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How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Why don't you just use the lektek's and stop at step 4 ?
Then separate, evaporate, scratch, if it's white smoalk if it's not wash it again with your naphta .
Its pretty much the same process. it's one of the easiest A/B and i think you can find it with picture.
For the vinegar it is allready dilute , if you got acetic acid ( the one in vinegar ) a think about 10% mix with water will be ph4
Since you have a digital ph meter this step will not be a problem.
thanks the lek tek seems very straight forward from start to finish does any one know how long that procedure will take.
also another question if some one wanted to produce a smaller yield then in the tek say using 50 g NaoH how much of the other ingredients are to be used.

thanks for your help and i hope our paths cross in any some ealm at some time
Peace, Love and unity
Few hours not more
Come on PLU you can do the math ;)
thanks ourobors ill work it out and thanks for the wise words and by the way your quote is so true.
SWIM's journey has stalled temporally due to lack of funds. Gotta keep the rent and lights on first and my 2 cats happy and taken care off. Been looking online in UK for Naphtha and although the Ronsonol Lighter Fluid is only £1.40 ish for 133ml and tested ok in Vibrancy3's tek and others, SWIM would prefer something larger. This was found, FIDDE's Naphtha thinners 1L URL The label can be read if opened up and zoomed right in and it does appear to contain very few extra additives. SWIM thought for £10 for 1L it would be worth testing in a clear glass dish to check for any non evaporated residue traces.

any thoughts? worth a try? Would save SWIM buying a box of 133ml Naphtha Ronsonol Lighter Fluid tins.
finished the process and used roughly 5 bottles of ronsonal for 100g of accacia not a great yield to be fair. was going to ask if any one knew how much accacia should be used to yield a good amout like a 0.8 or 1 gram yield maybe?

thank you so much for th elink to lek tek a massive help and enjoyd able first atemp!

pleace love and unity
Normally 100g of acacia woud yield 500-1000mg.
just continue pulling.
Also considerate buy some xylene or toluene on ebay, is really cheap and uncontrolled substance and its a better solvant than naphta
It will catch some "other" alkaloide and give you some nice jungle spice

But i dont like to work with this plant, mimosa is way more easy to cook. but acacia have more NMT and 5-meo-DMT in it... whatever

Jhonny sorry but i'm too fucked up to understand your question, specially as my usual language is french, but maybe if you rephrasing it in a simpler way i would give you advice :). And also we don't lke to use the SWIM methode here , we're all mature adult who can take they responsabilty dont we ?

Let me know how your work is doing , i'm actually pretty new at this also, and i like to share my result with you, since dmt cooker is really rare on this site
@ Plu, no sorry not got to the extraction yet... but read on I have had my first Ayahuasca brew.

I was just saying I found this FIDDE's Naphtha thinners 1L URL online, and was wondering if its of any use in the process as compared to using multiple tins of Ronsonol Lighter Fluid. Seems better value to get 1 Litre. But until I buy some and test its purity its hard to tell.

I've not heard of xylene or toluene being used though, I see its easy to purchase online and fairly cheap. Does xylene or toluene contain any other trace additives. i.e (purity) if some of the xylene or toluene is poured into a glass dish, does it fully evaporate leaving no residue.

Thanks, xylene and toluene warrant further investigation :)

I've still not got to the extraction process yet myself, but I did make use of the plant material and made my first Ayahuasca brew with 25gms of Acacia root bark and Syrian rue seed (3 gms). Distilled water, Lemon jouce and 4 Kiwi fruits. Took a week to adjust the diet and medications also in preparation. Used some kiwi fruit in the cooking for the vitamin C, and some lemon juice, 2 strains and top ups with distilled water before final reducing. Needed the windows open and the fan on to stop condensed red mositure from the liquid settling on the walls in the kitchen. I followed a few guides starting with this one:URL

I ignored the bells and the chanting as per the guide above but did keep the good intent in my mind when brewing.

and these also


Erowid Ayahuasca Vault : Ayahuasca Cookbook from The Resonance Project

Then for the final cooled brew I used some gelatin from the super market (protein as a binding agent) to remove almost all the Tannis from the cooled brew. This reduced to purging to just a stomach rumble at worst and actually made the Ayahuasca easier to drink.


Didn't quite break thru with this first brew as I didnt do 4 strains and then reduce, but gave me a 6 hour teaching far deeper than shrooms or LSD ever have. Some would say don't try Ayahuasca for the first time with DMT, but I've got a strong mind or I like to think I do at least, so the first time alone was perfect and safe for me. A very profound personal first journey. At times in the beginning like being strapped to the top of a rocket and fired into the sun but with loving arms holding me. These moments did surprise me, death, life and much more I experienced.

Took me some days to recover and I am still making sense of the experience. Looking forward to my second time. And to finally trying my first extraction soon as well.

