dont produce smoke !!!!!!!!!

"CHARCOAL FILTER" ??????????????

Please explain .

" Do it in a closed room if you fear of loosing your precious vapors, this way you will breathe them ! "

GAS IN A CLOSED ROOM !!!!!!!! What vapours ?

"SWIM has tried to re-extract cannabis that was extracted with butane with many different solvents, but even with naphta all swim could extract was a ridiculous amount. "

= there wasnt much in it .
I'd like to see that Douglas ! Were they like bone dry with the stem crunchy ? Swim's was so big it filled an entire large freezer ziplock on its own ! I have seen big heavy ones in magazines too but nothing compared ! Well I have to say that Swim's plants were better fed than I feed myself, they had a regimen of over 15 different natural products including enzymes, bacteria, fulvic acids, root shrooms, etc etc... I have seen 12 feet high plants with buds that looked way bigger than this one, but they werent so chunky and heavy even if very impressive, it just didn't compare because I'm not talking about a kola here, but one chunk.

Hum... GOD !

You're attacking my replies systematically today ! I feel special, I get attention from GOD :D

Dude, it tastes pure, it looks so crystalline it shines when dried properly, you can see through the shards. SWIM evaporated a full bowl of butane to be sure it leaves no residue. So small is the quantity that it gives that it is its own proof of purity, you can smoke all that remains in the filter and only get a headache, no taste, no high.

I must admit that when I'm in a country where smoking is legal and I get some hashish that makes me cough like I mentioned, I'm veeery happy and find it pleasurable. But of course I don't make myself cough intentionally afterwards !

You're making the situation funny now, because I'm saying the exact same thing as you do, but you contradict yourself. The cannabis plants does not only produce THC, it makes essential oils in the resin as well that evaporate after a few days, you can taste that in fresh cannabis, its just not the same thing, I personally enjoy it, but when it gets trapped in hashish and decomposes there, to me it tastes harsh !

I'm saying good hash makes you cough from the part of the lungs that is in the throat, of course if you inhale deeper it will feel deeper, you know nothing I say is so extreme as you seem to perceive it, and if you think about it, you'll see I mean the same thing as you do, you just perhaps found a better way to describe what I mean...

THC is THC, you know when it hits you.

I don't cough when I smoke... I was discussing how it hapened to me in the past, anyways what did you eat this morning man ! No need to decorticate my posts to make your point !

Not gas lol, when most of the butane is evaporated off theres only trace amount of gas left, even with a lighter you couldn't produce a sizeable flame... its just when you heat the plate with a hairdryer, it can get hot enough for the cannabis to vaporise, so if you're over it you don't loose anything !

And BTW, using a long tube for years on a vaporiser made cool smoke and the condensation from one year of use is barely half a gram maybe, which is nothing compared to what went in it. Of course if it's 10 degrees in your house you might want to put insulation on your tube...

Ok I'm being a little playful here :D Because honestly...

Look at your last comment !

Of course there was much in it ! If there wasn't I'd know it too, you simply don't know and you're talking wind vainly !

SWIM did many tests, using pure alcohol, naphta AND butane. One after the other.

Pure alchool is the least pure with the most volume, but it extracts everything including some chlorophyll (not enough to be harsh if you don't leave it too long) and some sugars too. So don't leave it very long in the solvant if you care for quality.

Naphta is about the same, but it extracts a kind of tar in the plant along if you leave it more than a few minutes in, but it also dissolves everything, making more volume than butane.

Butane dissolves all the THC, alcohol is able to extract some tar after the butane extraction , but not very active, and naphta only extracts some oily substances and tar which really taste bad.

No it's not naphta or alcohol residues, bowls were evaporated to make sure...

Will I have to write all my future posts with infinite addendums ? I assumed we're pretty much bright people who can read between the lines. :P
"You're attacking my replies systematically today ! I feel special, I get attention from GOD"

No thank you . Maybe its paranoia and swollen ego ?

THC vaporises at about 200°C . A hairdryer is not that hot .

The longer the tube / the bigger the surface area of the inside of your vaporiser the less vapour gets to the lungs . It condenses on the cold surfaces first . Its milder because there is less active ingredient getting to your lungs .

"Of course there was much in it ! If there wasn't I'd know it too, you simply don't know and you're talking wind vainly ! "

You said you made a gas extract and then extracted that with naptha and that you got very little return . = there wasnt much in it . You got what was in it . What you make with your gas isnt THC oil . Its a mixture of everything that is gas soluble in the stuff you put in it .

There are better solvents for oil extraction than you have mentioned .
The hair dryer or the THC ?
THC. If you mean the air that the hairdryer makes, it is much colder I guess.
Whats much colder ? The vaporisation point of THC ?
If you mean the air that the hairdryer makes, it is much colder I guess.
no, the air of the hairdryer. If the air of the hairdryer was 200 degrees, your hair would vaporize :D
My hair ? I dont understand ? I havent got a hair dryer . Are you talking from experience ?