I would say that Acacia Root bark does need more preparation and have bought a small cheap mini blender to chop the root more finely in future. And can imagine that reducing to almost dust prior to the acid cook would better suit both the first stage A/B and the Ayahuasca cook.

As for you Plu, how much did'nt you exactly end up with from 100gm root bark? and the color of the crystals? And have you smoked any yet. One would expect close to 1 gm with more pulls like Ouroboros suggests over time as your improve your methods. I hope to be reporting on this as well soon too. But need some extra money for more plant material and some final tek, and need to give my kitchen a very good clean!
guy, sorry fo delay i went o his holiness the dalia lama tour and wanted to stay as pure a i could for this event. it was a profound experience in itself.

I have just weighed my spice and it to 0.10 on my scales. and that was using the 100g of material. i think i will defo try the other fuel because the ronosonal left like a clear sticky substace at the bottom of the dish and it was hard to get the spice of that sticky stuff. with the excess liquid after the freezing stage i put the remains bk in the freezer for another 48 hours then dried with fan and about the same amount was in the dish as the first which was a nice suprise but with the second freezed dish there was no sticky substance at the bottom of the dish? does any one know what this sticky clear substance is.

My crystals are white but small the second freeze are much better then the first they dont crumble as easy as the first freezed dish.

they are starting to go a bit yellow but i think that is due to exposure to sun light and air even thogh they are in a dark place in a plastic tub with a lid. will 0.01 be a good hit or will it just be a waste?

also to mention i have not got a grindeing machine so my root bark was cut in to small pieces wit snips as finely as i could get it.

Looking for a new web site to but some more material off if any one has got any idea and i think next time round i will try much bigger approach maybe 250g of root brk

I got my Acacia Confusa root bark (shredded) from here: URL as mentioned in Vibrancy3's tek. Mine seems pretty good and the company serves the UK and EU. There might be others in the UK and the EU that I've yet to discover. Best to buy from your own country I guess.

Putting your root bark used for an extraction in the freezer for several hours will also help it break down to a finer material and can be done a couple of times if you prefer. I have a tiny mini blender (£9 from UK ASDA Store) and that just chops up the root bark taken direct from the freezer very well.

As for the FIDDE's Naphtha thinners 1 L, its worth trying for a test adn would be better value for money. And there are the other solvent fuels xylene or toluene mentioned before by Ouroboros of which I have yet to look into. I think my first extraction to crystals will be with Naphtha though since I already have some stored up.

As for storage I would think a plastic zip-lock bag with the air squeezed out and then in your tub in a dark place would be a better solution. The air in the tub will be the cause of the yellowing, and possibly some impurities left over. One more Naphtha pull and overnight in a freezer should clean them up.

As for 0.01g for a hit, first time I plan to use two amounts of 25mg (0.025g) using my new light bulb vaporizer I have made with a long tube for cooling. I hope I can get to actually loading the second 0.025g's in before I am unable to. I figure if your going do it, then do it with enough to break thro. Clean white crystals or a little orange/yellow, DMT is a rough as hell smoke from what I read and is only made slightly better with other cleaning processes etc. Toughing it out and holding the smoke in is the name of the game. I don't smoke much so have 'softer' lungs than regular smokers do, so am expecting it to especially rough and hard to keep in my first few times.
WOW WOW WOW. tried my spice. i had a 40mg hit on a long pipe 8inch pipe and had a little tiny amount of tobacco at the bottom to help it smoke. i messed up the first hit i only had 2 long pulls and was a bit nervous when the heavy chest feeling come on so i didnt take a third. the visuals were amazing the feeling of euphoria and i listened to a track by OTT called squirrel and biscuits . the whole expeience was so profound i have never had visuals like that and its my second time with the spirit molecule. i never broke through i was aware 100% all the time of what was going on . i couldnt really move my bodyexcpt my hands but when i did it interfeered/interacted with everything and all the space around them. my girl friend as my guide and she done a very good job taking the pipe off me and chsnged track when it finished. she said i had the biggest grin the whole way through and towards the end she said i said "ill see you soon".

i am really looking forward to the next time where i will take three long deep hits and hold it in for longer. i am a heavy smoker of all sorts so lungs are a bit more used to the smoke. it didnt taste horrible and the smoke was actually quite pleaseant.

With using accacia and using lek teck can any one tellme what i have produced is it 5- meo-dmt or nn-dmt?? or jus dmt i am unsure also what is the difference.

In all this experience was fantastic andi thank both u guys for helping me along my journey with out you two i would have probably never reached where i reached.

The visual were so so so clear and so very difficult to put in to words but i am looking forward to breaking through and to explore so of my deep consciousness.

Peacwe Love and Unity
Congratulation buddy, welcome in hyperspace :D

For your question , naphta is not enough polar to get 5-meo-dmt but thats pure theoric, because i think 5-meo and other alkaloid can disolve a little bit in naphta, last extraction with acacia give me yellow/brown oil who give me a trip really different than regular spice .
For making "jungle spice", you need to use xylene or toluene as solvent.

here's an interessant paper about jungle spice : https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=1115
thanks and what a welcome it was never expected that!!! i am on my second brew now and am aware where the last batch could have been improved. thanks for the link jonny that is the same place i sourced from!!

well keep an eye out for the next post which hopefully will be as profound as the first.

next time i buy material i will use them solvents, thanks guys for all ur top tips. plz keep informed any trips to different realties

peace love and unity
Good to hear your smoke went well PLU. I'm still recovering from my first Ayahuasca brew some weeks back. Am in need of new plant material though, but have not seen any where else in the UK to purchase from, and am reluctant to order from EU because of customs. Certainly not from outside the EU or even USA as this might well bring unwanted attention. Have you found any new online shops PLU ? For Ayahuasca the Acacia Confusa root bark is certainly the thing but as mentioned am still not in a position for my first extraction to DMT base.

And your link Ouroboros was a good read. To be honest I didn't really know jungle spice was different and that it could be extracted from the left over's. This is very interesting. When I am able to continue with my extraction tek materials I'll try some of your suggested solvents > post extraction, and then for main extraction the next time I think based on reading that article. Very interesting.

For me, the door has been opened once again, and that Ayahuasca brew a week or two ago was my first experience since the mid 1990's when I last took LSD and mushrooms. Am looking forward to the next and also my first venturing into extraction. And will check back here soon with you both.

Keep in touch with your own experiences, and PLU let me know about alternative plant material sources.
guys second batch not great. i think there was a lot of residue from the lighter fuel which got scraped up after the drying process. i do think as i took the dish out the freezer i was lazy and tipped the liquid to one end of the dish and this dissolved the crystals in to the liquid and when i dried it was like a white stain on the bottom of the dish and i scrapped it all up and some of it was flakey im sure this is not meant to happen. lol any way i smoked 0.5 pipe which i also messed up completely coughed spluttered. but it was weird i had the exact physical sensations but visual was bare just colours seemed to change. no mind trip jut like being on acid but fully aware. but the after effects of coming off it were the same. can any one explain?( it felt week if u know where im coming from)

i am going to try another pipe out of that dodgey batch but smoke it properly to see if tht makes a difference. pretty annoyed though because that was my last material out of 250grams and to be honest only had one trip which was only visual not break through. but beware i will be buy 500g in the next couple of weeks and the fuel recommended and i am going to etract the lot in one go to see if i can get a substantial amount and i will be breaking through i really want to experience so much this special compound can offer. already i have noticed my ability to dissolve problems and negative feelings easier then before smoking it and attention to detail has gone wild. has any one else had any effects in their daily life by using this molecule which has improved or not improved their lives even if ur out look has changed. i am very intrested in this so any thoughts and feelings are welcome.

remeber the mind is like a parachute it only works when it is open.

Peace,Love and Unity
I am still here. Life's not allowing for DMT extraction right now, but very much enjoying Ayahuasca brew's, and the places I visit.
I just tried a phalaris aqautica brew, i have some acacia but im saving it for brews with syrian rue, anyways after cooking the grass in an acidified soup and cooking it down for awhile, i strained, strained through coffee filters then poured the liquid into 2 jars. i then added lime to raise the ph of both jars... i mixed it up and added lighter fluid, upon shaking this up and letting it settle it looked like the lighter fluid bonded with the lime/phalaris mixture alittle as none resurffaced at the top. the mixtyre now resembled a batch of honey oil still full of butane all bubly, except more liquid... after letting set for acouple days a red clearish layer formed around the middle.... is that the lighter fluid full of stuff from the phalaris brew? it was red.... if so should i shake it and wait longer untell it gets to the jars bottom? advice and tips would be appreciated its my first time
So, SWIM has recently done this tek. However, at the end, ran into a problem. Some crystals appeared in the naphtha after freezing it, and the naphtha was removed. But after letting sit at room temperature to dry, it just melted into a liquid entirely, and smells like naphtha.

Not sure where to go from here. Should I use a dessicator? Should I try this again? Any help is very welcomed :)
Spiteful a dit:
So, SWIM has recently done this tek. However, at the end, ran into a problem. Some crystals appeared in the naphtha after freezing it, and the naphtha was removed. But after letting sit at room temperature to dry, it just melted into a liquid entirely, and smells like naphtha.

Not sure where to go from here. Should I use a dessicator? Should I try this again? Any help is very welcomed :)

This makes SWIM very unsure of whether or not to try this tek. SWIM has looked around for a very long time and this tek appeared to be great, but not so sure now... If anyone knows what went wrong there SWIM would be glad to know before attempting this tek.